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31, 94-99 (1993)

13CNMR Assignments of Brassinosteroids by

Two-Dimensional Techniques

Tetsu Ando*
Department of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu,
Tokyo 183, Japan
Masakazu Aburatani
Research Division, Fuji Chemical Industries Ltci, 530, Chokeiji, Takaoka, Toyama 933, Japan

Nozomu Koseki, Seiichi Asakawa, Takehito Mouri and Hiroshi Abe

Department of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu,
Tokyo 183, Japan

IH NMR spectra of eight naturally occurring brassinosteroids, plant hormones with a steroid skeleton, and five
synthetic analogues were analysed by COSY and long-range COSY measurements. Based on the 'H resonances,
the I3C signals were assigned by a combination of C-H COSY and long-range C-H COSY spectra detecting I3C
nuclei, or by HMQC and HMBC spectra detecting 'H nuclei. Although the steroids showed complex 'H signals
around 1-2 ppm, the resonances for the two angular methyl groups and the other methyl groups in the side-chain
could be assigned unambiguously and used as a reference point for the other assignments. Strong correlation peaks
between the methyl protons and carbons connected with the protons through two or three bonds were observed in
the long-range C-H COSY or the HMBC spectra. These spectra provide valuable information for assigning the
13CNMR resonances of this class of compounds.

KEY WORDS Brassinosteroids I3C NMR 2D NMR Brassinolide Steroids

detailed 13C assignments to provide a basis for future

~ ~~

structural assignments of new compounds of this
general class using NMR techniques.
After the identification of brassinolide (BR) in 1979,'
more than 20 brassinosteroids have been discovered as
plant hormones from pollen, immature seeds, leaves, EXPERIMENTAL
other plant organs, algae and cultured plant celk2 Syn-
thetic standards are important for the identification of
new brassinosteroids which occur at low concentrations
in plants, and for further biological studies. 3c'NMR is Chemicals
one of the most useful analytical tools to confirm the
structures of the synthetic compounds, but relatively The structures of the synthetic steroids used and the
few chemical shift data are available. numbering system are shown in Fig. 1. The following
In this paper we report the 13C signal assignments, naturally occurring brassinosteroids were synthesized :
using two-dimensional (2D) NMR techniques, for eight BR,3 CA,3 TY,3 TE,3 24-epicastasterone (EC)? homo-
brassinosteroids and five synthetic derivatives. These castasterone (HC)," dolichosterone (DS)5 and homo-
compounds include the two historically and physiologi- dolichosterone (HD).5 The 6-oxa isomer (1) of BR was
cally important brassinosteroids, BR and castasterone produced as a by-product of BR synthesis, and purified
(CA). In structural terms CA is a 2,3-dihydroxy-6-keto from the mother liquors of BR recrystallization by pre-
steroid and BR is one of its lactone (namely homo-oxa) parative TLC. The B-homo-7-oxa derivative (2) of TY
derivatives. Typhasterol (TY) and teasterone (TE), both and its 6-oxa isomer (3) were synthesized from TY. TY
3-hydroxy-6-keto steroids, are another group of brass- was acetylated with acetic anhydride in pyridine, then
inosteroids classified according to their A, B ring struc- treated with trifluoroperacetic acid to convert it into
ture. The other naturally occurring brassinosteroids two B-homo-oxa derivatives (Baeyer-Villiger reaction).
examined comprise four analogues of CA which vary After separation using a silica gel column, 2 and 3 were
only in their respective side-chains. The five synthetic obtained by deacetylation with sodium hydroxide in 42
compounds studied are various lactone derivatives. For and 24% yields from TY, respectively. The B-homo-7-
each of the brassinosteroids we have carried out oxa derivative (4) of TE and its 6-oxa isomer (5) were
prepared in a similar manner starting from TE. For the
NMR analyses 50 mg of each compound were used,
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed except for 4 and 5 when 5 mg were used.

