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Reshaping Modern Retail Businesses in 2020

Any cutting edge business that wants to prevail for a prolonged period of time must have the
ability to to adapt to new technologies. It is true in certain businesses, and lately it's become
clear that retail is among them. From new methods of production that can make operations
more productive, to tools that improve the customer experience, here are the four specific
technologies that are changing the game in current retail.

Mobile Payment Integration

Mobile payment integration has just become the norm in retail stores/shops, from massive
chain stores to independent shops. However, as this is yet a relatively new trend, it is worth
mentioning. Basically, a modern stores that are not prepared to deal with a critical assortment
of mobile payment are not properly accommodating their potential customers.

Mobile Payment Integration include methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay,
point-of-sale machines and mobile tools that can process payments are also helping a lot of
modern retail businesses.

3D-Printed Contrive

3D printing is intriguing, it is like one of the most exciting innovations. It is also appear that this
is the most commonly used as a methods for approving early-stage designs, yet it can likewise
fill in as a methods for building up a whole line of products or parts.

Whether it's to get products utilized in displaying or store improvement, or to produce actual
inventory, 3D printing will turn into a bigger part of businesses moving forward.

AR-Infused Online Stores

AR and VR are starting to provide online customers with better approaches to observe and “try
out” before buying them over the internet. However, AR has certain applications for in-store
retail also.

Simply, Anything that helps a consumer to engage more closely with a purchase or making the
purchase much easier can be beneficial.

Retail Store Beacons

Retail store beacons have actually been in use for a few years now, they are moslty deployed in
massive retail stores, rather than independent shops.

Beacon can be utilized to communicate a special offerings, direct a customer to a specific

product, or even make new suggestions based on purchasing history. It actually brings some of
the benefits of online shopping once again into stores. The procedure can fill in as a helpful
means of data collection for the business owner.

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