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System Changes for Dungeons & Dragons

4th Edition

Changes to powers.........2
Changes to hit point progression.......6
Changes to fortitude defense......7
Changes to racial bonuses......7
Changes to feats......8
Changes to multiclassing......8
Changes to rituals......9

Changes to How Powers Work

Powers are now based on a technique point (TP)

system. A character has an allotment of encounter TP and
daily TP. Daily TP can be spent for encounter powers, but
encounter TP may not be used for daily powers. The
encounter TP pool refreshes after a short rest, and the daily
TP pool refreshes after an extended rest.

Using Powers

A normal encounter power costs 10 encounter TP to

cast, and a normal daily power costs 10 daily TP to cast.
Daily TP may be used as encounter TP at a 1 to 1 ratio. A
power that can be used multiple times per encounter costs
TP equal to 10 divided by the number of times it can be
used. Beyond this, powers function normally.
Gaining TP

All classes start with 20 encounter TP and 20 daily TP

at first level. Leaders and controllers receive an additional
10 encounter TP at first level if their power source is not
arcane or divine, or an additional 20 encounter TP if their
power source is arcane or divine.

In the heroic tier, 10 encounter TP is gained at each

level the character learns a new encounter power, and 10
daily TP is gained at each level the character learns a new
daily power. This does not apply to levels where utility
powers are gained.

When a character gains powers for their Paragon

Path or their Epic Destiny, they gain 10 TP of the type of
the power they gained.

At levels where the character gains an odd numbered
utility power, the character also gains 10 daily TP and 10
encounter TP. The character gains no TP when they gain an
even numbered utility power.

Changes to How Powers Are Learned

Characters no longer replace powers when learning

new powers at higher levels. A character keeps all of the
powers that they have learned, but still has a limit on how
many powers they may use in an encounter and in a day.

When a character gains a level that would grant

them a new power, they may choose to learn an encounter
or daily power of a lower level instead of a power for the
level that they are at. This does not change the TP gained
for that level, and does not apply to Paragon Path and Epic
Destiny powers.
Powers and Level Advancement

When a daily power is 10 levels lower than a

character's level, that power becomes an encounter power,
drawing TP from the encounter pool, rather than the daily
pool. An encounter power that is 10 levels lower than the
character's level is considered a twice per encounter
power, and costs 5 encounter TP to use.

When a daily power is 20 levels lower than a

character's level, that power becomes a twice per
encounter power, and costs 5 TP to use. An encounter
power that is 20 levels below the character's level is
considered an at-will power and costs no TP to use.

Race and class powers that do not advance as the

character levels up are considered level one powers. Race
and class powers that do level up are handled differently.
At each tier, the power is considered to be a new
power of the lowest level in that tier (1 for heroic, 11 for
paragon, and 21 for epic). The old version is retained, and
is reduced in cost as covered above. Any level based
values other than changes at each tier are used as the
lowest level in that tier for the reduced cost versions of the

Changes to Hit Point Progression

Hit points gained per level are now changed to the
following, based on class role:
Defender 10 + CON mod
Leader 7 + CON mod
Striker 7 + CON mod
Controller 4 + CON mod

First level hit points are unchanged.

Changes to Fortitude Defense

Fortitude defense is now required to be constitution
based. Powers and abilities that target fortitude defense to
resist being moved or grabbed no longer target fortitude.
Instead they target a new defense, the physical defense.
Physical defense is calculated by the following formula:
10 + ½ level + STR mod + other modifiers

Changes to Racial Bonuses

Racial bonuses now have a tiered element. In
addition to the standard bonuses, at paragon and epic tier,
the character adds an additional +1 to each ability score
boosted by their race. Humans may instead add +1 to two
scores of their choice. Also at paragon and epic tier, the
character gains a racial bonus feat.

Changes to Feats
Feats are relatively unchanged, except that 3.5
system feats and class abilities may be added on a case by
case basis with DM approval.

Changes to Multiclassing
Changes to multiclassing will be developed on a case
by case basis at this point.

Changes to Rituals
Rituals now have a specific energy type required to
cast them (a list will be available later). Characters may
only learn and cast a ritual if they are of a class that is
powered by the energy type required for that ritual.

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