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DIRECTIONS: Explain each area in approximately 35 to 50 words.

Name: Jacob Holinger

Title of Project: PTSD Professional Interview

Title of Research Paper: ​PTSD: A Modern American Horror Story

Synopsis of Research Paper:

- The paper looks into how the benefits system works for veterans and their families. It
dives into the insurance aspect and how veterans can make claims depending on
disability ratings. It then goes in how veterans starting to deal with PTSD have tried and
failed to use a broken system to cope with war back home

Project Description:

- My project was an interview with a former Military Family Life Counselor about what
PTSD is and how it affects members of the military as well as their families. We talked
about how PTSD starts to form in soldiers and how the people around them can make
things worse, or much better.

Relationship between Project and Paper:

- My paper and my project are tied together with the real-world experiences that are almost
impossible to understand unless you experience it for yourself. PTSD is mostly mental
and it can be difficult to notice anything wrong with a person until it is too late. My paper
and project show just how difficult it can be, but also how to push past those challenges
and help those who need it.

My background experience in the area:

- I come from a long line of military members, and I plan to join the military myself one
day. As a military child to two officer parents, I got to see not only the good things about
being in the military, but also the bad parts. Long times away from family and challenges
faced while overseas can put a lot of pressure on a person and it is difficult for a person to
ever truly recover. Some might not have it as bad as others, but everyone who goes to
war never fully comes back.

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