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DHE KEY OY CORE By Republished by AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ASTROLOGERS 6 LIBRARY COURT, S. E. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20003 Wanye, KJERV a) *C_Y) Cubre| By WYNN This is the first of a series of articles on the Key Cycte. Here fox the inst Line Will be presented many examples, helps fon interpretation of your ingeu- ences daity, weekly and monthey, and’ tables for almost instant taming of your. future vibrations. Keep this ontine series, for it wil prove of geat vatue Zo you and those you wish to hefp. What 4s the rational basis of astrological predictions? When I use the word "prediction", I refer solely to the prediction of con ditions ~ not of events. Fate is limited. The conditions we deal with in the laws of nature are fate - the winds, the rains, the fact that water runs downhill, that summer and winter are oppo~ site seasons of differing temperatures and many other facts which are fatal~ istic because man cannot chonge then. But events are not fated to occur. There is no prediction that can say you will be in Des Moines, Iowa, one year from today, or that you will not be there on that date. There is no fate that tells whom you will marry, that reveals what your decisions will be on any matter. It is fate that you will fall down if you jump from the roof, but there is no fate that will force you to jump. What are the predictions of astrology? ‘They are vibrations interpreted. It is agreed among all students of the celestial science of planetary in- fluences on men, individually. and collectively that planetary rays apply to us not only in the forming of our character correspondence but also in other ways after we are born. The character of aman corresponds with his birth monent and is interpreted by the horoscope, the map of that moment, Whether the planets made him or merely reveal the conditions under which his particu- Jar development throughout many lives could enter this sphere are arguments beside the point here. Personally, I accept the latter - that astrology is the instrument of karmic reincarnations. But this is not necessary to accept- ance of the relationship between the horoscope of birth and the character of the native so born. As to the effects of the planetary rays on the individual after the birth moment, all students are agreed that the planets affect him in terns of hin- self, stimulating various sensitive positions in his horoscope. They agree that he meets problems in later years because of the motions of the planets or of the Earth, or both, which excite by conjunction and aspect the houses and planetary positions of his horoscope. 2 ‘There are several methods for doing this, chief among which are: 1, Primary directions; 2, Progressions, or secondary direction: 3, Transits through the natal horoscope; 4. Coabinations of any tuo or ali three of the foregoing; and 5. The Key Cycle. More than a score of years of study of all the methods of prediction, I could find in the first four classifications led me to the discovery of the Key Cycle. This was because none of those four methods was satisfactory - none of them could stand up over a period of years, nor could any of then account for all the actual influences which one does meet with in life. And not one of these four stands the test of reason. The Key Cycle is the result of reasoning out factors of astronomy and bringing one dominant but hitherto unused factor into the field of astrological application. Not one of the first four methods has even a slight regard for a person's movements, changes and locations. Yet we all know that opportunities are found or lost because of where we are at certain times; and we know that a change of location does things to our health. ‘The factor of location is taken. into full consideration in the Key Cycle. Primary directions, usually referred to as "directions", are not ration- al, for they are based on the notion that all the influences of a man's life occur while he is yet in the cradle, that the conditions of a life of 90 years are completely shown by the rotation of the earth in the native's first six hours. This method asks us to consider seriously the untenable idea that the first four minutes of our life on this planet became our first year of life, and so on ~ 60 that if we would find the conditions of, say, our 31st year, we ust study the relations of the arcs made from us to the planets during the four minutes of clock time between 2 hours and 2 hours and 4 minutes after our first breath. When one has come to the point where he accepts the fact that planets in- fluence us after birth it is impossible to believe they stop influeticing us in a few hours. If they influence us at all, it is necessary to accept that they do so as long as we are under then, during our entire lifetime, not in the few moments permitted by the method of directions. The same irrationality is attached to "progressions", except that the time element is slightly longer, a complete lifetime of, say, ninety years be~ ing theoretically epitomized in the native's first 90 days - while he is still in the cradle. This is the day-for-a-year method. Says Alfred Pearce, in The Textbook of Astnofogy: "I have never found any progressions effective in my own nativity.” And then he dismisses the entire method with a single paragraph. He states previously in the same work that progressions arose from an added idea of Placidus, the Spanish monk who translated Ptolemy in 1647 and 1657, which 3 was introduced by this translator in his work Primum Mobite. "Prior to 1816, continues Pearce, "the various translations of Ptoleny and Placidus were wretched and misleading and leé to many errors on the parts of Lilly, Colley, Sibley, Gadbury and others when they treated on the method of timing life's influences. They mixed the erroneous systen of horary divination with the science of natal astrology. It is lamentable to find that this folly is still taught and practiced even to the present day.” Transits in the natal horoscope come much closer to reality, for they are the relations of the planetary rays at the time. Yet the passage of the plan- ets through the various houses of the nativity are not sufficiently felt to be of importance. Transiting planets in their relations to the natel planets are always very powerful, but not always in relations suggested by the natal houses involved. For instance, if you will look back over your life you will find the transit of Saturn through your 10th house hag not presented as many occupational and other 10th house problems as the transit of this sane planet when in 10th house-aspect to some significant planet in your horoscope, such as the Sun - that is, if you were born at any time other than where these two would come at the same time, such as approximately at sunrise. Transits are all used in the Key Cycle, for it is based on the thoroughly rational, coumon sense foundation, the scientific fact that we are influenced today by the planets today, tomorrow by the positions and conditions of those planets tomorrow, and so on during all the tomorrows, all the months and all the years we are alive. But the Key Cycle use of transits is not that of us- ing natal houses, for we change our angle to the Zodiac constantly. Moving from place to place brings in yet other changes of our angle. Students have struggled with the three methods mentioned, trying vainly to make some known influence of their own lives fit in with some direction, some progression or some transit supposedly corresponding to it. They have found Venus influences by progression and direction vhen the conditions were unquestionably those of Mars. They have seen Jupiter supposedly dominant when their affairs were distinctly of a Saturnine type. This has driven them to make adjustments in their birth time, arguing to themselves that the clock might have been wrong or that the observer was not accurate, or that some one’s memory was faulty. But this has led to more complicationg, for the adjusted birth time does not fit with the next outstanding influence of the life. This brings in the necessity for altering the time equivalent, if the entire method is not to be discarded bodily. There are between fifteen and twenty different time equiva- lente for the same arc in various attempts to force the theory of directions to appear plausible. But not only does none of them apply equally well to the lives of two people - none of them can hang together long enough to describe the influences in the same life for two consecutive important phases. Most students are modest. They are unwilling to believe thenselves as good thinkers as those who have written books, which is often a mistake, for most books are rehashed of the mistranslation of the real thought some one once had. If you really can think for yourself, do so; come to your own con- The unwillingness of students to challenge the statements of authors has 4 made much trouble. The student, realizing many of his actual shortcomings, often believes himself povrer than he really is and believes he will some day see the logic of directions and progressions, or that he has not quite obtain- ed the proper method for figuring them or interpreting them. Permit me to state without qualification that I have gone through these that I have doubted my own doubts, and also that I have vindicated I can figure directions and progressions and have done so in many thou- sands of cases. I have believed in then to the extent of backing then with hard earned money. I have lost heavily by so doing. For directions and pro- ressions are non-existent. There is no such actual thing or influence as either of them, and the sooner astrologers discard them as a fantasy of the ignorant middle ages the sooner will astrologers be able to avoid the many false hopes and groundless warnings they produce for themselves and other: If astrology were dependent upon directions or progressions as its only means of demonstrating that planetary rays influence mankind, it would be weak indeed. But astrology has held throughout ages. Its claim on man's serious study has been ever through the tremendous correspondence between horoscope and char- acter - to the extent that everyone knows "character is destiny." And it has claimed man's regard because transits have been obviously powerful even when seen but darkly. The foregoing and many other considerations had been in ny mind for yea when, in 1926, I had an accident for which I could find no suggestion in any of the methods I had been able to find in the books I had - and I had practi~ cally everything written on the subject of astrology, in either the original or the reprinted version, That accident was nearly fatal. It occurred on May 18, 1926, at approxi- mately 9:00 p.m., at Merced, California, I was injured on the head and hip. Struck by hit-and-run auto, I was on a business trip at the time - after sev- eral previous losing attempts I was seeking again to take advantage of what I considered a most marvelous combination of progressions: progressed Moon trine natal Sun and progressed Sun trine natal Moon, These, as all students know, are given in text booke as opportunities for notable progress, for the making of money, for good health, happiness and success. I was then in des~ perate business and financial circumstances; the trip was a complete failure in a conmercial way. Had there been any power whatever in progressions, that would have been a time when they would have been felt, because of the doubling of the influences. (My data: February 10, 1892, 9:00 a.m., TLT, Chicago, Tl.) ‘On the other hand, my Key Cycle for that day, hour and place shows my na- tal ruler, Mars, ruling KC 10th (business) on the cusp of the 6th (health) exactly squared by the transiting Mars in the 9th (travel). My business prob- lens were shown by natal Saturn at 4th cusp, opposed (the legal aspect) by transiting Uranus-from cusp of 10th (occupation). The transiting Moon, ruler of KC at that time, was exactly conjunction Neptune, both of which were oppos- ed to my natal Sun, from the financial second to the dangerous eighth house, in addition to which the Moon-Neptune conjunction was on my natal 6th cusp, all pointing to money-business-health mixups unless I was exceedingly cauti- ous. But at that time I knew nothing of the Key Cycle. I was not only without warning of the dangers - I was also under belief in progressions, expecting them to aid me in making a bold stroke. As soon as I recovered from the blow on my head(Mars ruling ny natal 1st) ny first thought was a deep desire to know why those supposedly excellent pro- gressions had not vorked out, for they involved my Sun, ruler of the natal 6th and hence a powerful influence related to health, My first reaction was distinctly against astrology and included great re~ sentment against the books which had caused me to waste, as I thought then, 6 more than ten precious years of my life. And I thought of the times clients had reported failure of progressions and directions and how I had replied that they were doubtless misinformed as to their birth times. 1 even had the idea of turning my abilities against astrology, planning to write up the failures of progressions and directions. I went over the texts and their examples and attacked them without the customary attitude of the astrological student, with- out hoping they would work. And I saw much. I saw supposedly reputable writ- ers stretching and distorting and making things look more accurate and scien- tific than they were. These analyses of well known texts were written up in part in the January and February, 1932 issues of this magazine under the titles: "Mie-Directions" and "Progress vs Progressions" (now out of print and no longer for sale) « I then became slightly more rational and bethought mysélf of the many values of the horoscope in relation to character - which brought renewed faith in astrology, while at the same time definitely setting up in ne a scientific attitude that was and has ever since been willing to drop anything that fails to produce results, while continuing to seek more and wore truth wherever po: ible. Thad just begun to experiment with the solar return a few months before the accident, and again took it up. It seemed more reasonable that the annual return of the Sun to its own place in one's nativity would show more of the influences under which he is working than would the very doubtful and practi- cally useless methods I had been trying to justify. But the solar return yielded only partially satisfactory results. It did not show conditions in my affaitre or those of my friends except for a short time around the birthday. I tried using the transite over the chart for the solar return - fairly good for a short time after the birthday and mostly to the slow movers Neptune, Uranus and Saturn. No good in the middle of the birthday year and thereafter. Early in these experiments i found out that the solar eeturn for the place of birth is of value, even temporarily, only when the native is at that location, If he has moved it must be set up for the place of residence at the time. But this was not the complete thing I sought, so I continued to search. I bought and studied several books on astronomy, hoping therein to find some factor that had previously escaped my notice. After numerous false scents had been run down, I located the principle which I later name "The Key Cycle". Here it is: We all know the year equals about 365 and a quarter days, but I discover- ed that this quarter day is distributed throughout the year, revealing the na~ tive's