0749-1581/93/010094-06 $08.00 Received 22 October 1991

0 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted (revised) 10 September 1992

mode ('H nuclei detection) using the following pulse

sequences and parameters : H detected heteronuclear
R1 &R3
2 ' lq
a \%-
multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectroscopy,
'H90"-A-' 3C90"-t, /2- 'H 180"-t,/2- 13C90"-Acq-PD
(Acq = 0.387 s, P D = 1.7 s, A = 3.75 ms); 'H detected
R2 3 ~

b '.- heteronuclear multiple bond connectivity (HMBC)

spectroscopy, 'H90"-A1-' 3C90"-A,-' 3C900-t '/2-
CA R1 : a-OH, R 2 : a-OH, R3: a C
'H180"-t,/2-'3C 9W-Acq-PD (Acq = 0.387 S,
TY R ' : H, R 2 : a-OH, R 3 : a P D = 2.0 s, A, = 60 ms, A2 = 3.75 ms). Homonuclear
TE R1 : H, R2 : p-OH, R3: a correlation spectra (absolute data) were acquired with a
EC R': a-OH, R 2 : a-OH, R3: b spectral width of 1400 Hz using a 1024 x 256 data set,
HC R' : a-OH, R2 : a-OH, R3: c zero filling to 1024 x 512 and transforming after multi-
DS R1 : a-OH, R 2 : a-OH, R3: d plication by a sine-bell function. Heteronuclear corre-
HD R': a-OH, R2: a-OH, R3: e lation spectra (absolute data) were acquired with
spectral widths of 5700 (13C) and 1400 Hz ('H) using a
2048 x 128 data set, zero filling to 2048 x 256 and
transforming after multiplication by an exponential

d R 3 R3 function. Exceptionally large spectral widths of 11 O(N)
( 3C) and 1700 Hz ('H) were used for DS and HD.
R2 R,
0 0

BR R' : a-OH, R 2 : a-OH, R 3 : a 1 R' : a-OH, R 2 : a-OH, R 3 : a

2 R' : H. R 2 : a-OH, R3: a 3 R 1 : H, R 2 : a-OH, R3: a
'H and I3C NMR signal assignments for brassinolide
4 R1 : H, R 2 : p-OH, R3: a 5 R ' : H, R2: @-OH,R3: a
(BR) and castasterone (CA)
Fiaure 1. Structure of eight natural-type brassinosteroids
[brassinolide (BR), castasterine (CA), typhasterol (TY). teas- BR and CA are easily differentiated by their character-
terone (TE), 24-epicastasterone (EC), homocastasterone (HC), istic H-5 and H-7 signals. For BR the H-5 signal is at
dolichosterone (DS), and homodolichosterone (HD)] and five 3.15 ppm (dd) and that of H-7 (2H) at 4.11 ppm (d),
synthetic derivatives 1-5, showing the numbering system used. while in CA H-5 resonated at 2.71 ppm (dd) and one of
the H-7 pair, not overlapping with any other signals, at
2.28 ppm (dd). Starting from H-5 in each case, corre-
NMR spectroscopy lation peaks in the respective COSY spectra revealed
the signals for H-4, H-3, H-2 and H-1. However, precise
'H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a JEOL chemical shift values for H-1 and H-4 were not obtained
GX 270 Fourier transform NMR spectrometer at 270 because they are masked by other signals. H-2 and H-3
and 67.8 MHz, respectively, using a probe for 5 mm could thus be distinguished from the other carbinol
tubes. Each compound was dissolved in a mixture of methine protons, H-22 and H-23. Since these two brass-
chloroform-d and methanol-d, (4 :1, v/v) containing inosteroids have the same side-chain which is remote
tetramethylsilane as internal standard. The deuterium from the variations in the skeletal structure, it is
signal from chloroform-d was used for the field- expected that the two sets of protons for H-22 and H-23
frequency lock. 'H signals were accumulated with a 6.1 will have almost the same chemical shifts, and this
ps pulse width (45"), 2.73 s acquisition time (Acq) and proved to be the case. The COSY spectra of BR and CA
1.27 s pulse delay (PD) for 16384 data points. I3C also established the assignments for H-8 which shows a
signals were accumulated with a 4.2 ps pulse width correlation peak with H-7, and for the side-chain
(45"), 0.963 s Acq and the following P D for 32768 data protons H-20 to H-28 which show a series of corre-
points: 1.7 s for a complete decoupling experiment and lation peaks analysed from H-22 and H-23. However,
for a DEPT experiment with a 'H 135" pulse in the some difficulty was encountered since the resonances for
decoupling mode (DEPT 135"), and 1.2 s for the off- H-8, H-20, H-24 and H-25, which appear in the compli-
resonance decoupling experiment. Two-dimensional cated methylene and methine proton region of the
(2D) NMR spectra of each compound were also mea- spectra, could not be observed as distinct lines in the
sured with the same spectrometer using the following 1D spectra. Each steroid has two angular methyl
pulse sequences and parameters: 'H-'H correlation groups H-18 and H-19 which resonate as sharp singlets;
spectroscopy (COSY), 'H90"-tI-'H900-Acq-PD H-19 can be differentiated from H-18 by its correlation
(Acq = 0.366 s, PD = 1.27 s); long-range COSY, 'H peak with H-5 in the long-range COSY spectra. Our
90"-A-tl-'H 90O-A-Acq-PD (Acq = 0.364 S, P D = 2.0 assignments of the angular methyl signals of BR and
s, A = 0.2 s); 13C-'H shift correlation spectroscopy with CA agree with the results of Baba et aL6
13C nuclei detection (C-H COSY), 1H90"-t1/2-'3C The chemical shifts of the carbonyl carbon (C-6) in
180"-t 1/2-A1-' H90°, 3C900-A2-' HBBD/Acq-PD BR and CA are distinct and characteristic. With the
(Acq = 0.18 s, P D = 1.5 s, A1 = 3.3 ms, A2 = 1.65 ms); proton signals assigned unambiguously, the four car-
long-range C-H COSY (Acq = 0.180 s, P D = 1.7 s, binol carbons (C-2, C-3, C-22 and C-231, the two
A1 = 33.3 and 65.0 ms, A2 = A1/2). I3C-'H shift corre- carbons (C-5 and C-7) adjacent to either the carbonyl
lation spectra of 4 and 5 were analysed by the inverse or the lactone group, and six methyl carbons (C-18,

