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There was an invisible line drawn across the streets of Baskerville, a line that should

never be crossed by Beth and Luke. A reminder that they always hear from both of their parents.

Ever since Luke's parents died after the war, Beth's parents acted as parental figures for
Luke. And although they offered their home to him as no one but Luke was residing at their
home, he denied the offer.

Beth had nothing much in her pockets, her clothes weren't much to fit into society but
that's what her parents could only afford by hard earned cash. She didn't have any friends but
Luke- the boy with pale skin, brown eyes and sunflower blonde hair was fit to be in high society.
And yet it seemed out of place that dirt and Beth would cover Luke's identity to be with high
class society. Still Beth and Luke were poor. Down to the lowest of society, her parents would
tell her. Even though deep inside she desired to be with such galore and splendor, yet she
remained humble. Only Luke would keep her from seeing the horrid of reality. Only Luke would
Beth be herself.

On a summer evening, Beth would usually go to Luke's house to see him reading old and
torn books thrown away. Beth knew Luke wanted to study and go to school, however, due to the
demand of money, Luke was forced to pick up the pieces of trash that to him was treasure. So
when Beth saw no sign of Luke in his house, she wondered and began to look for him. She
inspected every corner of his house which was only small, a house fit for no one to live in. She
waited for him and woke up in the morning to see no sign of Luke. He would never be this late
not to arrive home.

Beth then began to panic.

She first went to her parent's house who didn't realized that she didn't went home and was
about to be scolded when she escaped and went back to search for Luke. She ran to every part of
the village to every possible place he could have gone to, but still Luke was nowhere to be found.

There was no choice to which Beth had left but to tell the officers, so when she
approached the inevitable, she was ignored and even thrown out.

Was she even a person to the officers’ eyes? Was she even a person to anyone's eyes?
Her thoughts screamed the questions she'd been keeping of.

Only to Luke’s, appeased her troubling heart.

But where was he?

"Luke!" Beth then began to scream.

People looked at her and gave her incredulous and disgusted looks, but still she ran and
shouted her friend's name. A name no one knows but her.

Evening approached and came; she came back dead tired and opened the weakened door
of Luke's house to see nothing but emptiness. She wanted to cry. But when she does, Luke
wouldn't be there to comfort her like he usually does.

It was silent for a moment when she stopped the noises in her head and listened to the
hesitant footsteps outside the house. Beth assumed that it was Luke, however, the shoes used
were heavy and that of someone not in this village.

Beth turned and peaked at the window and saw someone with clothes rich in sapphire
blue, for it ran in the night when she opened the window and jumped, following the color in the

The person was fast, the stance she peered to see was familiar. The person's height was
the same as hers. The person she's running after was a boy.

When the boy stopped as Beth came to an abrupt halt as well, the line was in between
them. The forbidden line not to be crossed at.


Beth wanted to be wrong this time. Let her be wrong that the person she's running after
was not Luke.

But she knew she's always right when it came to knowing Luke. 

"Luke why are you beyond the line? And what are you wearing?" Beth's questions came
one after the other, with no pause.

However, to the person she's waiting the answer for, gave her a long pause.

"Luke," she repeated which broke the prolonged silence.

"Beth," Luke whispered, turning to Beth and reaching for her hand, slowly.
As Luke held Beth's hand, she sniffed the scent of lavender and sunflower. Luke's scent
but mixed with some other fragrance she smelled from the rich class people.

"Beth I'm finally here."


"To the other side of the line." The moon being the light to see Luke, a smile familiar to
her was on his face. It churned her insides that this was the reason for his happiness.

Luke was all dressed and cleaned up, with his twisted blonde locks swept to one side, his
skin glowing with radiance from the moon and some other expensive material to look him
priceless, his dark brown eyes still the same but with more life, he looked like a prince in one of
the story books described to her by Luke in one of the books he'd picked up. So what was she?
She wasn't a princess for sure, she wasn't one of the described princesses in the stories.

"And you will too," Luke said, snapping Beth from her own arguments. "You and me on
the other side of the line. Not there Beth, not anymore."

"H-How?" As her eyes widened and her insides bubbled up with giddiness at the thought
of being with Luke again, she also wanted to cross the line for him. But Luke stopped her.

"Not today Beth." His hands were gripping on her arms, rejecting her to advance. "Wait
for me when the trees give way and the streets would be filled with leaves for us to play. Then I
would come for you."

"You will?" Her voice was wavering. Her hands shaking. The summer heat pounding.


And with a promise and the feeling of his touch baring through the torn fabric of her dirty
old clothes, Luke left Beth on the other side of the line to where he wasn't there anymore.

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