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UY BAN NHAN DAN THANH PHO HO CH cacao BAN QUAN LY DAU TUXAY DUNG CONG TRIN OTH] THANH PHO HO CHI MINH ( . cacatiom : [DUAN CALTHIEN MOLTRUGNG NUGC TP. 11 GIALDOAN2 “AITAO HE THONG THOAT NUGC HANG BANG 'R4AM BOM THOAT NUOC MUA PHAN, VAN KHOE [aie abl Tage ei Phom Van Hal | Hing Nit Hat A. DE CUONG BUC, EP COC THU’ TONG CONG TY XAV DUNG Cg Ha XB Hg Chi Nghia Vigt Nam Se te Tn Doe ip Ty do Hanh phic Vv: BB exon dic, é ove thie Tram Bom Tp, HOM Negi thing. nim 2016 ‘thodt rucée mua Phan Van Khde, DE CUONG DUC, EP COC THU DY AN CALTAO MOLTRUONG NUGC THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LUU Vue TAU HO —BEN NGHE - DO1-TE, GIALDOA" GOI THAU K CAITAO HE THONG THOAT NUOC HANG BANG _ HANG MUC: TRAM BOM THOAT NUOC MUA; PHAN VAN KHOE, L péccoc Tat 1. Vit tiga a. Duyét agudn (CDT va TVGS) ~ Thep : Pomina, Thép mign nam = Xi ming : PCB4O ben sunfattypy2. = Cat, d4; Cong ty e6 phi sin xuitthuomg mai Vigt Hii Long ». Lay miu ta hign teeing ~ Liby miu tn sut theo ct din ky thust d& ra it votlig ~ Thép: 1916 thep duge guy din ta 20°T se dug ly 3 8 md ++ Méi 6 thép hi cho én cng tude, o6 dy di cdc ching chi sé by 6 mu: 3 mu thi nghite, 3 mu haw, ~ Xi ming :20'T/ miu ~ Ct 350 m3 lay mau met ln hoge theo chi dn eda ky srt vin. igm cic chi tigu eo I cho tng log Thanh phic ha cb teu min Kit clot sing (mm) | Phin tim ih ly Tot quasi do tr, | yng 9s 100 475 95-100 236 0-100 Lis 50-85 0.600 25-60 0300 10-30 oso 2-10 = Bi: 200m3/1 miu, 1000m3 Kay mau thi nghigm dy di ee chi tiu eo 1 hoge theo chi din ei k swt vén khio6 yéu edu © Dua vio thi cng mS ETN MUc: DE CVONG DUE, Kr COC THE 1 d. Chun bj mat bing dic cge Vit: Bai die e9e nim trong khu we thi cdng tram bom phan vin kde ~ Bai dic durge dé bé tong c6 dign tich khoang 300m?, e. Thiét bj dig cho dic ege TE | Thiée by Don vi] So hegmg T | Be Ting tam iron (BT M@ King) o - 2 May fin 300A7220V-380V @ 3 ‘Kink hn, mgt ng hn Be oF t Dong co dim dit Ci @ 5 Miy elt sit GQH0 Ghike ow le ‘May uén sit GWA0 hike ou f. Bang ké vat tw chi yeu ~ Xi ming, thép dai, thép chi, thép tim, et vang, 4a 1x2, nuée theo quy'dinh eta hd so hide ké Cong tic eép pha + Sit duns e6p pha g6 hoge eft pha thépdinh hinh 6 dy d cde phu kin g6ng, chéng... ‘bé mt ep pha duge boi mot lop du thai chéng dink. Bé mat sin bai die ege dim bio phing va duge quét du thai chong dinh, ~ Cép pha duge dat vudng 26c véi mgt nén, dupe gong bing hé théng g6ng dink hinh vi ‘duye digu chinh kich thude bing ném g6, khodng céch géng li 1.5-2m ~ Cép pha bit diu bing thép hog bing g6 due bao nhiin tao phiing va pha vudng gée voi cedp pha 2 ben thank, 1h. Cong tie gia cdng, hip dyng edt thép ~ Cbtthép pha duge tip dat theo ding inh dang va kich thude trong ban ve tht ké, cde thanh phai duge dink vi chic chin theo diing chi din trong ban vé: + Cét thép chi duge nin thing ding kich thudc, dim bao theo dling ching log thiétké + Cét thép dui dug et bing may theo ding kich the thiét ke Kong cic et dat buge theo ding yeu chu thie ké ++ Thép dai duge ign két vi hep cha bing dy thép bu 1 ly + Thép chi duge ign két vi thép hop chi tt du coe bing Hi Ké hin, ++ Hop chi tit hu ege duge gia cOng dim bao, bin eanh cia mat coe phi nim tén cing mgt mat phing, dam bao vudng theo ding thitké ~ Néi eb thép: Vj us, ich thube cho php cia efe md ni, bao gm ea vie dt so le di ‘Gi ce thanh e6t thép phi tuan thi theo yéu edu eiatiu chun, TCVN 4433:1995 SE MYC: BE.CUONG Bic, EPEC THT 2 ~ Méi nd hin