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The emperor of China was forced to abdicate because of separation of the country into a
hand of warlords, emperor was too young

2.Revolutionary Alliance in Ninjang appointed Sun Yatsen president, Yuan than called
elections in 1913, than banned Guomindang Revolutionary Allience and shut down
parliament, did not stop involvement in western nations

3.He shut down parliament

4.Twenty-one demands were imposed by Japan on China, based on German demands

 Transfer of German privileges in Shandong 

 Mineral resources in South of Manchuria
 Yuan Shikai died in 1916, leaving China divided 

5. Treaty of Versailles gave Japan confession in Chian Conmitern, Territory was supposed to
beg ave back to China

6. Students protested against authoritarian states, 4th may Movenments

7.Warlords in China were under control in the regions, High taxation in China through the
war, Drought left land devastated

8. GMD was weak and needed financial support

9.The v

10. Chiang Kai-Shek was afraid that the communist party is going to take control and
overthrow the country into authoritarian regime

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