Table 1. 'H and " C NMR data for brassinolide (BR) and castasterone (CA)
' H NMA ' j C NMA
chemical shifts' chemical shifts Correlation
(wm) (ppm) in long-range
Position BR CA BR CA MultiplicityQ C-H caw
1 -1.55, -1.85 -1.6, rb1.75 41.3 40.0 t H-19
2 3.62 m -3.7 68.0 68.2 d
- 3.96 bs
1.9, -2.05
3.15 ddd
3.99 bs
-1.7, -1.85
2.71 dd"
d H-19
6 177.6 213.9 S
7 4.11 d' -2.05, 2.28 dd' 70.8 46.9 t
-1.3 -
11 -1.4. -1.8 -1.35, -1.7 22.4 21.4 t

12 -1.2, 2.0 -1.25, -2.05 39.8 39.7 t H-18
13 42.6 43.0 S H-18
14 -1.2 1.35 51.4 56.8 d H-18
15 -1.2, ~ 1 . 7 -1.15, -1.6 24.8 24.0 t
16 -1.3, -2.0 -1.3, -2.0 27.7 27.7 t
17 -1.55 -1.65 52.4 52.5 d H-18, H-21
18 0.73 s 0.70 s 11.8 12.0 q
19 0.91 s 0.76 s 15.5 13.6 9
20 X1.45 ~ 1 . 5 37.1 37.1 d H-21
21 0.89 dh 0.90 d ' 11.9 12.1 q
22 3.51 dJ 3.52 d' 74.5 74.6 d H-21
23 3.68 d' 3.69 dJ 73.3 73.4 d H-28
24 ~1.15 -1.2 40.4 40.5 d H-26, H-27, H-28
25 -1.6 -1.65 30.8 30.8 d H-26, H-27, H-28
26' 0.94 d' 0.94 dk 20.9 20.8 q
27' 0.96 d ' 0.97 dk 20.8 21 .o q
28 0.84 dh 0.84 dh 10.2 10.3 q
a Methylene and methine protons absorbed at 1.I 5-2.05 ppm and their overlap is such that their individ-
ual multiplicity is not clear. The chemical shifts were estimated from the correlation peaks in COSY and
C-H COSY spectra.
bThe 13C off-resonance decoupling experiments were confirmed by DEPT 135" experiments.
Correlation peaks were observed in long-range C-H COSY spectra measured with a A, of either 33.3 or
65.0 ms.
J = 12.4.5 Hz.
J = 12.5, 3.5 Hz.
J = 13, 4.5 Hz.
hJ= 7 Hz.
J = 6.5 Hz.
' Assignments for these two centers are not unambiguous and may be reversed.