urge thy hign ding theo yéu elu trong tiéu chusin hin ot thép TCVN 9293:2012, Bé ting coe hhanh gO todn b9 xi hin c6n bam tai cle vit = Be tong dé dic oge duge si dung trong céng tinh Ia BT Mé Kéng (4a eye TVGS va CBT pte duygt) ~ BE t6ng duge dé vi dim thinh ede lop ddng déu véi ede mé tron duge dB st nau, = BE tong duge dim lién tye va edn thin, d”im xung quanh eét thép va eae g6e cua vin ‘khuda dB Be tng bm chit vao oStthep vi khong dé Iai ce 15 s6ng 6 ong ~ Mat ngodi eda coe phai dim bio phing nhiin, di véi ede doan mii ege, mai ege phi ‘rng véi tim cia coe, = Chit ¥rhiin o6t thép chirra ngoai lop bé tOng mei db Khong bj Hic hay va cham Kim hong hhay pha phn bé tong méi dOng eting tiép xi véi cbt thép nay. ~ Dugg fe ege be tng sau ki dic thye hign hing phim phip ddng hte nh, sau khi dd bé téng xong khodng 4-6 gids, khi bé m§t bé tong se lai dn tay khong hin thi tiémhirh bao dmg + Cong te bio dudng coe bé tong phi tun thi ee yéu clu eda Quy dinh thi eng ith T nay, - Kh beng dt 25% cuimg a thiétKé thi tin nh tho do cép pha. Ding son mau 46 ‘Et vio dducpe va mgt coe: Tén dogn ope theo in ve tig Ké. va nply thing die coe. J. Kidm tra va nghigm thu "De sai eh cho phe vEKich thude ge bc (hose ring gita) ‘Chiba di mai eve ‘Och mil coe RRB ‘ich thue clu t90 Bi sal ch cho php ‘Chiba ai dogn coe, mm 3% sh the cao (bag Kin ngodi) Ht dif ela ope | =Smam ‘Gae nghidng cia mit du coe WS mt ping thing 6c trie coe MC: BE CVONG Die, ER COC TH Coe de Boge rab gt dig da gide Nahieag 1% 7 Cpe Rig tee da bn Nakiéng 05% ‘Rhoing eich tr tim mée treo dBm du doan ce Bam ap eee way ~ DBTEeh ea me treo 50 vi ve coe Chil diy cia Top B tong bio ve | Bade Bt thép won bode ott da I. CONG TAC EP COC THU. 1. Cong Tae Chuan Bi: a. Cong Tie Chudn Bj Mat Bing Thi Cong: ~ Khu vye xép coe phi nim ngoai kim vue ép oge, dudmg di tir eh8 xép coe dén chd ép c92 phai bing phing khong g6 ghe, 1 lom. ~ Coe phil vach sin dud tim é€ Kh ép tiga Ii cho vig ea chinh - Loti bé ning coe king dim bo yéu ebu ky thus. ~ Chun 5 iy i bo cdo k thudt eta edng the Kho st a chit, két qua xuyén Gn + inh viva gide mong cng tinh b. Coe dye thi cdng bing phuong phép ép ire, tbe dd ép coe khong qué 2em/, Tht B Thi Cong ép C & ThidtBi Ep Coe: ~ Thilt bi ép o9e phi 6 ching chi, ich my donot sin xu cp va co quan thm 2.0 [Pe-25*2.0-50T. ~ Dé dim bio an toan con nguii, thigt bi, yeu edu ky thudt thi bén don vi thi eng phi cong cp gin ép vi sie chiu ti Phai>= 14 Pax = 5014 = 707, ~ Ta chon méy ép thiy lye 66 Iye nén Kim nhdt Ia: Poy = 100T > Phe + Trong luong, 46itrgng eta mbi bén din ép: Pég>(Pep)min/2 ~ 37.5/2=20 tin ~ Ding cdc khéi be tong 06 kich thude Ix1x2m e6 trong lvgng 5 tin lim 46 trong, mdi bendn ép d3t4 kh6i be tong | Cong Tée Chun Bis ‘Chun bi mat bing don dgp va san phing eée chung ngai vat. ‘Bi véi ege be tong cn Inu ¥: BO venh cho phép cia vanh thep n6i khéng dui 19% s0 ‘Gi mik phing vudng g6e trye ege. BE mgt bé tng du e9e phi phing. True eta dogn coe ‘phi di qua tim va vudng géc v6i 2 tiétdign du coe. -Mét ping be tin du coe vi mt ping chia ct mép vin thép nb pha ring nau Chi chip ng tng hop mit phing bé ting song song vi nh cao hon mit phan mep ‘inh bgp n6i Khong gu nm Trinh Ty Thi Cong: Qué inh ép ge tong hd meng gm cic bude sa: © Onuin Bi: ~ Xi din chinh xde vw ede ege cin ép qua cong te dinh vi v ge mong ~ Néu di in thi phi dng 8 chen 16t ung trade 48 dm bio hind bn dinh va hing ngang trong subt qué tinh ép coe ~ Clu hip khung d& vi ding vie hit ké. ~ Chit d6i tong tn khung a8 ~ Chu lip wi ép vio Khung din vi ehinh xe va du chinh cho gi gp dmg thing % Qué Trinh Ep Coc: ~ Bwie 1: Ep coe © Cla dumg ene vao si ép diéu chinh mii coe vlo dng vit hit Ké va ida ehinn tne coe thing ding © Dé thing ding cia dogn epe anh hing tin dn d6 thing ding eva tod bp ge do 45 doqn og tin phi duge lip edn thi, phi edn chin 8 tre eda dogneoe tring ‘Gi durmg try eiakich di qua dém dj vege. BO si Ih tim Khong qu Tem. ‘© Diu trén cia dogn coe phai duge gin chat vao thanh dinh hung ela khung may. Neu ‘méy khong e6thanh din hug thi dy kch phi c6thaah dinh hung. Kh 46. hu oe phi tip xe chat vi ching © Khhi2-mgt ma sit iép nie chgt voi mgt ben doan eoe di in tht diéu ki van tg dnp lve. Nhing gidy du tién ép ue ting chm din da, dé dogn ege du tin cdim siiu din vao dt mt céch nhe nhang v6i van t6e xuyén Khing qué lem. © Khiphat hign thdy nghigng phai dime lai, edn chinh ngay fo Tién han ép d&n 49 sau thiéeké 6 Khilye nén ting 4 ngot te la mf ege chuyén dng vi vn tbe xuyen king qua emis e6 thé la mii coe gap lop dit etme hom (hoge kiém tra va xt thé) va ga lucép khdng vurgt qua gid tr ti da eho phép. «© Trong qué tinh ép coe, phi chit thém €6i rong fen Khung suom dng thd vi qu tenting ie ép. Theo yu eu, trong lagna di trong én Kung sm Ang th auétenh gia tng le 2.0 (P3}=25*2.0-50T. = To ensure the safety of people , equipment , technical requirements , then the corstruction unit to provide rigs with load capacity presses: Pee We chose hydraulic presses with large compressive forces are: Pp = 100 > Phin ‘Weight counterbalance each side ofthe rolling machine: P4y>(Ps)min/2 = 37.5/2°20 tons Using concrete blocks in size weighing 5 tons 1x1x2m counterbalance each party set, ‘each side placed 4 concrete block. 4. Preparatory work: Preparing the ground cleaning and leveling the obstacles. For conerete piles should be noted: Degree ste! belt buckled allows connection of not less than 1 % compared tothe axis perpendiculae tothe plane of the pile. Concrete surface ‘must be flat, The axis ofthe pile must go through the center and perpendicular to the second section ofthe pile ‘Conerete ple plane and the plane containing the steel rim connected to overlap. Accept ‘only ecnerete cases parallel planes and higher small stel rim plane exceeds | mm ‘connector, e. Construction procedures: ‘The process of pt pile includes the following steps: Preparation: = Determine the exact location ofthe pile must be extruded through the work of positioning and visual foundation. = Ifind subsidence , they must use wood dunnage to advance to ensure a stable pla-form and the horizontal plane during the pile. 5 tons i 4 Pays = S0*1.4 = 70T. = Crane into positions, + Put counterweight to base frame ‘SECTION: DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF TRIAL : ‘CASTING, DRIVING OF CONCRETE PILES = Crane mounted on a base frame molding price exact positioning and adjustment for price squeeze upright. 4 Driving process: = Step 1: Driving piles © Crane pile up on price squeeze , adjustable nose int place pile design and pile axis vertical adjustment, Vertical degrees ofa great influence on the pile upright the whole pile ofthe pile so ‘that the frst paragraph should be inserted carefully , to align to the axis ofthe pile size coincides with the axis ofthe road passing through the pile positioning points, : Deriations of centerline no more than lem, . The top ofthe pile must be fastened to the machine frame navigation