angle to the Zodiac during every day betweea solar returns. Complete tables will be supplied in the next installment of this series, but if you are in a hurry (and you probably are if this is your introduction te the Key Cycle) you can make a working set for yourself. The solar return to its exact degree and minute in your horoscope should be figured for two consecutive birthdays, such as your last one and your next 7 one (or the two before and after any important influence you wish to verify in the past or estimate in the future). You will find that the difference in local and also in sidereal time will be that quarter day which is added by the earth's turn each year - in the neighborhood of the mean annual increment of 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds, Some years more, some less - but 5:48:46 is the average. Suppose your solar return for 1935 fell with the Sun near the cusp of the if such were the case, your 1936 solar return would fall near the cusp of the tenth house, for successive years see the Sun always about a quar- ter of a circle further on around the chart in a clockwise motion, the same as the rising and setting of the Sun and planets daily. This means that during the year about three signs of the Zodiac go over your KC midheaven in regular order bringing each of your natal planetary positions up to it once ina little more than four years, if you remain in the same location, Your Moon, for example, will be at the KC midheaven once in about four years, but it will never be felt there twice in the same manner, for the posi- tions of the transiting planets will all be different each time. It is the same with all the positions in your horoscope ~ they rotate constantly around your KC, but so do the transiting bodies in the heavens at the time. Let us suppose you find ycur two solar returns for consecutive years are 10:43:32 and 16:32:18, exactly 5:48:46 apart. If you want to find the influ- ences you will be under at the exact midpoint between your two birthdays, split the difference between the two returns and set up a chart for it. This would be the way to do it: To the ST of the preceding solar return chart for your place of residence add one-half of 5:48:46(the time distance to the next solar return) or 2:54:23 Thus: to 10:43:32, add 2:54:23 and get 13:37:55, which is half way to your next solar return ST, From the table of houses for your latitude at the time take out the cusps for 13:37:55 and insert the transit points for that date (midway between your birthdays). Around the outside of this chart, or inside it in a different color, place your natal positions. Your figure is then ready for interpretation. In order to obtain a correct Key Cycle for any date, you will be close enough for all practical purposes if you use simple proportion as just sug- gested. If the date for which you wish to set up your Key Cycle is one-third of a year after your birthday, add one-third of the ST increment between that birthday and the next one (referring to the ST of the solar return on or near the birthday), The same with other dates. You can make up a simple table of increments by dividing 5:48:46 into twelve equal parts. One-twelfth of this annual mean increment is 29' 04", Call it a month's increment. Call a week's increment 7'. Suppose the desired date is 3 months and 1 week after your birthday. 3X 29' 04" is 1 hr 27! 12". Add this to 7' and get 1 hr 34! 12", the increment to add to the ST of preced- ing solar return to find proper ST for KC of a date approxinately 3 months and 1 week later. A degree of KC motion goes over the midheaven in about 4 days, a sign in about 4 months, 3 signs a year approximately. It is well to get these rates of motion into your mind for purposes of estimating when a certain configura tion will be at a certain house cusp of the Key Cycle in the future. In a coming installment more detailed methods for quickly getting the exact dates and periods will be given, but it is well at first to see the picture ina general way. Here ds what is going on all the time in your life. Your natal Sun position, the key to all astrology, establishes your angle to the Zodiac, together with the angles of all the other factors of your horo- scope. Your Sun position and the rest of your horoscope rotate constantly accord- ing to the description just given, cmmpleting the circle of houses once in approximately 4 years 47 days. Thus your relation of houses to Zodiac is constantly changing. The Key Cycle is the accurate method for knowing the relationship of these great fac~ tors, together with the planets of your birth chart (horoscope) and also those of the transits in the heavens for any moment in the past or future, for any place where you are or intend to be. Between now and the next installment you will probably do quite a bit of experimenting with the Key Cyele. Please regard it as such, for you may not get it just right on the basis of these necessarily condensed principles. Every detail will eventually be given, with tables, rules and illustrations, 80 please be patient. In getting your solar return, follow this rule rigidly: make calcula~ tions on the basis of Greenwich Mean Time. When you have the exact moment in GMT in any year when the Sun is again at its degree, minute and second in your nativity, change the time to its equivalent where you are at the time of Key Cycle. Example: suppose you are in Philadelphia about 8 months after your birthday and want a Key Cycle for that place and time, First find out the GMT of your preceding solar return; then change this to 5 hours earlier, for that is the correct difference between Greenwich and Philadelphia, This result is your Philadelphia ST for that return of the Sun, even though you might not have been in Philadelphia on your preceding birthday, and regardless of where you were born. Figure the ST increment for 8 months, add it to your Philadel~ phia ST and set up your Key Cycle from the table of houses for that place and ST. The reason for the foregoing procedure is to get your true angle for your location at the time. To do this it is necessary to perform the calculation ‘as though you had been there since your previous birthday. 9 4s the Earth circles around the Sun it is also turning on its own polar axis. It is the relationship of these two motions that gives us the Key Cycle. In one year, which is the time it takes for the Earth to make one journey around its orbit, the sphere on which we live turns 365 times plus abnost a quarter of a turn mone. To be exact, on the average, the relationship is bas- ed on the length of time it is necessary to add to the Earth's 365 turns to equal its orbit, this being 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds, It is this addition, or increment, which makes it necessary to have a leap year every four years, for four times almost a quarter of a day makes almost a day - and because it 1s almost, we skip a leap year every century; but this doesn't make it quite right, so we don't skip it every fourth century. This relationship between orbit and rotation is constantly going on; it isn't something that happens but once a year. Every day, when a 365th of the orbit has been moved through, the Earth has made one complete rotation on its axis, plus 1/365th of 5:48:46 in Sidereal Time. How to Set Up the Key Cycle First, ascertain the exact degree and minute and second of your natal Sun Position. To do this 1t 1s necessary that you have the moment of your birth. If you are not sure of your moment, it is wise to rectify by prenatal epoch according to instructions and suggestions that have appeared in past issues of WYNN'S ASTROLOGY MAGAZINE. This can be very accurately done 4f you know your birth time within limits of about two hours. If you are using logarithms (the tables in the back of the ephemeris will do) split your results proportionately to get as close as you can to the exact minute and second of arc, The Sun travels (by apparent motion) about one de- gree per day; about 5' per two hours, 1' of arc in about 24 minutes of clock time. And 24 minutes of clock time sees about six degrees going over the mid- heaven; so it is evident that one must know the moment of birth within a few minutes of clock time to ascertain which degree is on the mid-heaven and ascen- dant of both the nativity and of the Key Cycle. There are moments when an error of a few minutes would show the wrong sign on one of these important points, Example of splitting logs If the total of our desired log addition comes to, say 2.0577, it is at once seen that this falls between 12' and 13' of arc traveled by the Sun since the preceding noon, (We are calculating a birth Sun position). It is also easy to see that this point is nearer to 13’ for it falls between 12" = log. 2.0792 and 13" - log. 2.0064 But this isn't close neough. So we say, 2.0792 minus 2.0444 is 0348 Inasmuch as .0348 is the difference between the logs of 12" and 13' (be- tween which points our desired log falls) it is representative of 1' of arc, 10 or 60", Dividing .0348 by 60 to get the value of a second, we obtain .00058. Then we subtract the nearest whole log of the table (2.0444) from our desired Jog (2.0577) and get .0133. Dividing this (.0133) by .00058 we obtain approx- imately 23, which is the number of seconds from the nearest log point in the table, namely the log for 13’. So we subtract 23" from 13' 00" and get 12" 37" as the correct are for log 2.0577. (This 1s not absolutely perfect, owing to the progressive additives for the log tables, but it is completely satisfac- tory in general practice! ‘The foregoing is really part of the setting up of the natal horoscope and 4s inserted here for the sake of emphasizing the need for having the start correct for all our Key Cycle work. I have seen so-called "key cyeles" which took no account of the moment of birth. Obviously, they were spurious for the Key Cycle must be calculated from the exact point of the Sun at the native's birth. The Solar Return Because the return of the Sun to its own place in the nativity each year is the check-up of accuracy of all Key Cycles, the exact time of the solar re~ turn must be calculated. This occurs on, or within one day of, the birthday. Suppose we are figuring the 1936 solar return for a person who was born when the Sun was in Virgo 1° 26' 09", After we have found out the exact posi~ tion of the Sun, our native can wander all over the Earth and we can easily calculate his angle to the universe wherever he is, merely by knowing the mon ent of his solar return at Greenwich and where he is at the time. Thu Rufe: From the nata£ Sun position subtract the Greenwich noon position 06 the Sun on the date when it is nearest to, but not greater than, the natal Sun position. In this case, this date is August 24, 1936, when the Greenwich (position given in epheneris) Sun at noon was Virgo 1° 07! 04", Subtracting: Natal Sun 1 26 09 8/24/36 G noon 1_07_04 0 19 05 Ru£e: From the Log of the Sun's arc since preceding noon (Greenwich) sub- tnact Log of Sun's motion for that day; the result will be the GMT (Greemaich Mean Time) of the solar return in hours and minutes since the preceding noon at Greenwich. 1 mone than 12 hours, it is in the next date at Greenwich, but may all back into the same date when translated to Local time where native 4s. Illustration: We have found our solar arc since the preceding noon at Greenwich to be 0 19 05, Turning to the table at the back of the epheneris we find this to be between 19’ and 20". Splitting loge, as indicated in the preceding, we get log of arc 1,8777 1 The Sun's daily motion from noon August 24, to noon August 25, 1936, was 0 57 54, for which the log, split for the seconds, is 1.3957. So ve subtract log d. not and get which is the log of 7 hours and 55 minutes, thus indicating that the Sur. re- turned to its position in this man's nativity at 7:55 p.m. at Greenwich, on August 24, 1936, If the native were at Greenwich and it were August 24, 1936, the chart set for that place and moment (7:55 p.m.) would be his Key Cycle. But 4f it were sone other date, it vould have to be adjusted by means of the increment table on the following page. Rute: when the date is other than the binthday (date of solar return) the St of solar return must be increased by the increment shown in the table on the fofLowing page for the proper distance ztraveked by the Sun since the birthday. Illustration: On August 24, 1936, the noon St was 10 10 20 to which we add = _7_55 18 05 20 which is the St for our subject's solar return at Greenwich. Remember that we are still dealing with him at Greenwich. All we are now changing is date, not place. 18 05 20ST places approximately 1° of Capricorn on the mid-heaven, with the other cusps as indicated in the table of houses for the latitude of the locality, That, then, was his KC mid-heaven on his birthday in 1936. Let us say he wants to know what it would be on December 25th, 1936, at the same place. Sun position, roughly, on December 25th 4s Capricorn 4°. From this we subtract the natal Sun position thus: Cap 44s 9 signs~4 degrees Vir 24s 5 signs 2 degree Diff 4s 4 signs 2 degrees The table (for which credit should go to David J. Lloyd) is based on Sun motion for one year. Each block represents 30°, the twelve blocks correspond- ing to the complete circle of 360°. Reudeing 4 signs to 120° (4 X 30°) and edding the 2° we get 122° as the distance traveled by the Sun from August 24 (the birthday) to December 25, the date for which we want the Key Cyele. Turning to 122 in the table we find St 1 58 12, which is the increment to be added to the ST at time of solar return Thus: 12 KEY CYCLE SIDEREAL TIME INCREMENTS Add the amount of Sidereal Time (S. T.) indicated in this table for the dis- tance travelled by the Sun in degrees. See text. Add 1 minute to obtain midpoint between any two consecutive S. T.’s in this table. Sun S. T. Sun ST. Sun S. T. Sun S.T. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. 