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A Time People Helped Each Other in a Crisis

Have you ever felt lost? Have you ever felt scared of the future
not knowing what to expect and what to do? If you have then you have
experienced a crisis that you had to resolve in order to continue your
life normally. No matter what you think though, the only way to solve
your problem is to sit down and think about it and come up with all the
positive sides and all the negative sides of the situation, and then we
decide that we helped each other.

I was 19 years old now and we faced our biggest crisis or the
corona virus in our country. I did not know what to do; I even refused
to think about it. I thought everything was going to be okay and I was
sitting in my room. I started thinking about the significant things and
people in my life. There were my parents and my brother on one hand,
and there were my friends and the other relatives on the other hand.
The best thing that I should do is to helped our fellow man even though
I’m not a frontliner, I give 3 wrapped of noodles and 1 carton of
sardines in our barangay and give this things to those people who
suffer/lacks of food. In this way I helped my neighbor in time of crises.

You can help people whether you know them or not. Usually what
I feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about
what you have just done. So go and help people in need because it will
help you to feel happy too.

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