IPthe machine i does not have the bottom navigation bar navigation bar right there. Meanwhile tight pile exposed to them, ‘© When two friction surface contact with the side of the pile cut first then gradually increasing valve control pressure. The first socond upvvard pressure gradually slow down , frst to the ple into the soil gradually engulfs gently with regular speed not ‘exereding lem /s. 9 When detected inclined to stop, align right. © Forced to conduet design depth ‘When compression forces ie sudden rise pile tip moves atthe speed of no more than 2m trans scan be hard soil ple tip having more (or checking and processing heterogeneous ) and keep pressure does not exceed the value the maximum allowed. Inthe pile and have mote physical counterweight tothe frame simultaneously with the increased pressure, On request, a counterbalance weight to the frame simultaneously with the inerease in pressure AS required , the weight counterbalance pressure to inerease 1.5 = Step 2: Negative driving: ‘©. When pressed to the ground piles, piles up the core crane ( steel) started shooting at piles and piles continue to pile pressed plug core to a depth of design, this core segment will be pulled up to continue for another pile. = Step 3: Move driving equipment tothe next piles position (© Aer finishing a pile molding , frame molding insole sliding price system to the next position to continue pressing. Inthe course ofthe first foundation pile on , using the ‘rane hoisting 2nd unit test ple into 2nd position 6 After finishing a basement pressed , move the frame generation substrates laminated tothe 2nd unit has been reserved in the 2nd test ple. Then the crane counterweight frcm 1 to staging staging insole insole 2 has been placed before the 2nd test piles and piles continue to squeeze the next heat ‘End The Press Done 01 Tim Pile: Pile was recognized as finished when pressed to meet two conditions: ‘SECTION: DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF TRIAL “ CASTING, DRIVING OF CONCRETE PILES = ‘The length of the pile is pressed deep in the ground not ess than the shortest length specified by design, + Pressure atthe last moment to achieve the design value specified on the eross ‘throughout the depth greater than 3 times the diameter or edge pile. During the velocity that frequently no more than 1 em /s + Ifn0 2 conditions above , must notify the Employer and the unit designed to handle ‘when required to do additional survey test experiments to conclude processing facility ‘When required to do additional soil surveys, test experiments to conclude processing facility Pile tilted to0 regulated (> 1 % pile of unfinished by having heterogeneous , hard lay unusual seams ple... must be broken by pulling on the handle compressed of squeezed additional new poles (due design specified). + Use appropriate methods to drill out a foreign object, drive through sand , clay seams hart When the pressure has reached the design values that are not to be anymore pile ‘hile the force acting on piles continue to grow in excess biggest pressure ( Pep ) max _ before stopping forced to use force to maintain the valve hold ( Pep ) duting 5 Imirutes max + Where no valve presses must keep pressing for 3 to $ times flashing with pressure ( Per ) max, + Tolerance: ‘At the bottom station altitude location not be wrong ple of 75mm compared with the design process, the inclination of the pile no more than 1%, * Pile key moment: Pile