0—0 00 00 9-1 27 12 180-2 54 23, 20-4 21 35 2-0 01 56 92-1 29 08 182-2 56 19 272-4 23 31 4-0 03 53 94-1 31 04 184-2 58 15 274-4 25 27 6—0 05 49 96—1 33 00 186—3 00 12 276-4 27 23 80 07 45 98-1 34 57 188—3 02 08 2784 29 20 10—0 09 41 100—1 36 53 190—3 04 04 280—4 31 16 12-0 11 38 102—1 38 49 192—3 06 01 282—4 33 12 14-0 13 34 104-1 40 45 194-3 07 57 284—4 35 08 16—0 15 30 106—1 42 42 196—3 09 53 286—4 37 05 18—0 17 26 108—1 44 38 198-3 11 49 288—4 39 OL 20-0 19 23 110-1 46 34 200—3 13 46 2904 40 57 22-0 21 19 112-1 48 30 202—3 15 42 292-4 42 53 24-0 23 15 114-1 50 27 204-3 17 38 294-4 44 50 26-0 25 11 116—I 52 23 206—3 19 34 296—4 46 46 28-0 27 08 118-1 54 19 208-3 21 31 298-4 48 42 30-0 29 04 120-1 56 15 210-3 23 27 300—4 50 38 320 31 00 122—1 58 12 212—3 25 23 302—4 52 35 340 32 56 124-2 00 08 214-3 27 19 3044 54 31 36—0 34 53 126—2 02 04 216—3 29 16 306—4 56 27 38-0 36 49 128-2 04 00 218-3 31 12 58 23 40-0 38 45 130—2 05 57 220-3 33 08 310—5 00 20 42-0 40 41 1322 07 53 222—3 35 04 312-5 02 16 40 42 38 134-2 09 49 224-3 37 OL 314—S 04 12 46-0 44 34 1362 11 45 226—3 38 57 316—5 06 08 48—0 46 30 1382 13 42 228-3 40 53 318—5 08 05 50-0 48 26 140-2 15 38 230—3 42 49 320-5 10 01 52-0 50 23 142-2 17 34 232-3 44 46 322-5 11 57 54-0 52 19 144-2 19 30 234-3 46 42 324-5 13 53 56-0 54 15 146—2 21 27 236—3 48 38 326—5 15 50 58-0 56 11 148-2 23 23 238—3 50 34 3285 17 60-0 58 08 150-2 25 19 240-3 $2 31 330-5 19 42 62—1 00 04 152—2 27 15 242-3 34 27 3325 21 38 64-1 02 00 154—2 29 12 244-3 56 23 3345 23 35 66—1 03 56 156—2 31 08 246—3 58 19 336—5 25 31 68-1 05 53 1 33 248—4 00 16 3385 27 27 70-1 07 49 160—2 35 00 250—4 02 12 3405 29 23 162—2 36 57 252—4 04 08 342—5 31 20 74-1 11 41 1642 38 53 254—4 06 04 344-5 33 16 76-1 13 38 166-2 40 49 256—4 08 O1 346-5 35 12 78—1 15 34 1682 42 45 258—4 09 57 3485 37 08 170—2 44 42 260-4 11 53 350-5 39 05 82-1 19 26 172—2 46 38 2624 13 49 3525 41 O1 84-1 21 1742 48 34 264-4 15 46 354-5 42 $7 8—1 23:19 176—2 50 30 266—4 17 42 356-5 44 53 88-1 25 15 178-2 52 27 268—4 19 38 358—5 46 50 -13- ST at solar return 18 05 20 ST increment to add _1_58_12 ST on desired date 20 03 32 and then set up the chart for this ST and we have the cusps for this man's Key Cycle on December 25, 1936, at Greenwich (London). This ST gives us the 29th degree of Capricorn on the mid-heaven. Place of Residence If the individual is not at Greenwich, correction must be made to obtain the correct mid-heaven for his or her locality. Rule: After obtaining the Greenvich sidercal téme, by the means previous Ly given fon the desined ddte, correct to Locality at the nate of 4 minutes of chock time fon each degree of Longitude. Add if East of Greenwich; subtract 46 West, Illustration: Let us suppose that our example individual is in Chicago, I1l., on December 25, 1936. We already know that his ST for that date at Greenwich is 20 03 32. And we know that Chicago is 87° 40' West of Green- wich. This is a difference, at the rate of 4 minutes for each degree of West Longitude, of 5 hours 51 minutes, which is to be subtracted from the time (lo- cal or sidereal) at Greenwich. From 20 03:«32 Subtract _5 51 and get 14 12 32 which is the ST for this man's Key Cycle at Chicago on December 25, 1936. Note well that a mere change into local Standand time will not give the correct re- sult, even if you have the Greenwich time right. Another illustration: Suppose our subject were on the other side of Greenwich, in , say, Liangchau, China, This place is 102° 35' East and the time difference is 6 hours and 50 minutes. If this same man were in this lo- cality on December 25, 1936, we would obtain his Key Cycle sidereal time by adding 6 hours and 50 minutes to the Greenwich ST: to 20 03 32 add 6 50 and get “2.53 32 (the circle of 24 hours is dropped) which 4s correct for him on that date at that place. In the foregoing we have seen that the same man would have a different ST and hence a different degree at the mid-heaven of his Key Cycle fon different places on the same day, This is because a change of location changes our angle to the Universe. We have seen that our subject would have 20 03 32 ST on December 25, 1936 at Greenwich; giving him Capricorn 29° on his KC mid- heaven. At Chicago, were he there, he would have 14 12 32 ST, the mid-heav- en of which is Scorpio 5° 30'. If he vere at Liangchau on that same date, his ST would be 2 53 32, giving him a mid-heaven of Taurus 16°. ice In other words, if we had 360 men all of whom were born at the exact same position of the Sun and could put them a degree apart around the entire world each of them would have a different KC mid-heaven at the same time. Distances on the surface of the Earth are but little, as compared to the vast expanse of the surrounding Universe, but all the angles of the Universe can be made in a moment merely by pointing the arm in a circular sweep. A trip around the world accomplishes this in the Key Cycle, and a move of any kind to the East or West makes its proportionate shift in the degree and sign on the mid-heaven, Moves to the East and West are the causes of greater changes, but moves of any extent to the North or South have their effects on the cusps of the KC houses, although a direct North or South move does not alter the mid-heaven, This is a good point to know when a sick person's natal or transiting Saturn or Mars starts through the 6th KC house from the 7th cusp, for a move of thirty degrees of longitude (East or West) for about four months would put the planet through the house in the short time required to make the move. If the move were made to the East, the planet would go through the 6th house on the trip to the East; after a wait of about four months the planet would be appruximately at the 5th cusp and a return to the former locality would bring it back to the 6th cusp and then it would go through the 5th house (from 6th to 5th cusps) again, If the move were first made to the West, the planet would go back to about the 8th cusp and go through the 7th house again during the next four months. If, at the end of thie time, the move back to the for- mer locality were made, the planet would then go through the 6th house in the time required for the move, being exactly where it would have been at the same time if the wove had been made the other way, or if no move hdd been made at all. Numerous reasons for moving about can be instantly brought to mind. If you have the means and the opportunity, you can be at the place where your Key Cycle will be what you want it to be on any future date, provided you don't want to be in America one day and India the next - although with transporta- tion what it is, it may not be long before we can. For the foregoing reasons it is plain to see that one can foresee the conditions under vhich he will be operating at any future date only if he knows where he will be at the tine. Cusps and Planets Now that we have the sidereal time for the date and place (it is not the same every year on the same date at the same place) we can set up the complete Key Cycle in a very few moments. And when you have one KC chart you can set up dozens more for other dates and places almost as fast as you can write down the synbols and figures on a blank map. When you know your ST for the day, turn to a table of houses for the lat- itude of location (where you are at the time) and take out the cusps in the usual way, as when setting up a nativity, -15- In this map place the transiting planets as they appear in the ephemeris for that date. Greenwich noon positions will do for this purpose, with the occasional exception of the Moon - in important calculations the hourly posi- tions of the Noon may be required; if so, add about one degree to its Zodiac- al position at Greenwich noon for each two hours of motion thereafter. Ordi- narily, reference to the aspects and their times, as given in WYNN'S ASTROLOGY MAGAZINE or the ephemeris, are easily referred to the Key Cycle figure for the time. The chart as you now have it is not yet your own exclusive individual Key Cycle, for there are millions of people on Earth who have the exact sane KC mid-heaven as yourself, although they were not all born in your year or on your date of birth. If you are in the city, one of every 360 people has the same KC mid-heaven as yourself, In New York City, this means that about 20,000 peoples’ KC mid-heavens are on each of the 360 degrees of the circle. Ig the mid-heaven and other cusps, together with the transiting planets for the day, were the entire Key Cycle, there would be nothing individual about it. But the Xey Cycle is completely individual. No two people can have the same Key Cycle. They can be close together, twins who are still living togeth- er, having the closest Key Cycles - yet even they are under different KC mid- heavens (angles to the Zodiac) at the rate of a degree for each 4 minutes that separated their entries into the world. The individual Key Cycle 4s obtained by inserting, into the transit Xey Cycle (as explained up to now) for the place and date, the natal planets and house cusps from the horoscope of birth. All planets inserted in the Key Cycle are placed in the map according to sign position, the same as in setting up the nativity. It is well to have na~ tal and transiting planets indicated by different colors, or have one set in- side and the other outside the circle. Interpretation Interpretation will be treated in great detail in the nxt installment of this series, but until then you will want to set up a good many Key Cycle charts and may need a few tips on what they mean, Each house has two rulers, the transiting planet and the sane planet in your nativity. That is, if you have Sagittarius rising in your Key Cycle, the two positions of Jupiter are your index to personal matters, Judge then by house occupied and the planets in aspect with them. For best results use the timing of the aspects given monthly in this magazine. If you have an occupational problem, take into consideration both the rulers of your KC 10th and of your natal 10th. Particularly is this necessary if they be in aspect to each other. The same with the affairs of any house. - igre Set up a series of KC charts about a week apart for eeveral months in the past and also in the future, making a continuous line of them before you. Study the risings and settings of the natal and transiting planets. In this way you will see ahedd to the times when cusps are crossed by your sensitive points of the Zodiac. You will learn to take no chances with step-ladders and skidding tires when Mars (either of ‘em) is on an angle of your Key Cycle. for instance. But don't make final conclusions until you have not only checked all your calculations but until you have read this complete series. Study all you want = the more the better ~ but don't come to terminals until you have all avail~ able information. ia Interpretation Let us imagine we have two people born on the same day in different parts of the world at exactly the sane moment. ‘Their horoscopes will be exactly alike in two great departments, the planets and the Zodiac; every planet in the two charts will be the same in relation to the Zodiac. But they will each be very different because of the relationships of these same planets and signs in their angles to the location on the earth where these two individuals were born, They will have different ascendants, and therefore different ruling planets. And they will not have the same mid- heavens, or any of the other cusps and house rulership: In later life these two will experience exactly the same transits of the sane planets over their mutual Sun position at the same time - and the sane with the identical positions of each of the planets in their two charts But they will not feel them in the sane way and they will not express them in the same way. This is in part because of the nativities being different in points of rulership and occupation of the houses in their two horoscopes. But they experience the vibrations of the transits in different ways, although at the same time, because of their Key Cycles. Let us suppose we have two natives of Taurus, both born with the Sun in the same degree, minute and second of celestial arc. If they were to be at the same place at the sane time, their Key Cycles would be identical (if they were born on the same day of the same year), But this is very remote poosi- bility. Suppose one of these people is located somewhere along the Mississippi River, at 90° West longitude, and the other 1s at London, at long. 0°. There will be approximately 90° difference between their KC midheavens at all times. To obtain the exact KC midheaven for the same moment in another city, as when you desire to know what conditions will be yours in different places, for purposes of selection in moving about, follow this procedure: to the Sidereal. time of Key Cycle at present place add for moves to the East and subtract for moves to the West that amount of time which is the difference between the two places in True Local Time - TLT. In the present case, the difference in time between London and 90° West is exactly six hours. If we think we can add 90° to the midheaven at 90° West and get the midheaven at 0° there are many times when our results would be inaccurate - sometimes as much as 5° plus or minus, and 5° is more than two years of Neptune's motion by trensit - 90 we do not want to do it that way. If our person at 90° W has the midheaven of Taurus 10° we take the ST of this degree: igs 2 hrs 30 min add 6 hrs 00 min for ST at 0° (London) and get 8 hrs 30 min for which the midheaven is Leo 5° - five whole degrees shont of the point Zodi- acal addition vould have given. Let us do it again, this time using Leo 5° on the midheaven at 90° W; what will be the KC midheaven at that moment at Lendon for the same natal Sun position? St Leo S® 8 hrs 30 min plus 6 hrs 00 min equals 14 re 30 min which is the ST for Scorpio 10° on the midheaven,five whole degrees beyond the point Zodiacal addition would have given. Thus is it apparent that at differ- ent portions of the Zodiac speed over the midheaven varies for the same Sider- eal Time. This is related to the seasons. The Same Two Key Cycles a Year Later -19- So make it your invariable rule to make all calculations in terms of the ST differences between places to. obtain the correct cusps for the Key Cycles of one who is moving about, or for two people with the same identical Sun po- sition in different places at the same time. Getting back to our friends with the same Sun position in Taurus, ve know that they are at present experiencing the transit conjunction of the up- setting Uranus. If we take 9° as the orb of conjunction we will find Uranus in this as- pect for approximately two and a half years - for both our example people in this case. The effect on them will be the same in point of duration of time, but they will have many differing angles, both because of their different na- tal houses (caused by different birthplaces) and because they are living 90° apart. Suppose Mr. A of this pair is the one at 90° ¥. Mr. B is at London. At the time when Mr. A's natal Sun position (Taurus 10° 0’ 0") is at the midheaven, as we have already seen, Mr. B's Sun is in the same Zodiacal de- gree, but in his Key Cycle at London it falls in the 7th house, thus giving hin very different applications of what he is feeling from the ray of Uranus at the time Mr. A feels the excitation of Uranus to his Sun through the occu- pational 10th, having charactertistic experiences leading to change in rela~ tions with superiors, public opinion, reputation; while at the same time Mr. Bin London experiences legal agitation, as possible lawsuit and perhaps a general period of difficulty in understanding his wife and business partners (matters of the 7th house). In the Key Cycle of Mr. A the Sun (natal) at the midheaven rules the ascendant, bringing in many urges to say and do and decide personally - and perhaps a bit unconventionally because of the influence of Uranus. This is because the ascendant ruler is always important, both natally and in the Key Gycle, especially when it is the Sun and particularly when it is located at the exposed position of the midheaven. (Note that we are isolating for the sake of this example but one factor of the many that are ever present in the life of any individual - it is by adding one thing at a time that we eventu- ally become familiar with the complexity of existence). Thus we see the same transiting planet (Uranus in this instance) going over the identical Sun positions of two people (who might have been twins) at the same time and yet finding different angles in the Key Cycles of the two that account for the unlike reactions and expressions and departments of life reese tony ranma rostral because of where they are on the surface of gkobe. During the course of the year following the two Key Cycle charts just discussed, the natal Sun position of these two gentlemen will move through approximately three houses, if they remain in their respective locations. The cusps and solar position for a year later are given in charts marked No. 2 for each of them, on page 18. Note that Mr. A's natal Sun position has now moved to the 7th KC house, from the 10th; whereas in the case of Mr. B his Sun position has moved out of the 7th and down to the 4th, In the living of = 20- this year both