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Health informatics is information engineering applied to the field of health care,

essentially the management and use of patient health care information. It is a
multidisciplinary field that uses health information technology to improve health care via
any combination of higher quality, higher efficiency, and new opportunities. The
disciplines involved include information science, computer science, social science,
behavioral science, management science, and others.
Health care has and is continuing to evolve as we enter a new technological era.
With the advancements made in science and technology, the medical scene has to keep
up with the times, providing not just adequate but the best quality of care utilizing the
new tools available due to discoveries and advancements. Nursing informatics, an
expertise that is relatively new, takes advantage of technology to enhance the
effectiveness of providing care to patients. The information age and its development
along the years requires nurses to acquire even more knowledge for this field, IT training
is almost a necessity for all nurses.
Nurses communicate with patients the most, but not only that, nurses also have to
interact with technological tools the most. Nurses must be hands-on with new programs
that aim to enhance health care and education. For example, for successful
implementation of the electronic health reporting system, nurses must be knowledgeable
about information technology, computer skills and informatics knowledge and skills.
As taxing as it sounds, these tasks can be mastered by early exposure to activities
of this nature. The NACNEP recommended to prepare nurses to adopt intelligent and
quality-based information technology use in patient care by implementing five strategies:
providing core informatics courses to nursing schools, educating nurses specialized in
informatics skills who are able to solve related issues, offering more powerful nursing
care through the implication of telecommunication projects, preparing more nursing
faculties in the informatics field to facilitate students skills enhancement and enhancing
collaboration to advance informatics.
The world continues to demand more from medical practitioners, especially
nurses. As new technology and health care programs roll in, nurses must be able to adapt
to it, as to not jeopardize the quality of care. It may seem like things are piling up, with
more concepts to study and skills to learn, but all is worth it when we nurses are able to
provide patients with the care they truly deserve. Mediating technically and
technologically on the borderline between medicine and nursing, nurses have become
known as the medical Goddesses.


1. What are the advantage of applying information technology in

nursing work?

2. Is Nusing Informatics define as the application of IT in the nursing


3. In all activities performed by computers, is there any activities that

can’t be performed by human functions?

4. Is there any activities performed by human that cannot be

performed by computers?

5. Do the quality of care is enhanced because of the use / help of

nursing informatics?

6. Is decision support system can lead to safer care?

7. Does decision support system assist physician?


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