key moment partial or simultaneously by design regulations. Pile key aim to raise stakes to work atthe appropriate time in the course ofthe ‘work load inereases. Ensure that works are not subjeet to settlement or uneven settlement, ¥ The first key to the full implementation piles: ¥ Where the losses pile uncertainty aecordance taper need to fix taper abrading the side ofthe pile hoe. Report pile resume! Pile resume must be recorded immediately in the construction process consists of the following: ¥ Date of easting Number pile, the pile burn piles and joins (any ) ¥ Equipment ple and ability of molding , the journey size , piston area , he flow o” ‘il, the largest oil pump pressure, ae SSE hs SESE SECTION: DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF TRIAL ‘CASTING, DRIVING OF CONCRETE PILES ~¥ Pressure of load in each section 1.2m ple or ina burning ple - note when expose 1o sol piles lining the deceleration pile and simultaneously reading pile pressure ‘or compression force in each piece 20cm, ¥ Stop pile pressure ¥ Pile cushions ¥ The order of the group pile These technical problems hindering the work pile design, the location error and sil + ame of supervising team ead. {Work Ty Stati Pile \ = After conducting a static test pile heart 02 presses and guarantee deposit requirements , / wwe conducted a tale ts pile, ‘ + After ving reported results, the static est pile 02 Contractor heart proceed piles casting and molding TIL Conclsion ~ Above isthe outline of casting, ile testing our contactors CD'T respetflly submit review and approve Supervision consultant SS ‘SECTION: DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF TRIAL : ‘CASTING, DRIVING OF CONCRETE PILES B.BAN VE THI CONG CQC THU’ (XEM BAN VE DINH KEM ) DANH MUC BAN VE. (cord) ‘rmcoxo east no MO UEC MAA ‘rin vans sho LIST OF DWG. se vain sng AN VE 5 a = 1) Rao atapemaacar a measexbOm —ageainearane comarca iewnewonr Micmaevssotene : 1 | Rites na T [rasa nenscoe queen 7] wataxewencoe a on see nae 5 | BE Benton reaxewDaN >| SEALE Saaeacorme rearscoxnae ad ura Sea rene r «| BRE eeooe earaescumt «| Baoan rears cue 3 | Trowrnoermcvan meee Peaseusor >| BguRMeacexaee coe rth rearsenscear TGP HUEENE DOC EE ROT eur cence oe ran «| Frotrnbe tas xe Peurscatounr «Ree oom remseusown THEN UP Tr CONGUE Coe eas DOW 2 “ocrsute mv Kod Tex CONE OU CoE Taa HE ‘wowMmidenianvasniod Ans | Wane, Riso MAT BANG VI TRL MAT BANG BAI DUC COC TRAM BOM THOAT NUGC PHAN VAN KHOE 7M3/S SCALE: 1/50 = no > 40 = #5 | a ee ES eevee a2 | | = E { | { | g ; | i 7 i | F | [88 i 58 t aw vy Tap Hero ASEH Z i | a i 3g 1 /EE PE] msuice i a | a 07 DUNE TONG TUE & I | # ; | ve od) ! _) mana” e1eenevoun TOBENPHULA prvo vancer rovovancer sng a MAT BANG MONG coc PILED FOUNDATION PLAN AT BANG VI TRE KEY PLAN BANG THONG KE cA0 BO DAU CocsAU KITEP BARS LEVEL PILE ARE THE AFTER TESTING. [srmcene ry an) qu haaeeeoeete, we zens were Tall, USI 220-1 2192 EB YON ‘Vat Higa ege = Vat ligu d8 sin xuft ege BICT phi dim bio yéu chu ky dhudt theo cfc tiéw chuda hign hinh, dng thoi dp tng cfc yéu cd bé sung cba thiét kb. = Vétligu phi duge edt git va van chuyén dim bio git nguyén chit lxong ‘va sy phi hop cia vt ligu cho cbng trinh. Ngay c@ khi 45 duge chip thin trudic Ki ct git va xir I, ¢6 thé kiém tra vt liu va th nghigm Iai tse Ichi dua vio sir dung cho c6ng tinh, Khi cng tc chuin bj mst bing, 48 bé tng nén bai dic coe xong ta tia hin tap két vt tu, gia cOng edt ep, lip ghép vin Khun, din vi lip