these men experience the stimulation of the ray from Uranus to their natal Sun position, but it is a moving position that goes through three houses, bringing to the fore the matters indicated by those houses according to the laws and principles of Astrology. That 1s the explanation of the timing and the variations of the same transit influence over the same planet or luminary in the Key Cycles of diff- erent people. Conditions and Attractions It 4s well always to keep in mind the fact that each planet represents typical conditions, and hence experiences, that are accented according to the house each is in and also according to the house it rules. This is parti- cularly the case when angular. For instance, there is a great urge to move, to change occupation, to quarrel with superiors, when Uranus (natal or trans- it) 4s conjunction the KC midheaven. The same 4s true of the people you meet and deal with from time to time. When Venus is at the midheaven of the Key Cycle you find yourself in business and social matters with women and in the interests of those younger. When Saturn, it attracts older people. More detailed analysis of interpretation will follow in a later install- ment of this series, but it is necessary here to give you a method which will shortcut your labors and enable you to see every motion and change of your personal Key Cycle at once, from one end of the year to the other. KC Chart of Entire Year If you will set up a chart of the entire year according to the following instructions, you will “have a most complete and perfect guide to your condi- tions and stimuli. You can see at a glence just when all transiting planets, 45 well as natal positions, will be in any house or aspect. Materials required: a large sheet of graph paper (15 X 22 will do) or artists’ bristol board; two or three colored pencils; ruler or T-square. Use the sheet with the wide dimension to left and right, the short dimen sion up and down. At the left measure off twelve divisions, an inch each, from the bottom; these are the signs of the Zodiac - mark them in proper ard- er, beginning with Aries at the top and ending with Pisces at the bottom. Draw lines across the entire width of your sheet at the cusp of each sign thus indicated at the left. Calculate the Sidereal Time for two consecutive solar returns, a year apart from birthday to birthday. See previous material if unfamiliar with the method, ‘This gives you the two midheavens of the two solar returns. They will be just about three signs apart. (It is understood that this chart is for the native at the same place throughout the year; if he moves any consid- erable distance, another chart will have to be made with the proper midheav- ens and other cusps for the place to which he moves). -2- Let us say the two returns occur: miditeaven Virgo 17° at the birthday in 1936 and Sagittarius 17° at the birthday in 1937. This gives us a yea motion of 90° over the midheaven of this individual. It might have been 87° or any other nearby figure according to the signs involved ~ each case gives the correct number of degrees over the midheaven in any year by means of simple subtraction of one midheaven from the one of the solar return a year later. Take the number of degrees thus obtained and allow a quarter of an inch for each degree across your table from left to right, marking perpendicular lines for each of then - in this instance, ninety lines up and down across the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Now make entry of your midheaven point at the first solar return of this pair - make it on the perpendicular line at the left in the proper place in the sign where it falls. In this instance we enter Virgo 17° just below the middle of the division indicated for Virgo. Do the same at the extrene right at the line corresponding to the second solar return midheaven of the pair with which you are working. Then the lines between each represent a degree over the KC midheaver, about 4 days apart. In the case of 90 such lines scatter five 5-day intervals among the 4-day intervals, marking the head of each line with appropriate dates when those degrees will be on your KC mid- heaven, These dates will begin with the birthday at the left and proceed ‘through the year to the next birthday. Connect the left and right points with a straight line; this will slant diagonally down from left to right, through about three signs. As this line crosses your date lines you will know when each degree of each sign is on your KC midheaven, for each upright line is a degree by construction. You can look along this line and tell at what future date the sign on your KC midheaven will change and thereby know when you will have. a new sub-ruler for your occupational and other 10th house affairs. This is very valuable in mak- 4ng advance plans and estimates. Turn to your Table of Houses for your latitude and from it take out the cusps of all houses under the midheavens thus established, marking them on the chart and connecting them with lines in the same manner, This gives you the travel of the KC houses through the Zodiac during the year under observa~ tion. Now introduce into the Zodiac the lines indicating planetary motions and travel during the year, under the dates already established at the heads of the upright lines. Put your natal positions stationary in the Zodiac at the left - the KC cusps and the planets will be seen to move to them and over them during the course of the year. ‘This chart gives a birds'-eye view of a year in most graphic fashion, enabling you to grasp all the factors involved at a glance. In the next installment of this series on the Key Cycle will be given actual readings of the more important house and rulership positions in the Key Cycle, together with suggestions for their datly use. ~2- HOW TO USE THE TABLE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE This is a table showing the motion of the Sun during the various parts of a 24 hour day, at eight different speeds of apparent motion. The speeds are indicated under heads A, B, C, etc., and are given in minutes and seconds (as under B, 60' 30") for the day's motion, Down the left colum are given the half hours in GMT (Greenvich lean Time) since previous noon, opposite which in the body of the table are the proportionate distances under the daily speeds at the tops of the columns. To avoid looking up the dates for which these speeds of solar travel apply, use the following: Use column A for all dates from Nov, 28, including all of December and January, to Feb. 7 inclusive. Use column B for all dates from Feb. 8 to 27; and also from Nov. 7 to 27. Use column C for Feb, 28-March 14; and for Oct. 22-Nov. 6. Use column D for Mar, 15-29; and for Oct. 7-21. Use column E for Mar. 30-Apr. 13; and for Sept. 23-Oct. 6. Use column F for Apr. 14-28; and for Sept. 7-22. Use column G for Apr. 29-May 19; and for Aug. 18-Sept. 6. Use column H for May 20~Aug. 17 (including all June and July). (For moments between the halfhour points add 5" of arc for each 2? uin~ utes of GMT). GMT Elapsed Time SS SSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSESSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSESS -23- Daily Sun Motion For calculating exact solar position LB0 BSovonens SaSnsasn D E +3 8 Sowvanen ESRRSRENE & 2 AEGN S&SS e g e7 ONO REND BBSRASRS +8 sO RESRRESBRG De ocovasens as & am 8 COVaREn RNRESSERA 0 47 = m= An Actual Case "Iam in love with my secretary," began Mr, J-- at the outset of our interview, “and she says she loves me. If she really does, I want to rent a nice apartment where we can live together - " ardon me," I interrupted, “But did I miss something? I didn't hear you say anything about marrying her, did 1?" “Oh ~ you see, I'm already married. But it's all right. My wife under- stands perfectly. We have been married in name only for more than ten years." "Then why not make it official by means of divorce before you take on further physical and spiritual obligations?” I asked as I studied his Key Cycle charts that lay on the table between us. "My son and daughter would not think well of it, I'm sure; and it might have some effect on my standing in the business world, for I am constantly dealing with religious organizations and publications. You see how it is ~ "I think I do." "Good. All I am interested in 4s whether or not the young lady cares for me more than for my money. Just tell me about that angle of it." "Mr. J.," I said, "You have cone to the doctor and you tell him to treat you for a scratch on your finger when your real trouble is a malignant case of tuberculosis that will break out at any moment ~ " "Why, what do you mean?" "I mean that your wife does understand - more than you think she does. She is not going to let you get away with anything of that nature. The moment you give her cause for trouble,she will start legal action that will have far reaching consequences. Your only proper course is to be good,strange as that may seem to you." He became very angry. “See here," he shouted, “are you going to answer my question or not? And I'11 thank you to tell me nothing further." “Cool off, Mr. J.," I said. "Do you want to go through a major gcandal thet could wreck your business and reputation? Of course not. Then let me explain some of the vibrations through which you are about to pass - every- thing depends on the way you handle the situation. This will be critical in many ways unless you look ahead and tread very cautiously -" "That settles it! Good day, sir!" And he was off to do as he pleased without even hearing my advice. That interview occurred on September 16, 1927. ene On October 22, 1927 forty-six days later, his wife and several policemen raided the apartment in which Mr. J was living with his former secretary and the papers had it splashed all over their front pages. He never returned to me. What his thoughts were on the matter of astrological advice, I can only imagine. But I do know that he had plenty of trouble for several months and that he sold his business to a junior partner because of the publicity and scandal, His wife obtained her divorce and a large settlement and the young lady whose charms had so distracted hin disappeared at the first, suggestion of the matter becoming public property. What were his Key Cycle indications? Before we analyze this case, put down in the notebook of your memory the item that Rule No. 1 in all astrological work is that the planets are to be interpreted in terms of the houses they rule and occupy, for it is by their motions that they bring the living vibrations of the reflected solar ray into the various houses they occupy and it is by their rulership of the houses that we know what matters of the life they bring with them into the house they occupy. Watch this vork out in the following explanation and use it on your ovn cases every day. The accompanying charts are not complete Key Cycles, but they contain the outstanding elements of Mr. J's problem, It is often wise to use another blank horoscope map for noting down the planets and houses most powerfully in- volved in a situation - it assists a high degree of concentration by eliminat~ ing other factors that might be confusing. But be careful to get all that are necessary into the picture - refer back to the complete Key Cycle after ‘a conclusion is reacheg, in order that nothing may escape you, Check your findings frequently. In the chart for September 16th, 1927, we see Neptune as the ruler of the KC first house and hence sub-ruler of his life at that time and place. ‘This is too often typical of the sort of emotional fog he was flying in. And the transiting Neptune is seen in the KC sixth house, indicating the focusing of his attentions on an employee (6th house relationship), Neptune in Leo, the Sth sign (affections), accounts for the more than business relationship between them, In addition to this, Neptune was in his Sth house at birth, adding the testimony of his desire to deceive his children. These are the wrong applications of Neptune's vibration, the fault of the man, not of the planet. The right application vould have been along artistic and creative lines for the good of all concerned; but he did not choose to use them that way. ‘The transiting Sun ruled the 6th and was in the 7th, showing the wife knew about the secretary and the secretary knew about the wife. The Sun in Virgo, sign of the employee (6th sign), indicated by its 7th (matrimony)house position that she would have been willing to marry him had he been free. Saturn and Mars are introduced into this figure because they are the pla nets that will next rule his occupational and reputational KC mid-heaven and his KC ascendant respectively. It 1s always wise to keep in mind which plan- ets will be powerful as rulers of these positions in the near future. Make it a rule to say to yourself, "In about how long will the mid-heaven change rulers?" and then estimate mentally at the rate of about 4 days for each de- gree. In this case, looking at the chart for September 16th, there are eight degrees to go, indicating a little more than a month until Saturn will be ruling Mr. J's mid-heaven, Where will Saturn then be? Reference to the table of houses under the Capricorn mid-heavens shows that the early degrees of Sagittarius (where Saturn was at that time) fall in the 8th house, that of sex problems and the money of a partnership or marriage. 27 That was why I tried to warn him of impending scandal if he should go ahead with his selfishly emotional plans. The moral side was apparently of no interest to him, and my approach to his mind was obviously along lines of what he would term "practicality". Even that failed. For when there is wrong application of the vibration of the ruler of the mid-heaven (KC or natal) there will be loss of reputation (10th) through mat- ters of the KC house occupied by the mid-heaven ruler. This 1s most likely to be of personal nature when the mid-keaven ruler is on the Ist, 5th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses of the Key Cycle, Look to these possibilities when con- fronted with a friend's or client's problem similar to that of Mr. J. Referring to the chart for October 22, 1927 we see that his KC ascend- ant had but recently changed to Aries, making Mars his sub-ruler, which is seen in the 7th (marriage, partnership, legal actions); the natal position of Mars is in his KC 5th (love affair, relations with children). It is also noteworthy thet at the time of raid the transiting Mars was in exact 4th house (home, estate) aspect to its natal place in his horoscope, thus account~ ing for his own acts that led to attracting the breakup of his domestic situ- ation, loss of homelife and divorce. Mars was also in his natal 7th house at birth. Natal Mare is here seen in conjunction with KC 5th cusp, accounting for accent on his emotional vibrations; but he used them improperly and thus brought down upon his own head the difficulties which followed. He should have used it to renew his once pleasant relations with his wife and children, if possible, It ds quite possible that other acts and decisions in his past had precluded that and this was but a logical sequel to what had gone before ~ another argument in favor of complete cooperation by marriage partner: ‘The transiting Mars was in the 7th (matrimony, legal) eign and KC house and in conjunction with the Sun, ruler of KC 6th, thus describing the woman (former employee and social inferior) with whom he was caught by his wife (7th) and the lav (7th), That the government (10th) was involved in a sex crime on his part (8th) 48 shown by Saturn (ruling KC 10th) in KC 8th (sex). Saturn in these relations of his Key Cycle also accounts for his sale of his business holdings to a partner; 10th, ruled by Saturn, is his busi~ nes; and the 8th is the money of the partner. That Saturn was the planet involved would suggest that he took less than an unforced sale would have netted him. When Aries took possession of his KC ascendant, making the decisive and active Mars hie sub-ruler, Neptune in his KC 6th became ruler of the sign intercepted in his KC 12th, evidently causing him to go ahead with the illeg- al business so often associated with the 12th house (living with an unnarri- ed mate), Neptune here describing the employee by its occupancy of the 6th hosue in his Key Cycle. The Key Cycle Ascendant In making interpretations of the Key Cycle always keep in mind the fact that you should blend the positions of the transiting and natal positions of the planeta involved. This ie true of all houses at all times. The natal - 28 Positinn of a planet goes steadily around the circle of houses in clockwise, rising motion at the ascendant and setting motion at the descendant; but the transiting planet does not pursue a steady course - it may go through the signs faster than KC motion (a degree over the midheaven in 4 days), in which case we see it going around the circle in the order of the houses and in the order of the Zodiacal signs. This is always the case with the Moon and Sun, and often with Mercury, Venus and Mars when direct in motion, Jup~ iter, when direct, moves at almost the same rate as the KC motion, thie pla- net remaining in the same house for many months, although changing degree and sign while doing it. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto always rise and set against the order of the signs and houses. This sounds more complicated than it really is, so don't try to memorize it - it will come to you as you observe a few Key Cycles Pay much attention to the ruler of the ascendant, the sub-ruler, Te would be a good idea to make out a list of the changes of the ascending sign over the year to come and show where the ruler is as well as what it is, In- clude the natal and transit positions of the ruler. Like this: Suppose you want to make a list of this type beginning with Jan. 1. On Jan, 1, let us say, Sagittarius is rising in your KC (at the lst cusp). Put down Sagittarius, the date and its ruler: "Sagittarius, Jan. 1; Jupi- ter." Then follow this, on the same line, with "Natal Jupiter in 7th KC house” (if you happened to have Jupiter in Gemini at birth) or wherever it falls in that January 1st Key Cycle. Then enter the transit Jupiter - it will be in the end of Libra on Jan. 1, 1937, which would fall in the llth lumse of this Key Cycle. Look ahead and make notes of the movenents of these two positions during the time Sagittarius remains the sign on the KC Ascendant. Then do the sane with Saturn, natal and transit, when Capricorn follows Sagittarius as ascending sign. And so on, You will thus have a quick reference to your future stimuli in most watters related to your personal affairs (ruler of 1st house). For your oc- cupational affairs do the same with the mid-heaven and its rulers. The following are suggestions concerning the conditions you are likely to encounter when the signs are rising (on the ascendant) in your Key Cycle: Aries rising in Key Cycle, ruler Mars: a period of action, quick deci- stone, increased Vitality. stronger 30x avveal, interest in the opposite sex, added responsibilities, changes in home life. Blend with the two positions of Mars (natal and transit) and transit aspects to them. Taurus rising in Key Cycle, ruler Venus: occupational and financial ehifte make strong appeal, powerful urges to better yourself, to make life easier now and in the future, dissatisfaction with superiors; be cautious in making too sudden moves, Blend with house positions of the two Venus's. Take good care of health. dnt_rising in ele, ruler Mercury: a period of fluctuating = 29- mental views and attitudes toward domestic surroundinge, extzavagance or shifting financial vibrations; use care in making long distance coumitments. Blend with positions of Mercury. Cancer rising in Key Cycle, ruler Moon: domestic and occupational mat~ ters strongly to the fore; be tolerant in all dealings - the tendency is to be quite the other way unless on the alert to avoid it, Temperament is like- ly to be quite unceratin. Stick to routine. Note notion of Moon, Leo rising in Key Cycle, ruler Sup: self-assertiveness, danger of be- coming unpopular with loved ones and others in close association, need for holding back on wild purchases and obligations, benefits through ot to child- ren, interest in drama or theatre; avoid speculation, Blend with position of natal and transiting Sun, Virgo riging in Key Cycle, ruler Mercury; strong urges to shift in occu pationsl wayes dlacontene with superiors, Pablicity easily obtained for or against good reputation; emotions tend to the unreliable side unless held in check. Blend with position of Mercury, natal and transit. kL in Key Cycle, ruler Venus: test of family, legal and do- mestic status, tendency to feel abused and to take steps to fix it; don't trust your emotions if they begin to wander to new fields - wait and see if it ds real before acting. Watch the Venus position, Scorpio rising in Key Cycle, ruler Mars: powerful feelings arise for and against those wlth whoa you deal] GGSIEe fo move residence or to go into bueiness for self in soue way - to become the boss; strong for marriage if eligible. Blend with positions of Mars. Sagittarius rising in Key Cycle, ruler Jupiter: added financial re- svonsibility and abilite to Guke mors wonay;~ teaptinge by various forma of self-indulgence; strong urge to travel; interest in distant matters; attrac- tions to and by those living afar. Blend with positions of the two Jupiters Capricorn rising in Key Cycle, ruler Saturn; heavy responsibilities, extravagant expenditures, aitarstioas to the homey new building, interest in real estate; avoid worry over legal conditions -best .not to sue on the spur of the moment. Blend with positions of Saturn, warius rising in Key Cycle, ruler Uranus: turning toward the future and sabing.laporeent: decisions ae che Eas oT important decisions on the basis of past experience; financial involvements, tendency to becoming too independent for ovn good, especially with those in powerful positions. Note Uranus well, in Key Cycle, ruler Neptune: a restless period; tendency to make moves more on the basis of feelings than on judgment; new interests in the young; affectional outpourings; opportunities to increase occupation~ al rewards and fane. Note Neptune's positions. House Positions The house position of the KC ascendant’s ruler should be blended with the foregoing, somewhat along these lines: - 30 KC ascendant ruler in 1st house: strong desire for self-expression, do things yourself; phone, don't write; opportunity for self-development. K_ascendant ruler in 2nd house: financial problems and opportunities; study the nature of the planet and its meaning in natal chart. Pay, collect. KG ascendant ruler in 3rd house: accent on relations with relatives; increase in perceptive abilities; write, travel; investigate. KC ascendant ruler in 4th house: estate, howe life, competition, pi ents come strongly into the frame of experience at this period. KG_gscendant ruler in 5th house: stimulations to the affections ~ keep them positive; improve relations with children; be creative mentally. KC cendant ruler in 6th house: health to be wisely handled; keep a strict eye on servants, employees, social inferior improve service. KC ascendant ruler in 7th house: legal and marriage relationships to the fore for wise handling; avoid open quarrels; be diplomatic, tactful. KC_ascendant ruler in 8th house: settlements in partnership, legal and marriage affairs; relations with affairs of the dead; sex stinulation, ler_in 9th house: urge to travel, to study, to get new concepts into the brain mind; publicity, publishing, importing opportunities. K¢_ascendent ruler in 10th house: relations with governnental, social and occupational superiors; sensitive to both the good and otherwise in you. KC ascendant ruler in 11th house: accent on new and old friendships; dealings with money of occupation or superiors; make future plans. C_ascendant ruler in 12th house: confidential affairs -- keep then free from causes of scandal later; use this for quiet self-development. Note that two \of these house positions are usually called into vibra- tion, and that they do not necessarily follow in rotation when they change Remember always the significance of the planet involved as it originates in the nativity of the owner of the Key Cycle, Each planet 1s YOUR planet to you, <3 Occupants of KC Ascendant Last month we saw some brief keys to interpretation of the signs on the KC ascendant and of the positions by houses of the ruler of the ascendant. These are modified by natal and transiting planets actually rising in the KC ascendant. It is well to sit back with eyes closed for a few moments to learn to visualize what is going on in the Key Cycle: First, imagine yourself as the newly born infant on your day of birth, with a nice fresh horoscope all ready for you to work out during a long and useful lifetime. This horoscope is also your first Key Cycle and during your first year your midheaven and all the other cusps of your houses moved approximately three signs through the Zodiac by KC motion. In your first four years, approximately, your horoscope positions all passed over the as- cendént, over the midheaven and all other parts of the circle, for in about four years the cusps of the Key Cycle for the same place and person return to where they were. This has been going on ever since you were born. It 1s therefore well to keep constantly in mind the fact that all the natal planetary positions in your horoscope are following each other to the ascendant, on upward to the tenth, down to the seventh and around under the fourth cusps all the time (if you stay at the same location). Each four years sees, for instance, your natal Jupiter at the KC ascen- dant, The same with each planet, with your natal ascendant, with your natal midheaven and all the cusps of your nativity. All cross your KC ascendant at some time in each four years. In this way the pattern of your own individual horoscope is being brought out into prominence 1n your own nature in all possible ways. When a certain planet or cusp is at your KC ascendant, you feel greatly disposed to express yourself through the affairs indicated by that planet or house, for the first house (ascendant) of the Key Cycle is what you are using at the time - and that which is there from your nativity is the material you have at your disposal, plus, of course, the transiting planets which are also there. You would do well to pursue a formula in estimating the future influ- ences with which you will meet. Something like this is usually good: 1, Individual significance of natal planet or cusp at KC ascendant; 2. House or houses of the Key Cycle at the time ruled by this natal pla~ net at the KC ascendant. 3, Natal significance of whatever transiting plenet may be in KC ascen- dant; = a2 4, KC significance of this transiting planet in KC ascendant; and 5. Relations of both these planets, natal and transiting, to each other and to other planets, natal and transit, by aspect at the time, (This same formula can be applied to any house, simply by reading the house desired into it instead of the ascendant). At first glance this may seem tke quite a job, but it becomes very simple in a few examinations of your Key Cycle, and the results you obtain are so worth while it vould pay even if it were more difficult. These five steps (and sometimes there are only two of-then) are casily completed in a half hour when you put your mind to it, and you have knowledge that will assist you over several weeks, if not longer - an excellent investment of your time and study. 1, Individual significance of natal planet. In the case of Miss L., parte of whose nativity and Key Cycle are here given, Saturn's natal po: tion came to her KC ascendant in June, 1927. What did it signify to her? Obviously, 1 ve merely ascribe an arbitrary or average meaning to a planet and then attempt to apply it to all people alike we are not going to under- stand astrology's deeper values as we should. So we examine her nativity and find Saturn in the 6th house, in Aries, ruling the 4th house and dispos- iting (ruling the sign occupied by) Uranus in Capricorn in the 3rd, This is index of personal service (6th house location) in some line using the head (aries) brain, in relation to an occupation (Capricorn the 10th sign) having to do with writing, science, travel (3rd house) or inventive, transportation or communication lines (Uranus). That she was trained as a writer was ex- cellent preparation for the opportunity presented to her under the Key Cycle here discussed; part of her training calling for parts of the nativity omitt- ed here for sake of simplicity in illustrating the point (referring chiefly to her mutual reception between Neptune and Mercury from 9th to 5th houses and in creative trine to each other). She was born March 27, 1908, Thus we see that Saturn coming to her ascendant brings up the matters just enumerated approximately every fourth year of her life. 2. What houses in the Key Cycle at the time are ruled by the rising na~ tal plaset? Saturn ruled the Tith cusp st that tine Gas Tee mee the time when rising through the first house from a sign position in Aries). In her particular case, the fact that a planet disposited by Saturn (Uranus in this instance) is always in her KC 10th (occupation) when Saturn ig near the KC ascendant brings occupational matters to the fore with additional Strength whenever this configuration occurs with her, signifying as we have already noted, occupational matters in her nativity to begin with. ‘The rul- ership of the KC 11th by Saturn accents old (Saturn) friends (11th) as well as the finances of occupation (1ith again) when this configuration ascends. We now have the pattern for this young lady, as far as the natal layout of her chart is concerned, But this particular time she had considerably more than an average prom- inence of these affairs for the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus fell on - 332 her natal Saturn in June, 1927, at which time we have already seen Saturn at her KC ascendant, 3, Natal significance of transiting plancts in KC ascendant. with Jupi- jus transiting her KC lst house, we should First look to her nati- vity to learn what they signify to her. Jupiter is the planet at her natal midheaven (occupation)and it is seen in Leo, the sign of drama, children, love affairs,ct ceter: ruling her nat- at 3rd (writings, travel, philosophy, publishing, newspape1 In her nativity, Uranus 4s in the 3rd house, as already mentioned in -34- connection with the dispositorship of Saturn at her natal 6th, accenting the occupatiunal and literary testimonies noted. Uranus is the ruler of the na~ tal 4th, as is also Saturn, a combination of new and old pulling her away from places where she wants to remain in the department of home environment (ath house). This in combination with the influence of Jupiter, ruling Sagi- ttarius (far places) at her 3rd cusp (moving short distance), urged her so strongly to move her residence at that time that she did so. 4, KC significance of transiting planets in KC ascendant. Jupiter here rules the KC midheaven (occupation) and 9th (travel, publication, distance, syndication). Uranus rules the 12th(secrets, working from behind