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Name: ​Keeden M Brown

Title of Project: ​The Discrimination of LGBTQ Athletes

Title of Research Paper: ​Out and Proud: The Discrimination and Mistreatment of LGBT

Synopsis of Research Paper: ​My research paper consists of the multiple adversities faced by
LGBT athletes at the high school, college, and professional levels. The paper analyzes the types
of discrimination and provides real-life situations in which rights were violated and bias was able
to affect a person’s life drastically. The paper includes real stories and experiences with multiple
sources to back up these claims.

Project Description: ​My new Senior project is very different from my original plan. This
project is a Google Slides Seminar that is meant to inform teachers and students in high school of
this particular LGBTQ issue. The slides are meant to have fewer words because there is a
voiceover that explains each individual slide in greater detail.

Relationship between Project and Paper: ​The relationship between my project is clear; I am
directly informing a group of people who are not be accurately informed on this particular issue.
My original project was to host a Drag Show. The correlation to my original project is that Drag
Shows provide a sort of escape from society’s norm and strict definition of what makes a man a
man and what makes a woman a woman. In sports, men play manly sports, and women play
feminine sports. In Drag, it doesn’t matter. You be and do whatever you want without adhering
to a standard set before you. It’s all about embracing your true self.

My background experience in the area: ​Being an LGBT athlete myself, I found myself
especially drawn to this topic because some of the issues I speak of in my paper and my project
have happened to me. Discrimination is a real issue, it’s not something that’s made up or an
exaggeration. It’s real and it can be stigmatizing. It is important to speak out and stand for your
beliefs, even if other’s do not agree.

Special things I’d like judges to consider and look for: ​I would like the judges to consider my
dedication and hard work. Putting together a brand new project after setting your hopes and
exhausting all your energy is not easy. The stress of this project alone was astounding but I still
was able to produce a worthwhile project and my hope is that everyone walks away with
newfound knowledge, as well as a open heart, and an open mind to those who treated like they
are less than. Thank you.

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