dung cd hep va db be ting eve. (Cong tie thi cOng die ege be ting theo cic trinh ty sau: Gia cing tip df e5t thé Cong tie o6tthép phi tn thi theo fe yeu cu cia TCVN 4453:1995 * tc bé Ong vi bg t6ng ot thép ton Khdi ~ Quy phar thi cBing va nh thou thé: + Cétthép chi duge nin thing cit ding kich thud, ching log ci bin vé chide ké = Céttép dai dpe Kéo thing, cit bing kim cdg Ie, win bing bin win theo ding hich tue eid és = Thép dai in kt vi thép ei ng dy thép bude 1 Iy,khodng eich gta ce o6t dai bube ding yeu chu cia bin ve thik; = Thép chi duge ign két vi hop bch du ege bing lién két hn; Hp bich du coe duge gi cOng dim bio, bin ean eia mBtcpe phi nim ‘cing trén mt mit phing, dim bio vudng diing theo kich thude thiét ké; = Cétitgp coe de bs tiv dah vj thin tmg ling ding theo in VE hit 8 vi duge TVGS chip thus, Lng thép sau ki lip dt vio khudn phi dug dinh vi chinh xb vi chic chia dim bio King bj x8 dich hoe bién dang trong lie dé tong bio thép ding [jen KEY PLAN | woe F| 3 Cong tée vn Khun ‘Vin khudn phi tun thi cic yéu cd chung eta quy tei quy pha: ~ Sit dung cép pha thépdinh hin o6 dy dice phi kin ging, ching. rit cp pha phi hing vi duge bi | lop du ching dinh. B& mst sin bai dic ce phi dim bio phing; = Cép pina tp phi vudng véi mat nén duge géng bing hé thing gdng bi va diye diéuchinh kch thude bing ném g8, khong cich ging li 152 met = Cp pha bit diu bing thép igo mit phing vi phi vubng gde cép pha 2 bén think; = Viin khadn chi dug thio d@khi bé tng dt 25% cudng a hit KE (sa 12 ~ 16 theo th nghiém guy dink) thi én hinh thio dp pha, Cong tic b8 tong: + Bé ting 48 diic ege 1a bé tong tuoi, nha thiu cung cap bé tng tuoi da durge sir chip thugn cia TVGS va Chi du ty. AT BANG vITRI KEY PLAN oY = Nw | | | ng tie dic, bio dutng b8 ting “Thi cing bé ting ge pha tun thi theo ede yu edu ky cut = Be tong phi due dé lién te vi phi due dim chat bing may dim rin, th to ra ce 16 ng khdng Ri, 16 ong hay ede Kien Khu ki Di bigt uu be tng 46 én dtu phi dim ludn dén 6, sau 4 se dung mat ban xoa dé hodn thién mit. M&i coc phai die xong trong mét lan va nén bit du tirmii ege déndinh ge. Trong khi dim phi dim cén thin, chi ef abc eanh, dng 48 may dim cham kim rung oth. = Trong qué trinh d8 bé tng e9e phai Idy mu thi nghiém theo quy dinh, = Céng te bo dudng duge xem li mat phin Khong thé chiéu wong host ding 8 bé ting. = Tit ed bé tng mdi dé du phi duge bio dudng, ng te bio dugg phi bit du ngay sau bhi be tng xong khong 4 = 6h, khi bé mt bé tng sa din tay khong hin thi tién hin 6 née bio dung, Tho’ gian ding hg liém tye 4-6 gly thy theo thi it im wt hay hanb Kh, abiig ngay tgp theo Ind si chin trang tha = Titcé cic ge phi ob mt ping, nh, khdng bi Khiém Khuyt va ‘wong ge v6i tye de eta egc, va duge on thin theo ding kaich tude abu chi ra trén bin v8, D6i vd ce doan mi mii ege phi tring vi tim ea co> Bbc do, vn chuyén va xép eg: = Bée do, vn chuyén vi xép ge phi dim bdo coc khdng bj nit, gly do trong ugg bin thin ogc vi Ine bim din e6p pha, tra gy v8 ay sit mé ede cath be tong. = Coe dé & ko bai o6 thé dye xép ching lén nhau nhumg chi e30 mb ching khong due qué 2/3 chibu rng va ahd hor 2 m. Cie dé eoe duoe xép dit think tng alin 06 cing chidu di, ud va duge Ké 16 Khixdp ch 9 dd ch5 c6ghi mi be tng ra ngoai va gta cfc ching 615i di kiém asin phim, = Khi phat hign ec e9e e6 vét nt, fe ege bj hur trong qué tinh vn chuyén pai dug sta cha Khe phye nay. WATAANG ViTRI key PLAN - mee |

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