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Character outline for major character:

• Name -
Arthur Whitcombe.

• Age -
21 years old.

• Gender and Cultural background -

Arthur is a white male, presumably raised by middle class parents. While they grew
up around many churches, his family weren’t practising Christians, as such he grew
up in contrast to most of his peers at school, who were devout.

• Appearance -
Arthur stands 1.78 meters tall, he has chestnut brown hair and light brown eyes. He
has feet abnormally large for one of his stature, he’s also experiencing an early onset
male pattern baldness, much to his dismay.

• Family and major relationships -

He grew up as an only child, his parents are both pleasant enough and yet he doesn’t
speak to them often. He had few friends where he grew up, and only a single
girlfriend who ended up moving away.

• Social status and occupation -

Currently enrolled as a student, he doesn’t have a part-time job.

• Likes and dislikes -

Arthur likes art, which is why he travelled all this way to a college specializing in the
subject. He also has a love for console games, which he has had since a young age,
growing up playing on older consoles with his father. He dislikes social gatherings
and alcohol, he’s had his fair share of bad experiences with both, both on their own
and combined.

• Fears, goals, hopes -

Fears becoming an irrelevant artist, abhors the idea of becoming a normal person.
Hopes to become an artist, or at least that’s what he believes, doesn’t want to spend
his life working for somebody else.

• Problems -
Arthur can’t remember anything before the train on the way to the town in which he
resides. A few weeks ago he was assaulted from behind, and the doctor says he
sustained a traumatic brain injury, and that amnesia is normal and will pass.

• Strengths and weaknesses -

A major weakness is that he’s a little bit reclusive, he doesn’t put much stock in social
interaction. A major strength is creative mind, he finds it easy to concoct intricate
stories or scenarios, unfortunately this doesn’t translate well into his painting and
drawings, and could lead to paranoia.

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