the scenes, coufidential matters, roundabout relations), Saturn, natally in the KC as~ cendant, is seen by transit at the cusp of the 9th in this Key Cyele (June 1927) in Sagittarius, disposited by Jupitet, thus completing the tie-up of highly concentrated vibrations which were surrounding Miss L, at that tine. 5. Relationships between all planets in the ascendant, natal and tran- siting, to each othet and to other plansts “Gt The Pines Ar bith Te the Case of Wiss L~ Jupiter and Saturn are Fine Fou TOEE ES 6th houses, thus showing her high endowment of creative abilities in matters of personal ser- vice in an occupational way. The trine aspect is always a combination of Sth and 9th house vibrations, one planet in the configuration being at the Equilibrium 5th of the other, which is at the Equilibrium 9th of the former; and the fifth 1s the house of creation, hence related both to children and also to the products of the mind as in art, literature, drama and invention. At the time of this Key Cycle we find this same aspect, the trine, accented strongly, for the transiting Saturn 4s trine its own place, trine Jupiter and trine Uranus. What she did. Young as she was, she had made a deep impression on an elderly gentleman for whom she had done some research work (Saturn in Aries at the 6th). This had started his notice of her and he had kept his eye on her for more than a year, when he heard of an opening in a newspaper syndi- cate for a writer on matters of child welfare. Miss L.was studying journal- ism in college. She naturally liked to write about children (recall her Neptune-Mercury combination from 9th to 5th houses at birth). The old man steered the offer to her in such a way that she didn't know for a long time how she happened to be approached upon the matter,thus verifying the testi- monies of the transit ruler of the KC 12th in the KC ascendant concerning a matter of occupation (seme planet's natal place in KC midheaven, and the transit conjunction ruler of KC midheaven, which was also the natal ruler of the midheaven - Jupiter). It came to her 4n the form of an offer to take over a new children's feature on a syndicate, many of which testinonies have already been listed. In addition to which were the position of her natal 10th cusp in the KC Sth with natal Jupiter, and her natal 3rd cusp in the KC 9th. It was necessary that she move to another city, thus changing her resi- dence (the 4th house watters involved and already described). All these things she did, thus working out wisely the indications of her nativity at the time they were accented by KC motion. 35 = Interpretation of Planets The variety of influences that can be brought to any one house and the matters which attend it are almost infinite, but 2 few suggestions and keys will assist the beginner to interpret the conditions he finds. The follow- ing are intended as clues rather than finalities or fatalisms, suggestions as to the natures of the vibrations accompanying the planets as they rise through the ascendant, whether natal positions of the planets are mentioned or the transiting planets at the time. In either case, temember the five points of the formula just given and blend all the influences you find re- lated to a house. And do not consider any one part of the Key Cycle as be~ ing all the influences at one time, even though they be most important - it is well to take one part of the figure at a time for etudy, but be sure to put together the ascendant, the midheaven, the other angles and whatever configuration presents iteelf in the chart before making itportant decisions or taking steps with far reaching effects, Use these keys together with the ones for rising signs and positions of the ruling planet in last month's installment. Natal Positions Rising Natal Sun position rising in KC ascendant: this is a strong testinony for thsee Gcconplionesrs “GGEte Four peracualivy can be of bancfit to your self and others; it is a time when you should put forth every possible con- structive effort to live up to the best in your natal Sun vibrations, for they are now prominent and people are watching you more closely than usual for evidences of your personal excellence. This is your point of inflowing life energy and it is now at that part of the Key Cycle where you cannot help revealing yourself at what you really are. You are likely to be frank and definite and outspoken to whatever extent these qualities are possible in your nativity. Natal Moon position rising in KC ascendant: this 4s a period when your enotignel and -doncatie side seeks promincate Tor thoce qualities and experi ences indicated by your Moon in your horoscope. Renew your vows and build with loved ones in all relationships at this time. This position brings to the fore all aspects to the planet or position on the ascendant, so regard well the natal aspects to your Moon and be guided accordingly - this is a sensitive period for you and one in which you are likely to express yourself ina most intimate manner. Be careful that you do not say or do more than you wish to keep in the record; keep the emotions linked constantly to the better judgment if you are in the least inclined to show your feelings too denonstratively (referring to all the feelings, not merely those of the affections), A restless tine. Desire for travel i€ not outright and perma: nent change, Best not to move too completely or definitely if this is the sole testimony of its value. Natal Mercury positions rising in KC ascendant: this is usually a call for you to put your judgment to work on the problems indicated by Mercury in your nativity; matters of thought, trade, selection, and possibly of health through conditions of nerves to the fore. A time for writing and travel,but also for care in both, lest there be carelessness that could lead to trouble. =a Natal Venus position rising in KC ascendant: this is a time for culti~ yating all that is beautiful within and without; seek the harmonious on all levels, according to the testimony of Venus in your horoscope. The affec- tions are likely to be strong at this time; make sure you do not seck mere Gratification and self-indulgence ~ this is the time to share with those who really care for you, Natal Mars position risi along constructive Lines alre: ing in KC ascendant: this is a time for action ly cavefully planned; look forward to this and be ready, else there 1s danger of splashing about in an aimless way that makes difficulties and necessity for retracing steps. Self-assurance is an asset at all times, but this 80. Natal Jupiter position rising in KC ascendant ia a period when one is likely to be too much 3 temper desire with judgment, Remember: this 1s your Mars. this is a time for the sort “of expansion and growth indicated for you in your horoscope. Take Steps to develop along the lines of your own Jupiter, building for permanen- cy and the inner widening of understanding that makes for better conditions in the physical world and circumstances about you. Avoid overconfidence that leads to extravagance. Natal Saturn position rising in KC ascendant: this ie a period of test- ing for personal worth. " You are here sore or less on trial for the practi cal values you have been able to make of your talents and equipment. Also, the kind of life you have been living will come out in health condition at this time. Tendency here to take on added responsibilities of a personal nature, with or without remuneration, according to the testimonies of Saturn in your personal horoscope. Natal Uranus position rising in KC ascendant: this is a time for tak- ing doventory of the past and cotting-avay dead stsck and toad issues. Look ahead and make plans for changes that will be of most good to greatest nun~ ber of those involved in life with you. Tendency here to be too self-opin- fonated, yet it is almost essential that you do your own thinking; try to do it in a manner similar to the your kind of Uranus. best advice you would give another person with Natal Neptune position rising in KC ascendant: this is a time of caln exanination of the inner nature, for aesthetic expressions of the best in whatever type of art you are most interes! » Such as the dance, painting, Poetry, writing or other expression which you do yourself. It is often an inspirational tine, but must b of doubtfulness about the matt: Good to a district attorney. The foregoing explanation: @ carefully checked lest there be some element ers planned. Avoid schemes, that wouldn't look sand suggestions are practical for the same Planets when they are transiting, but it must be borne in mind that the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and often Mars are traveling so fast that their influ. ences do not last as long as d lo their natal positions in the same house. aa Fane, glory, occupation, disgrace, relations with superiors in business, with government officials - look to the midheaven (10th house). This is equally as true of the Key Cycle midheaven as of the natal and Equilibrium midheavens of an individual, In fact, all three of these sensi- tive areas and points (the house is the area; the cusp 4s the point) are to be taken into consideration at the same time, together with their occupants and rulers. (See rules for judging the ascendant as given in WYNN’S ASTROL- OGY MAGAZINE last month, and proceed similarly with the midheaven of the Fey cycle). Tetusthation: (area) during the time, about four months, when your na~ tal seventh house is going over your KC midheaven, you will have numerous experiences related to public dealings with other people including those of Jaw, matrinonial relationships, showdowns with open opponents, if any, and many opportunities to cooperate with those about you in constructive ways. What you do with these opportunities to quarrel or help is entirely up to you - the laws of nature are presenting you with the vibration of the 7th house of your nativity in the prominence of the KC midheaven, (Point) when the cusp of a house crosses the KC midheaven, the natal significance of that house is brought into especial prominence for approximately a month before and about ten days following the actual conjunction - 9° prior to and 2-1/2° after are fair orbs of this influence. The cusp of the 7th house in the foregoing would accentuate the affairs of the entire house during the period of these approaching and separating orbs. The secrets of the midheaven are many. This, the topmost part of any horoscopic figure, is the key to vast relationships between man and the forces and powers of the Universe - his gateway to achievenent,or hie path to retribution through self-made Karma. There is so much to the study of the midheaven that it could almost be called a science in itself, a sort of midheaven-ofogy, as it were. Each student of astrology should have a losse~leaf notebook in which he writes down the story of his ow life, past and present - a record of auto- biography, giving dates and periods of his life as he recalls them from time to time. When was it that you went to Denver? as that in 1912 or 191 You may not recall it correctly, but 4f you are making constant notes as to various events and conditions surrounding you, places and people visited, contacts with the public affairs of the time (1912 was a year of presidenti- al election and that should call to mind where you were and many other cir- cumstances you have lost track of). Reserve a page for each year of your life and jot down the chronology of your life for study of the celestial vi- brations - your own case is the one from which you can learn most, for you know what you felt at the time, even though no one else does. In connection with this, 1£ you are serious about getting somevhere in your pursuit of knowledge, have a big chart showing the main Key Cycle fac- tors of the past twenty years at least, and several more years of the future. The making of such a chart can be accomplished on a rainy Sunday and will repay you in years of added understanding. Suppose we take a famous man whose life is well recorded and set up such a chart as an example of method of construction and also for study of interpretation. -38- Mussolini. According to those who claim to know, Mussolini was born at Forli, Italy 46N13, 12H03, at 1:54 P.M. TLT, Natal eun position: Leo 6° O1' 08". We wish to set up a chart which wili show us twenty years of Key Cycle motion in relation to the midheaven of Mussolini, so we paste together two large sheets of graph paper and lay out 20 years, of which each month 46 one- eighth inch from left to right. The signs of the Zodiac are to be laid out up and down along the left margin, one inch to each sign. We figure Mussolini's solar return, according to rules already given in this series, for each year fron 1919 to 1938 inclusive, obtaining his sun-re- turn midheaven for Rome in each of these years. These points we mark off on the chart we have prepared as described. For your information, these midheaven degrees for Mussolini's Sun-re- turns at Rome are: 1919 - 18° Taurus 1920 - 14° Leo 1921 - 17° Scorpio -39- 1922-- 9° Aquarius 1923 - 10° Taurus 1924 - 4° Leo 1925 ~ 5° Scorpio 1926 ~ 27° Capricorn 1927 - 28° Aries 1928 - 21° Cancer 1929 - 23° Libra 1930 - 16° Capricorn 1931 - 12° Aries 1932 - 9° Cancer 1933 - 9° Libra 1934 - 4° Capricorn 1935 - 1° Aries 1936 - 27° Gemini 1937 - 25° Virgo 1938 - 23° Sagittarius On that part of each year nearest Musoolini's birthday(about the 1st of Agusut will do) make a dot on the chart at the approximate degree shown in this list. Connect these points and you will have five slanting lines going downward fron left to right - representing the movement of his KC midheaven through the Zodiac for the twenty years under discussion. From your ephemerides enter the positions of the six major planets on the Ist of each month, ccnnecting these positions for each to obtain the transit curves of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. You now have on your chart the conjunctios of all these planets with Mussolini's Key Cycle midheaven at the places where the curves cross the straight lines; reference to the dates on the top line will tell you when these conjunctions occurred. At the legt, in the Zodiacal column, we note the places of Mussolini's natal positions and cusps, that we may know when these points are brought to the KC midheaven as well as when they are transited by the moving planets in our map. With this equipment we are ready to peruse the chronology of the dictator's public affairs (midheaven). (See chart following page). At the extreme left, in the earliest part of 1919, we see the transit ing Mars at Mussolini's KC midheaven. Mars is his natal ruling planet, char~ acteristic of his policies and temperament as revealed all the way through his early days in constant battles with the priests and fellow students in the cloister of the Salesian Friars at Faenza, through days and nights in his father's saloon, as master of his newspaper, and as organizer of the group later known as the fascists. Our chart shows Mars transiting his KC midheaven during the last week of March, 1919, and in George Seldes' bio- graphy of Mussolini, Saudust Caesar (page 437) we read: "March 23: Mussolini and others founded the Fascio Italiani de Comba~ timento". This was the beginning of what is now the dominant, if not the only, political party in Italy. Let us follow through and note the transits over this man's KC midbeaven, The next passage of Mars over this critical place was combined with the Mussolini’s Key Cycle Midheaven and Transits for Eight Years S frase] 1919 T1920 | 1921 | 1902] 1923 | 1944] 1935] “1926 ly | | ! 