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Verb + preposition activity

Write the correct preposition.

1) Your brother is crazy; he threw a hammer ________ me
2) My wife objected _______ my idea of selling the house
3) When the fire broke out in the building the neighbours prepared_______ the
4) I explained that theory _________ my son
5) Look ________ the sky! It is full of stars
6) You should protect your kids ________ the sun with some lotion
7) The general director spoke _________ his team about the new plans
8) This morning I had to remind my son ________ his exam
9) I am looking forward __________ my holidays
10) Can you throw that magazine __________ me, please?
11) John, you should apologise to the teacher ________ your behaviour
12) I prefer Picasso __________ Dalí
13) Last night I dreamt ________ our next trip
14) Please, don't insist _____________ that subject; the decision has been taken
15) Could you divide this cake __________ 5 parts?
16) You should forgive him __________ that mistake
17) Do you know who can translate this document __________ German to Spanish?
18) You cannot compare the present situation ____________ the one that existed ten
years ago
19) When he was young he succeeded ______________rugby
20) I will complain to the chef _______________ the meal

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