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Matthew Kojima


 I overall thought that I have found thorough information for my problem of plastic pollution.
Given the unusual circumstance as of right now I think it was good to speculate of what we were
going to do to help the community and how we're going to solve this problem of plastic pollution.
As said before we were going to join 808 Beach cleanups and help them clean the shorelines.
We were going to grab those Plastics and make items out of them so they just don't go to the
landfills, where they would just sit there and not decompose. I'd say through our project our
strength consists of our research and our information and how much time and effort were put in
to the essential problem of plastic pollution. The weakness was that we were actually able to
physically help the community and solve the problem.  instead we could only visualize what we
were going to do and have the intention of doing so. Through this experience also found it
interesting that we could actually have an interview with Professionals that dealt with this
problem. This gave us a better understanding of what it's like through a professional stance of it
it. In our situation we interviewed two researchers from the University of Manoa. They had given
us very detailed information and the professional stance on it. We were so grateful to have them
as interviewees because we had found so much information about the problem.  I also really like
this experience because this is the next level of presentations in terms of asking a professional
about the problem we are researching. Overall everything went smoothly and I'm looking
forward to future presentations.

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