0 I 8) In (i La 7 had lo ome had Section of Mussolini’s Key Cycle Chart for several years, See text for full description, via transit of Uranus over the same point, nearly at the same time at the close of 1922, Uranus, in the dictator's nativity, is occupant of the midheaven showing the possibility of rise to important power in governmental affairs through the press (it rules his 3rd house, connection with newspapers,anong other things). Both Nars and Uranus approach the KC midheaven, from oppo- site sides, when he is in Naples on October 24, 1922, at the Fascist Con- gre: ‘The events of the next few days came piling one on top of the other, alvays with Uranus in orb of his KC midheaven, On October 27 he demanded the premiership and returned to Milan where he waited for the march of the fascists on Rome during the next tvo days. On October 29 the King called Mussolini to the premiership of Italy; on the 30th he arrived in Rome and with the King reviewed the victorious fascisti. On November 16th, with Uran- us less than 7° from his KC midheaven and Mars high in the 9th house and rap- idly approaching the 10th cusp and the conjunction with Uranus, Mussolini demanded and received dictatorial powers. Please bear in mind that this 1s discussion of a special chart combin- ing all the midheaven factors of the Key Cycle for a period of years and that it is not the sort of thing that is needed for personal day to day guidance. The chart for a single year is usually sufficient, with weekly or monthly set-ups for detailed understanding. Continuing with Mussolini at the close of 1922, When Mars crossed his KC midheaven in December, 1922, it ruled his KC 6th, and his natal Ascendant was at the KC 6th cusp. Mussolini's KC midhea~ ven was Pisces 13° on Decenber 17-18, 1922, when Mars approached it from the 6th degree of the same sign - this was the beginning of the "blood purge" of wonkingmen at Turin on those dates! (op. eit. 218) It is interesting to note that near this same time, on October 28, one of his own most enthusiastic supporters was such a miscrable shot that he put a bullet actually through Mussolini's hair while aiming at another. Mars was in his KC 8th (house of death) at the time and ruled both the houses of inferiors (6th) and of friends (11th), In 1925, on Novenber 4, when Zaniboni was intercepted in his attempt to assassinate Mussolini, Il Duce's KC midheaven was ruled by Mars in the 8th, and the ruler of the KC 6th, Mercury, was at the KC midheaven. Just one month before this, with his natal ascendant at his KC midheaven and transit~ ing Mars in the KC 8th, we read (op. cit. 187) "The massacre of the Freemas- ons of Florence began on the 26th of Septenber and lasted until the 4th of October 1925, There were at least 300 casualeies........" On page 226 of Saudust Caesar we again read: "The Honorable Violet Gibson, sister of Baron Ashbourne, shot Mussolini in the nose jiott as he emerged from the Congress of Surgeans on the 6th of April, 1926....There was evidence that she was incensed over Mussolini's professed atheisn and the treatment given several priests and Catholic institutions by the Fascist squadristi". Referring to our chart we see that the first degrees of Capri- corn had just begun to go over his KC midheaven and that Saturn, ite ruler, Sas was posited in the 8th by transit, square Jupiter at the cusp of the 12th (hospital, place of detention, into which Mussolini turned to have his wound dressed). Jupiter was ruler of the 9th, indicating connection with a religious person or motive,and Miss Gibson was the resident worker in a con- vent at the time. The 9th also indicates foreigners, and she was an English- wonan. Mussolini's Key Cycle for this episode shows Mars ruling both ascen- dant and 8th, with Moon (a woman) conjunction the transiting Mars, Mars dis~ positing the transiting Venus (woman again) exactly on his KC ascendant for that day. The shot in the nose is indicated by the presence of Saturn in Mars’ sign, Scorpio, the sign ruling the nose. On September 11, 1926, "as Mussolini was motoring...a youth threw a bomb which hit the car, bounced back and exploded, injuring eight persons". On this date we see transiting Mars opposition his natal ascendant, exactly square transiting Jupiter in the midheaven, ruling the 8th! On October 31, 1926, Zamboni (not Zaniboni), a Fascist youth in uniform was lynched by Il Duce's entourage for having shot at Mussolini. Transiting Saturn, ruling 8th, in exact square Neptune, ruler of KC midheaven. Saturn was in the 6th (servant or soldier) and in Scorpio, the &th sign. Uranus, I co-ruler of midheaven, was in KC midheaven by transit, in exact trine to Sa~ turn, On October 13, 1926, under practically these sane Key Cycle cireun- | stances, a bullet bounced off the chest of Mussolini, revealing that he wore | a bullet-proof vest, a fact later brought out by the manufacturer of it in an interview with the New York Times. Thus he used the steel of Mars to protect himself from the attacks of Mars. Here we see that planetary vibrations, as revealed by the Key Cycle, show the influences surrounding us are not fatalistic. Poor markenanship and detectives and personally worn armor have protected this man, but they do not indicate a lack of hostile feelings toward him occasioned by his manncr of using his horoscope. And the timing of their attacks and attempts coin- cide with these planetary excitations. Other events of this dramatic man's public life are also clearly des~ eribed by natal and transit planets going over his KC midheaven: August, 1924: Mussolini abolished the freedom of the press; his natal Mercury, planet governing newspapers, was at the KC midheaven. October, 1927: manhood suffrage abolished by decree; also decree justi- fying crimes committed for nationalistic purposes his natal Pluto at the KC midheaven., January 23, 1928: Fascist arms for Hungary and Hitler found at st. Gothard; his natal Mare in midheaven. Later, March 30, 1928: Mussolini abol- Ashes Catholic Boy Scouts and other non-Fascist organizations of youth; nat- al Mars at midheaven. September 21, 1928: Fascism made permanent government ~ King no longer permitted to mame premiers; his natal Mercury-Sun conjunction at KC midheav- en. -43- March 24, 1929: Italy votes Fascist majority - opposition parties not permitted to name candidates; his natal 10th cusp at KC 10th cusp, tran: ited by Neptune; natal Uranus also in midheaven. Christmas Day, 1930: Mussolini says in broadcast, "Italy will never take the initiative of starting a war;" his natal Sun-Mercury conjunction transited by stationary Mars opposition KC midheaven. June 30, 1932: "Mussolini announces Fascism has support of entire pop- vlation; secret tribunal announces results of past five years - 12,000 per- sons arrested and tried for political offenses" (op. cit. 440); transit con- junction Mars-Pluto on his natal Venus-Jupiter at KC midheaven! February 11, 1933: Italian army planes sold to Hungary in violation of treaty; transiting Mars conjunction his KC midheaven. Mars remained station- ary and kept pace with his KC motion practically all that sumer. On Septen— ber 19, 1933, Mussolini announced for German rearmament. May 9, 1936: Mussolini claims full sovereignty over Ethiopia; transit- ing Mars conjunction his natal Pluto at KC midheaven, July 15, 1936: all sanctions against Italy withdrawn; natal and trans- iting Mars have both left KC midheaven and natal Jupiter just going into KC midheaven, Astrologers are awaiting with interest the conjunction of transiting Neptune over his natal Uranus which will occur at Mussolini's KC midheaven and 9th in the coming summer, this year. Pie) A device for quickly estimating the degree and sign on the Key Cycle midheaven (and therefore the entire chart) for any future date can easily be made with scissors and cardboard, See the chart on page 45. There are two ways to view this chart, The first vay 1s to consider it as a stationary presentation of facts These facts are those of the ratio between years and months of our lives and the signs of the Zodiac as they go over our Key Cycle midheaven. The chart is scaled to average, or mean, notion for both months and signs, There are slight differences which will appear when you set up actual daily charts ~ but this is for the purpose of a rough and ready reckoner of future KC 1a~ fluences, Which brings us to - The second way to consider this chart: TE you will make two circles of different size, cut out one and center jt over the other, you will have the smaller one movable on the face of the larger in the positions here indicated. Mark them the same as in thie chart and you will have a rapid estimator for the time when any desired KC inflo. ence may be instantly known. Here is how it is vorked: Supposing the emaller disc to be movable, the position in which they ate now shown is usable when you have Aries 0° on your KC midheaven. The chart now shows how long it will be till each degree of the Zodiac vill be on your KC midheaven ~ for instance, in about five months Taurus 6° will be on yout KC midheaven, if Aries 0° is there now. And so on around the chart, comparing time and Zodiac, in counter-clockwise motion. But, with moving inner dise, you do not need to have Aries 0° at the KC nidheaven; that is, you do not have to calculate when Aries 0° will be there. All you need do is move the inner disc to where your present KC midheaven degree is, note the date, and make future estimates around the circle, Let us apply this to the case given in the February issue. Suupose we wish to know approximately when Uranus will reach Miss L's KC midheaven. At the time given, according to the chart presented in that Assue on page 33, Saggitarius 27° was on the midheaven and Uranus (natal) was in Capricorn 17°, We set our inner disc with Sagittarius 27° at the zero time mark, and look for Capricorn 17*, which te found Just short of three months further on. This tells us that her natal Uranus position would be at her KC midheaven (provided she remained at that same locality) in al- most three months. Note that this sane result can be obtained without making the moving disc, merely by subtrattion of the figures on the chart as here given. Here ig the method: From the time shown in the outside circle opposite your de. sired future influence, subtract the time opposite the present KC midheaven, OUTSIDE-YEARS AND MONTHS INSIDE—SIGNS AND DEGREES = 46 = Thus: opposite Capricorn 17° (desired future influence at the midheaven) we Bye ceout 4-3/4 months; and opposite the present midheaven of Sagitenrie 27° we seo about 2 months. Subtracting, ve obtain almost three months, which a yitmaeame oo obtained with the moving disc, Note well, that this scartee srrenere method does not use tine measured fron Aries O° unless that in ore seat cceree on the KC midheaven at a known tine, Better te wake themes ing disc - tt 4s safer 1f you are not yet very familiar with the Key Cycle. Getting back to our moving disc: Suppose we wish to know when iiss L.'s natal Jupiter will be at her KC gydheaven. Leaving the disc exactly where it was before, with Sagittarius ge cat the zero time point, we look around the circle ell ne come to Leo ai (het natal Jupiter position), which we find at 2 yeare and? months on pig tine circle. This means that her natal Jupiter will be at trone mid- peaven 2 years and 7 months after Sagittarius 27° is at her € midheaven, ke now this map, as published, is for a date in June 1927, Adding 2 years rereremths to this date, we obtain January, 1931. In using this seckns of subjece months and signs, the same date inthe future monthe ie Presumed, subject to correction by actual calculation if needed in crave detail, Ce guhpose we want to know when her natal Jupiter position will be on the KC ascendant, Ke must still use the midheaven for finding this out, and the method to use is as follows: Find out what the midheaven 1s vhen the desired degree i rising (or when any desired position 1s to be in any desired part of the Key Cycle)and use it as already indicated. Thus: For the latitude of residence (in thie case that of New York) we use the proper table of houses and find Leo 4 (position of necay Jupiter in this case) at the ascendant. This falle under the midheaven of Aries 20°, 4 glance at our revolving disc, which te still ect for Sagittarius 27° at the ser Point in time, shows us Aries 20° (nidheaven of Leo'é* ac ascendant) at About 1 year 4-1/4 months. Adding this to June 1927, which was the KC mid- heaven for this lady at that time, we find her Jupiter conjunction ascendant to be very close to October 1928. creme ranets of slow motion (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and sometimes Sat= urn) estimates of excellent accuracy can be rapidly made by the foregoing method, fut when the planet 4s a transiting one and moving rapidly, another me~ thod 18 to be used with the same moving disc and chart’ TheateattY We desire the approximate date when Jupiter will cross our KC midheaven, Jupiter 4s moving forvard and backward (apparent retrograde Motion) and 2 Tittle meee ene 2 stationary point 1ike a natal position. $0 1t berowe a little more involved, though still quite easy. - 47 - For example: suppose it is the beginning of February, 1928, and we have Leo 15° on the KC midheaven, Jupiter is in Aries 2°. We set our moving disc with Leo 15° at the zero time point and make note that the position of Jupiter (Aries 2°) 1s opposite 2 years and 8 months. This we add to February 1928 and obtain October, 1930. In October 1930 Jupiter has moved to Cancer 18°, so we put Aries 2° at the zero time point and note Cancer 18° at 1 year and 3 months. This brings us to January, 1932 when Jupiter is in Leo 22°. So we put Cancer 18° at the zero time point and find Leo 22° at 5 months. This brings us to June 1932 at which time Jupiter was in Leo 17°, indicating that it had passed the midheaven a few days before. In using this method, you are in a way running a race between the plen- et and the KC midheaven motion until the two coincide. This example is a long one, to show several steps. The procedure is often shorter. With Mars and the faster movers, direct motion through the signs over- comes KC motion, so there is need for reversing the process, thus: K6 midheaven 4s Gemini 8° on January 1, 1927; Mars is Taurus 8°. When is Mars conjunction KC midheaven? Set moving disc with Gemini 8° at zero point. When Mars gets to Gemini 8° it is March 9 (see ephemeris) when KC midheaven (2-1/4 months later) 1s Gemini 23°, Mars gets to Gemini 23° on April 5, when midheaven is Gemini 29°. It gets to Gemini 29° on April 15, when midheaven is about Cancer 0°, and the conjunction is at about this time On each of these moves, set the moving disc for the position of the midheav- en when Mars gets to the preceding midheaven position, as when Mars arrived at Gemini 8° the midheaven was then Gemini 23° - move disc to this point at zero. See how long it takes Mars (or the planet you are working with) to cover the distance between it and the midheaven; note how far the midheaven moved in that time and then make this change. It sounds more complicated than it is; a few trials will make it clear and easy. = 48 - Students have asked for a correct table of split logs, that they crtmed oeconds Position of the sun natally and at acter returns, as des- WING'S aauythe mechanical instructions for setting up the Key Cycle. See WAN'S ASTROLOGY NAGAZINE for Novenber, 1936. On ge 9, 10, and 11 we we alee een ytd, ready method for splitting logs by straight Proportion, but Bede ces ee pte 18 not absolutely perfect, owing to the progressive additives for the log +z" This referred to the fact that the differ neve renee’ adjoining logs, as you run your eye up ead deen column, are Tous for coastite: thie do lkewise true of the differees between the A table for any degree of detail can be made but ve have produced this fae ee beets of a log for every 15" of solar or planetary motion. This Bives us the motion for every 6 minutes of clock came on a day when the sun Dae eco mimutes, or one degree, of arc. If ve uae the figure nearest to Clock tine !