C-19, C-21, C-26, C-27 and C-28) of both steroids could was identified as C-17, since it also shows a correlation
be readily assigned by C-H COSY spectra. Although peak with H-21 and was thereby distinguished from
the COSY spectra indicated the chemical shifts of the C-14. Furthermore, correlation peaks with four methyl
six protons H-1, H-4, H-8, H-20, H-24 and H-25, they protons (H-21, H-26, H-27 and H-28) confirmed the 13C
are buried in other methylene and methine proton signal assignments for the side-chain. Long-range C-H
signals and therefore the assignments of the correspond- COSY spectra also show correlation peaks between
ing carbons (C-1, C-4, C-8, C-20, C-24 and C-25) from C-5-H-3, C-9-H-7, C- 10-H-5, C-21-H-22 and C-28-H-
only the C-H COSY experiments were still incomplete. 23, and these data also support the above assignments.
To remove this uncertainty we measured the long- The chemical shifts of three other methylene carbons
range C-H COSY spectra, and these also provided the (C-11, C-15 and C-16), which did not show any corre-
assignments of some other carbon signals (C-9-C-17). lation with methyl protons or carbinol methine protons
Thus, H- 19 shows correlation peaks with four carbons, even in the long-range C-H COSY spectra, were assign-
one of which is confirmed as the already assigned C-5. ed based on the data of other The chemical
The others are established as the methylene, methine shifts of the corresponding attached protons were esti-
and quaternary carbons C-1, C-9 and C-10, respectively. mated conversely by analysing the correlation peaks of
The correlation peaks with H-18 revealed the methy- C-9, C-11, C-12 and C-14-C-17 in the C-H COSY
lene, methine and quaternary carbons C-12, C-14 and spectra. The complete NMR data for BR and CA are
C-13, respectively. Another correlated methine carbon presented in Table 1.

Table 2. 'H and I3C NMR assignments of typhasterol (TY), teasterone (TE), their Bhomo-
oxa derivatives 2,3,4 and 5, and the castasterone-B-homo-6-oxaderivative 1
3a-OH steroids 38-OH steroids Za,3a-(OH), steroid
TY 2 3 TE 4 5 1
Position 'ti NMR chemical shifts (ppm)

2 ?r 1.65" -1.6 -1.6 ~ 1 . 4 5 ~ -1.3 -1.3 -3.7

-1.85b -1.8 -1.75
3 4.09 24.1 4.14 3.52 -3.5 -3.55 3.97
4 -1.7= -1.75 -1.8 -1.4b -1.9 -1.7 2.1.9
-2.1 -2.0 ~ 1 . 8 ~ -2.15 -2.15
5 2.74 3.22 4.66 2.24 2.87 4.27 4.64
7 -2.05 4.15 2.49 22.0 4.02 2.42 2.49
2.28 2.31 4.12 2.53
'%NMR chemical shifts (ppm)

1 31.9 33.1 31.4 36.8 39.0 35.2 39.2

2 27.9" 28.0 27.7 29.6d 31 .O 30.4 67.8
3 64.9 64.4 65.8 70.2 69.3 68.2 68.8
4 27.6" 32.5 35.7 30.4d 35.2 38.1 34.3
5 52.0 41.9 80.5 57.0 46.9 81.8 79.3
6 21 4.6 178.3 176.7 212.6 176.1 175.1 176.2
7 46.9 70.8 38.1 46.8 70.7 38.2 38.0
8 38.4 39.7 35.2 38.3 39.5 34.9 34.6
9 53.9 58.4 58.1 54.0 58.4 58.0 57.8
10 41.9 36.4 39.9 41.3 36.1 39.3 40.6
11 21.3 22.4 22.4 21.7 22.8 22.8 22.4
12 39.7 39.9 39.9 39.7 39.8 39.8 39.8
13 43.0 42.6 42.7 42.9 42.5 42.5 42.6
14 56.9 51.6 55.6 56.8 51.4 55.5 55.4
15 24.0 24.9 25.4 24.0 24.8 25.2 25.3
16 27.7 27.7 27.3 27.7 27.6 27.2 27.3
17 52.5 52.5 52.8 52.5 52.3 52.6 52.7
18 12.0 11.9 11.9 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.8
19 12.4 14.6 11.6 13.2 15.1 12.3 12.6
a-d Assignments of the pairs of resonances indicated are not unambiguous and may be reversed.

