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Current Affairs [PDF] - March 16-31, 2020

UK has adopted the strategy hoping that 60% of its population will develop immunity against it. The country
has neither cancelled mass gatherings nor locking down public places to contain the virus. Rather, it is
focusing on building immunity against the disease. In simple worlds, UK is trying to run a normal routine
while fighting the disease.
What is Herd Immunity?
Herd immunity is achieved through vaccinations and also gaining immunity. When a considerably bigger
population is vaccinated, those that are not vaccinated also gain immunity. Even in epidemics, over the
period of time, when the majority of population gain immunity against the disease, the level of its
transmitting reduces. This is the strategy being adopted as “Herd Immunity” in United Kingdom.
Corona Virus: NMDC reduced iron ore prices by 1.5%
On March 16, 2020, the National Mineral Development Corporation announced that the prices of iron ore is
to be reduced by 1.5%. The Corporation is taking such measures predicting decline in iron ore demands due
to the threats of Corona virus.
The steel prices in India reduced in 2019 due to economic slowdown. The demand of steel in the country
reduced greatly and affected the supply chain greatly. The prices of iron ore was the lowest in 2019.
National Mineral Development Corporation
The National Mineral Development Corporation was founded in 1958. The Corporation operates under
Ministry of Steel. It is involved in theexploration of graphite, irone ore, rock phosphate, gypsum, limestone,
tungsten, bentonite, dolomite, etc.
In 2018, NMDC announced that it is to undertake mining in Australia by acquiring majority stakes in projects
of the country.
Iron Ore in India
India is the largest producer of iron ore in the world. Today, India exports more than 35 million tonnes of
iron ore.
Motor Vehicles Act: 10% reduction of road accidents in 5 months
On March 16, 2020, the Minister of Transport Nithin Gadkari informed Rajya Sabha that there has been 10%
decrease in road accidents since the passage of Motors Vehicles Act.
During the Question Hour, the minister replied that India has pledged to reduce 50% of accidents in 5 years.
Also, India signed the World Safety Conference held in Sweden recently.
Status of accidents in India
In India, more than 5 lakh accidents occur annually and more than 1.5 lakh people lose their lives.
Effects of the law
After the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) act, 2019 was passed in July 2019, accidents have reduced by 10%
in the country. This has saved 10,000 lives. Out of all the states, Tamil Nadu has made significant progress
in reducing road accidents. The state alone has helped reduce 24% of accidents in the last 5 months.
Gujarat helped reduce 14%, Andhra Pradesh has reduced accidents by 7% and Uttar Pradesh has helped to
reduce 13% of accidents in the country.
In Kerala, the accidents have increased by 4.9% and Assam by 8% rise.
Motor Vehicles Act
The Motor Vehicles act is currently under concurrent list. This means that both the centre and the states are
empowered to implement the requirements of the act.

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