°S,18 SY calculation, therefore ve vill be within 3 minutes of clock time of the correct position of the sun, which is close enough for seadenork ~ but which can be refined by sinple Proportion as closely as the student may wish. the 24 hour table of proportional logs for finding the planete’ plac Sree that each log for an even minute is the sae ie both tables, of these tables is mere addition and subtraction iat US suppose we have a birth that occurred with GMT 5:17 P.M. ona gay then the sun moved 59' 40" in the 24 heute fron Greenwich noon to the following Greenwich noon. This is obtained by subtracting the position of fhe sun ‘at one noon from ite position on the neve Foon, ag given in the ceding Greenwich noon (in this case 5: versed by the sun in that length of tine. Tilustration, using nearest loge from our table on Pages 50 and 124: Log. 59" 45" 1.3820 Log. Sh 17m 2.0393 Ybich deloge to nearly 13' 15", which t¢ a aafe ave to add to the position of fhe Bun at preceding noon, for all practical nace and KC work. It 4s corr- ect within 3 minutes of time and within 7" of are, Let us use these same figures in a problen for finding the time of a so- Jar teturn: = 49 - Our rule is that from the log of distance between noon and desired sun position (birth position to which it is desired to find time of return) we must subtract the log of the sun's daily motion on the day when it thus re~ turns. Let us suppose ve have found the sun's dafly motion to be 59' 45” and the distance since preceding noon position to be 13' 15". Following our rule: Log. 13" 45" 2.0361 Log. 59° 45" 1.3802 +6559 which delogs to 5h 18 min, an error of only 1 minute of time. Inasmuch as we found out by subtraction (not mentioned here, but a fact that is always learned in determining the arc of distance since previous noon) that the time would be in the P.M., this figure of 5:18 represents 5:18 P.M, as the moment of solar return. Now let us examine the procedure for splitting the quarter logs. This 1s exactly the same as splitting anything by proportion. As given in this table, all distances between logs are 15". When we have a log that 1s not exactly the same as the nearest one given, we can take the difference between then and see vhat portion of fifteen that differ- ence is. Thus: In the foregoing we obtained the log 2.0393, which is between the logs for 13' 15" and for 13' 00 from log 13" 00" 2.0644 we subtract 2.0393 and obtain +0052 Next we find the difference between Log 13* 00" 2.0044 minus log 13" 15" 2.0361 which is 0083 This gives us the simple fraction of 51/83, which is the proportion we want of 15". 51X15 is 665. 665 divided by 83 is 8, the number of seconds more than 13’ represented by this log; our answer is therefore 13’ 8" for the delog of 2.0393, But, to be absolutely exact, we must split the log for the daily motion of the sun, which we found to be 59' 40”. You will recall that we used the Jog for 59’ 45" because it was the nearest one given in the table. Now we want to be exact, so we take 2/3 (10/15) of the difference between the logs for 59' 30" and for 59' 45". This gives us the difference of 18 points on the two logs, of which 2/3 is 12, which we subtract from the log of 59° 30"; 11,3838 minus, .0012 equals 1.3826. This adde .006 to:the figure already obtained (2.0393), making it 2.0399. In which case our fraction would have been 45/83 of 15", making no appreciable difference in the result, which would still be 8". All thie is gone into to demonstrate that the table as offered is quite satisfactory without all the trouble of splitting further. -50-51- (From 0°O’ to 1°0'45") LOG TABLE FOR EACH 15” 3 £ 2 é ge = & g 3 SEES SOSUSSSE EU aaE Naas sae SEUUBEDEGERRS S299 Dossncad sean sscanses SRREBESREDSODSEESE GENE ears ‘TRANSITS 52+ Suppose you have Neptune transiting your natal sun position. This ia a vibration that continues on and off for many years while it goes through the 9* approaching orb to your solar degree, and while it separates through a smaller arc. In addition, there are several years during which the slowly moving Neptune will be in your first Equilibrium house, impressing upon you its excitations by aspect with other transiting planets from time to time in a typically 1st house manner. While all this is going on, the positions involved, including the natal sun, the transiting Neptune and your Equilibrium Ist house (as well as your natal house positions of these two bodies, )are all traveling around your Key Cycle once every approximately four years. In other words, your sun position is stimulated by transiting Neptune all around the circle of houses, bringing first one house and its affairs to the fore and then the next - about four months for each. If you are now feeling your natal sun and transiting Neptune in the ascendant, look up your Key Cycle for the near future and be ready for the four months when this pair blended will be in your twelfth. One of the wisest things the astrological student can do is to consid~ er himself or herself as a client and prepare written advice in advance just as one would for another who sought assistance and guidance. This is very nearly the truth of the situation, for tomorrow you will be in some ways an- other person - it is rarely easy, or even possible, to perceive the elenents of a situation you are already in, for both judgment and emotion are affect- ed at the time. For this reason it is often of renarkable be able to refer to a document you yourself wrote from a distance concerning the very situation in which you find yourself. For instance, if you see your Neptune transit heading for the KC midheaven, and it will be there sooner than you imagine (even though a year) if it is now at the ascendant, set up the chart of your Key Cycle the way it will look at that future date when such will be the case and write it all up. What would you tell another und- er those circumstances? What is likely to come up at such a time, under such celestial conditions? You know from this distance that the native (in this instance, yourself) will feel impelled under Neptune's stimulation to do something highly emotional in regard to 10th house (occupational) affairs at such a time, Would you recommend it? Look at the rest of the chart and see what can be brought into the picture to support this configuration, such 8 a natal aspect, or another transit to your natal sun at the sane tine. Write it all out now, while you can sce it clearly and without the bias which will be with you when those vibrations are actually flowing through your being. O£ course, the foregoing applies to any prolonged transit, such as that of Uranus, and to some extent of Saturn (which remains in about ‘the same re- Jation to your natal sun position for about @ year and in the same equilibri- um house for a little more than two years. And the same is also true of the aspects of the more slowly moving bodies - opposition, trine, square or whatever. But in the case of aspects, of the more slowly moving planets, it must be borne in mind that we have a pair of hands of the same clock moving about in approximately the same rate, keeping practically the same distance apart - one hand is the natal Sun, or other natal position, vhich is going aa around the Key Cycle about once in four years, and the other hand ie the transiting planet which is in aspect to it. | For instance, if Uranua 4s {rine, your natal sun in the Sth house aspect let ua say, the distenes of Enis aspect will be between them as they travel around the Key Cycle ff Zort oun 42 now in the 6th KC house, transiting Uranus is in the 10th, in 3th house trine to your sun in the 6th. When your sun moves inte the sch by KC motion, Uranus will also move, going into the 9th, and so on. This wlit bring out the creative urges, the new slants on relations with children, the gandeney to dranatize personal relationships (equilibriun reading of Uranus) in 5eh house aspect to natal sun) through the KC houses occupied by these two bodies at the time. But there is considerably more to the interpretation than this, for your own nativity ie in the picture and should be constantly taken into cone gideration, For instance, 4f this 18 now happening to you(Uranus in teanete 3th hea) your sun must be in Capricorn, for Uranus is in Taurus now. sech would bring about financial changes for you because of the 2nd house rules. ship of Uranus in the Capricorn equilibrium, in addition to the sth hosse nature of the aspect, In addition, there would be the refinenent of thie to your own case by the angle of your equilibrium chart to your nativity, shows 28 which of your inner and outer qualities are involved in this conéigura~ tion in your Key Cycle. A feu years ago it was the Sagittarians who had Uranus in 5th house as- pect nfo their natal sun positions, changing the interpretation Just givea for this sane planet's same transit aspect to the same natal position(sclas) with the exception of the distance between them (trine aspect) and the moves ment through the corresponding houses in the Key Cycle. At some time of the transit aspect of Neptune and Uranus (also Pluto) you feel it in every Key Cycle house - 4t is a matter of when it occurs tn the approximate four-year cycle that returns the same degree to the same place. In the case of the conjunction and other transit aspects of Saturn, it ds a matter of which half of the Key Cycle will feel it. for Saturn ia in approximately two aspects for every turn of the Key Cycle back to ite former place. Jeptter goes through four house-aspects (signs) during the four-year wer ratte, Key Cycle, so it is a matter of noting well in which quadrant or quadrants the aspect falls. For instance, if you have Jupiter conjunction your natal position of sun or some planet at the KC ascendant, that natal Pott roe tiit be at the KC midheaven in a year, but the transiting Jupiter, will have moved on and will no longer be in the conjunction aspect» 4 Tian "Nee be 2 ofgn further on in 2nd house-aspect to that sane natal posi~ sees wien the natal position arrives at the midheaven the transiting Jupiter will be approximately at the llth KC cusp. A very good, perhaps the best, way to see these various motions (at deast until you become thoroughly familiar with then) is to make up your equilibrium chart (sun or significant body on the ascendant or other cusp E54 = which is indicated according to equilibrium laws) and indicated with a color ed pencil on the outside of the circle the motion of transiting planets for the period ahead in which you are interested. This will give you the house- aspects applying to your chart in the future - without the Key Cycle posi- tions. Set up your Key Cycle for now and for the end of the period for which you have indicated the transits on your equilibrium chart or charts - you will then at once be able to see the houses of the Key Cycle in which will fall the transit equilibrium aspects, And remember: while you are studying them is the time to make notes, writing out the advice you think you ought to take when you are experiencing the influences indicated. If you have the large annual KC chart which has already been described, you can take off occasional daily KC maps for closer inspection or study, to analyze a specific influence, past or to come. Otherwise, it is well to have a series of successive Key Cycles, not more than two weeks apart, for ‘some time ahead, The wisdom of this 1s seen in the ready application that can then be made of the information given in the Advice and Opportunities section of this magazine, as well as of the aspects and their durations which are given on pages 67 to 70. The information for signs and decans, both by daily ad- vice and for the longer periods, is all on the basis of the solar equilibri- wm, and is therefore immediately applicable to the individual Key Cycle just as it stands here in the magazine, thus saving you much effort and tine in both figuring and interpreting what the transits for the year, month and day mean to your sign and decan before putting them into your individual case (Key Cycle). For instance, let us say it is a day when every native of your sign has the Moon-Mars conjunction from 1:17 a.m, till 7:17 p.m. in 4th house square to your natal sun position. This will be interpreted for you in your sec- tion of the advice pages, but it will still be gencral, for no book or maga- zine can narrow down its counsel to the individual. ‘It will say something like this: Take care of tendency to stir up friction (Mars) in regard to parents, home, estate add competitors (4th house): and something more for your particular sign, which ever it may be at the time. But there will be many milliins of people of all ages and in all places all of then with the sun in the same sign as you, to whom this advice will apply - but in different ways, according to their personal Key Cycles. But, Knowing this much, you can itmediately turn to your Key Cycle for that or a nearby date and note instantly what houses are ruled by the Moon and Mars, as well as where they fall in your KC for the time, plus what Moon and Mars signified for you at birth in your natal horoscope. You will then add the testimonies already given in the magazine and learn the exact application to your case. For instance: your natal sun at the time might be in the 8th KC house, thus putting the transit Moon-Mars square in your KC 5th - the warning is apparent: don't upset hone and those other 4th house matters by unreliable Sth (sex, money or partners, etc.) involvements with the 5th (love affair, Piss = feletions with children, dramatic interests, seeking of entertainment, etc.) house, If at birth you were born with the Moon and Mars in trine wich ech pubets there is evidence that you are naturally endowed vith the ability to handle the vibrations of these two bodies in a constructive manner and chic aspect would perhaps offer a temptation, but no serious danger to act define itely in accord with the urge. On the other hand, if you were born with the Moon and Nare in conjunc- Elon» opposition or square aspect, this sort of stimulation of these sbre= fnons 48 something about which you must consciously learn to be careful, for they come up almost weekly and could be the elements of what is known as on unreliable temperament if not intelligently mastered. Similarly are the more prolonged transit influences to be foreseen, ana~ tyzed and handled. Always be sure to consider the primary meaning of the prapets involved, in terms of the individual horoscope you are interpreting ~ therein lies a great key to accurate prediction by the Key Cycle. THE KEY CYCLE By WYNN Was republished in the AFA BULLETIN in 1970 as follows: March Front cover, pages 1, 2, 3, 4 April Pages S, 6, 7, 8 May 9, 10, 11, 12 June * 13, 14, 18, 16 July "17, 18, 19, 20, 22 Aug. 2 " 22, 23, 24 Aug. 31 " 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Sept. " 31, 32, 33, 34 Oct. "35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 Nov. * 44, 45, 46, 47, 4B, 49, 50, 51, 52 53, 54, 55 and Bottom cover. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ASTROLOGERS 6 LIBRARY COURT, S, E. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003

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