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Jane Eyre
The protagonist and narrator of Jane Eyre, Jane begins the novel as an angry,
rebellious, 10-year-old orphan and gradually develops into a sensitive, artistic,
maternal, and fiercely independent young woman

Edward Rochester
The owner of Thornfield Manor and Jane's lover. Mr. Rochester is an interesting
twist on the tragic Byronic hero; though not handsome in a strict sense, his great
passion and forcefulness make him an extremely appealing and sensual character in

St. John Rivers

The evangelist who takes Jane in at Moor House, brother to Diana and Mary and, it
turns out, cousin to Jane.

Helen Burns
Jane's friend at Lowood School. Though she dies early on in Jane's time at Lowood,
Helen is perhaps the fourth-most important character in the novel for her symbolic

Mrs. Fairfax
The kindly housekeeper at Thornfield. Distantly related to the Rochesters,

Bertha Mason
Rochester's insane wife and Richard Mason's sister. A beautiful Creole woman from a
prominent West Indies family,
Bessie Lee

A servant at Gateshead. Bessie is Jane's only comfort during her time at Gateshead
and occasionally sings her songs and tells her stories
Jane's cousin and brother to Eliza and Georgiana. The spoiled darling of his

Grace Poole
Bertha Mason's keeper at Thornfield. As the guard for the third-story prison,
Grace's fondness for gin and occasional alcohol-induced naps allow Bertha to escape
and wreak havoc in the house

Alice Wood

my coments on the book

ane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is one of the best books I have ever read. With a
rural 19th century England setting, Bronte has created a fictional account of the
early life of Jane Eyre which every reader can not help but enjoy. In this novel,
we get to recognize the conflicts between love and independence, conscience and
passion, and the struggle of a young girl and woman to maintain her self-esteem.
These were all pioneering themes in the patriarchal society of Victorian England in
the 1800s. In this article, I will first give a brief biography of Charlotte
Bronte, and then give a sketch of the setting, characters, and plot of Jane Eyre,
before concluding by commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of the novel.

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