Table 3. Differences in the I3C NMR chemical shifts (ppm) between. keto-
brassinosteroid and their Bhomo-oxa (lactone) derivatives
Differences for a 7-oxa derivative Differences for a 6-oxa derivative
Positlon A(CA - B A ) A(TY - 2) A(TE - 4) A(CA - 1 ) A(TY - 3) A(TE - 5)

1 -1.3" -1.2 -2.2 0.8 0.5 1.6

2 0.2 -0.1 -1.4 0.4 0.2 -0.8
3 0.4 0.5 0.9 -0.4 -0.9 2.0
4 -4.9 -4.9 -4.8 -7.8 -8.1 -7.7
5 9.9 10.1 10.1 -28.2 -28.5 -24.8
6 36.3 36.3 36.5 37.7 37.9 37.5
7 -23.9 -23.9 -23.9 8.9 8.8 8.6
8 -1.2 -1.5 -1.2 3.5 3.2 3.4
9 -4.4 -4.5 -4.4 -3.9 -4.2 -4.0
10 4.5 5.5 5.2 2.3 2.0 2.0
11 -1 .o -1 .I -1.1 -1.0 -1.1 -0.9
12 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.1
13 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4
14 5.4 5.3 5.4 1.4 1.3 1.3
15 -0.8 -0.9 -0.8 -1.3 -1.4 -1.2
16 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.5
17 0.1 0.0 0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.1
18 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2
19 -1.9 -2.2 -1.9 1 .o 0.8 0.9
=This value was obtained by subtracting the chemical shift (40.0ppm) for C-1 in
CA from the chemical shift (41.3ppm) for C-1 in BR.

Table 4. 'H and 13C NMR data for 24-epicastasterone (EC), might be caused by the inverse configuration of the 3-
homocastasterone (HC), dolichosterone (DS) and hydroxy group in TE. The amounts of 4 and 5 available
homodolichosterone (HD) were insufficient for 13C signal analyses by the usual 2D
experiments detecting I3C nuclei. However, their 3C
Position 'H NMR chemical shifts (ppm)
assignments were confirmed by measuring HMQC and
HMBC spectra (detecting 'H nuclei), which correspond
21 0.97 0.91 0.94 0.92
3.67 3.56 3.60 3.65
to the C-H COSY and long-range C-H COSY spectra,
23 3.37 3.69 4.00 3.92 respectively.


1.07 13C NMR signal assignments for the side-chains in four
27" 0.91 0.97 1.11 1.14 analogues of castasterone
28 0.84 1.3,-1.45 5.02,5.04 5.48
29 - 0.94 - 1.71
Four CA analogues (EC, HC, DS and HD) were
'3CNMR chemical shifts (ppm) analysed by the above 2D NMR techniques, and their
17 52.7 52.7 52.9 53.0 'H and 13C NMR assignments are presented in Table 4.
20 40.3 37.2 37.0 36.7 Since their ring skeletons are identical with that of CA,
21 12.4 12.0 12.6 12.6 each 13C signal of the ring moiety of the molecules
22 72.5 74.5 75.7 75.1 appeared within f0.2 ppm of the chemical shift
23 76.0 72.6 76.6 74.8 observed in CA, except for C-17, which varied by up to
24 41.6 46.7 156.5 145.3 +0.5 ppm. The 13C chemical shifts of their side-chains
25 27.0 29.2 31 .O 27.7 are different to each other and reflect the structural
26 17.3 19.6 23.0 21.4
22.2 21.3 23.3 21.6
modifications at the 24-position. It is noteworthy that
28 10.9 19.1 1 10.6 123.1 CA and its (24s)-diastereomer (EC) showed different
29 - 13.8 - 13.7 3C spectra. Stereoselective synthesis directed towards
the configuration of the C-28 methyl group can there-
a.bAssignrnentsfor these two centres are not unambiguous and fore be easily confirmed by the 13C NMR measurement.
may be reversed.

~~ ~

13C NMR signal assignments for typhasterol (TY),
teasterone (TE) and their B-homo-oxa derivatives
Brassinosteroids are novel steroids ; this particularly
The 13C NMR spectra of TY, TE, 1, 2 and 3 were applies to BR, which contains the homo-6-keto-7-oxa
analysed (Table 2) using the same 2D NMR techniques grouping in the B-ring. This compound can be synthe-
as described above for the BR and CA assignments. sized via a Baeyer-Villiger reaction of the 6-keto com-
These steroids have the identical side-chain (a in Fig. 1) pound (CA), a reaction which also produces the 6-oxa
and show a set of similar signals for C-20 to C-28. Each isomer as a by-product. Brassinosteroids do not have
13C signal of the side-chain is within f0.2 ppm of the any chromophores suitable for HPLC analysis with a
chemical shifts observed in BR. Since T Y and TE lack UV detector, and for GC analysis have to be derivatized
the 2-hydroxy group, the chemical shift difference to enhance their volatility. Because of these limitations
between H-2 and H-4 is now small (see Table 2), and it 13C NMR is one of the most useful techniques for
was difficult to differentiate between these protons even determining the purity of BR and other brass-.
with the aid of the H-4-H-5 correlation peaks in the inosteroids.
COSY spectra. Thus, the C-2 and C-4 signal assign- Steroids show a complex pattern of 'H signals
ments are still tentative. In 2 and 3, B-homo-oxa deriv- around 1-2 ppm, precluding direct assignments of indi-
atives of TY, H-4 resonated at lower field than H-2 vidual resonances, and analyses of the 13C NMR
because of the B-ring modification (see Table 2). In this spectra are not easily performed by C-H COSY mea-
case H-2 and H-4 were easily distinguished and the C-2 surements. Brassinosteroids, however, have two angular
and C-4 assignments are unambiguous. methyl groups, at the 10- and 13-positions, and a
The B-ring modification in brassinosteroids affected further three or four methyl groups in the side-chain,
the I3C chemical shifts of not only C-6 but of almost all and these serve as useful starting points in interpreting
carbons of the ring system (A to D). The differences in NMR correlation experiments. On using C-H COSY
the shift values between a keto-brassinosteroid and the measurements and emphasizing the long-range coug-
corresponding B-homo-7-oxa or 6-oxa derivatives are ling, several informative correlation peaks were
presented in Table 3. The differences between CA and observed between these methyl protons and the carbons
BR [A(CA - BR)] have a high degree of coincidence connected with the protons through two or three bonds.
with those between T Y and 2 [A(TY-2)]. The values of A strong correlation peak with the methyl protons is
A(CA-1) and A(TY-3) are also similar. The "C signal usually observed in a long-range C-H COSY spectrum
assignments for 4 and 5, B-homo-oxa derivatives of TE, and is useful for I3C signal assignment, as we have
were tentatively assigned as shown in Table 2 based on already reported for other corn pound^.^^'^ Correlation
the differences in the shift values. The difference values peaks with methine or methylene protons in the spectra
show variations for some carbons in the A-ring. This are weak, but they are still valuable in reaffirming the

signal assignments proposed for complex compounds study for 13 brassinosteroids therefore provide a basis
such as brassinosteroids. Thus, the 3C assignment for for NMR analyses and, hence, structural assignments
each brassinosteroid, except for the C-11, C-15 and for new compounds of this class as they are isolated,
C-16 signals, was accomplished without referring to any synthesized or structurally modified.
published data.
Natural brassinosteroids isolated to date show a
variety of structural modifications in the A- and B-rings, Ackn,-,wl,,dge,,,ent
and in the side-chains, and it is plausible that new com-
pounds remain to be identified which incorporate many We thank Dr R. F. Toia of the University of California, Berkeley, CA,
of these differences. The NMR data presented in this for kindly reading the manuscript.


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