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0 1994Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd


Surface and Wire EMG Crosstalk in Neighbouring


M. Solomonow, R. Baratta, M. Bernardi, B. Zhou, Y. Lu, M. Zhu and S. Acierno

Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Louisiana State University Medical Center,
New Orleans, LA 70112, U.S.A.

Summary: Surface and wire myoelectric activity of the medial gastrocnemius

(MG), lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and tibialis anterior (TA) of the cat were
recorded during supramaximal stimulation applied via their nerves before and
after the muscle nerve to the LG and TA were cut in order to determine the
amount of EMG crosstalk amongst neighbouring muscles. It was shown that
the peak-to-peak (pp) amplitude and mean absolute value (MAV) of crosstalk
M waves recorded from the LG and TA after their nerve was cut did not
exceed 5% of their maximal value for surface electrodes and 2.5% of their
maximal value for wire electrodes. EMG crosstalk values were similar in
terms of peak to peak and MAV. Surface EMG crosstalk values were
significantly higher in preparations in which a substantial amount of subcutane-
ous fat covered the muscles, being 20 (5 16.6) % MAV and 16 (2 12) %
p-p. During increasing force contraction (accomplished by orderly recruitment
of motor units) from lO-100% of the maximal force of the MG the
corresponding crosstalk in the LG and TA increased linearly with the EMG
of the MG. It is concluded that the crosstalk problem in surface recording is
negligible for most biomechanical studies in which standard EMG recording
protocol is employed, yet a warning is issued against the indiscriminate
recording of surface EMG from muscles covered by adipose tissue.

Key Words: EMG-Muscle-Electrical stimulation-Evoked potentials-

Volume conduction-Fat.

J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol., Vol. 4, 131-142, September

INTRODUCTION in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficien-

cies11,15.22. Denny-Brown4, working with animal
Recording of myoelectric signals from the skin
muscles, pointed out that caution should be
surfaces overlying muscles is a common procedure
employed when using EMG as he was able to
in various biomechanical studies such as gait analysis,
record activity from inactive and even denervated
calculations of torques and forces transmitted across
muscles located remotely from an active muscle.
a joint, and in assessment of coactivation patterns
Similarly, Gydikov et aL9 also showed that electrical
activity could be recorded from passive muscles at
Received December 7, 19913. various distances from an active muscle, probably
Revised February 18, 1994.
Accepted February 23, 1994. due to volume conduction in tissues of non-homo-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof. M. geneous and non-isotropic nature. Fetz and Cheney’,
Solomonow, Bioeigineering Laboratory, Department of Ortho-
paedic Surgery, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 2025
however, used cross-correlation techniques to con-
Gravier Street, Suite 400, New Orleans, LA 70112, U.S.A. clude that EMG recorded from muscles other than


the signal source are negligible. English and Weeks5 cutaneous pain receptors become excited while
further elaborated that EMG signals arising from simultaneous muscle excitation results in only
one motor unit could be recorded with wire 4040% of its maximal force value. Based on
electrodes within the various compartments of our long-term personal experience with surface
the same muscle. Recently Etnyre and Abraham6 stimulation19, we have yet to observe a normal
demonstrated that during voluntary contraction of subject that can tolerate stimulus amplitudes in
the tibialis anterior (TA), wire electrodes located excess of 6045% of that required to induce maximal
in the soleus muscle did not record any electrical stimulation before an excruciating pain results. This
activity whereas surface electrodes over the same calls into question whether the muscles in the
muscle detected a sizeable myoelectric signal. These DeLuca & Merletti and Koh & Grabiner studies
findings cast a shadow on the reliability of surface were indeed supramaximally stimulated. Without
recordings, suggesting that EMG crosstalk from an that factor as a reference, the data provided in
active muscle may exist amongst neighbouring those two studies could not be used in assessing the
muscles, which may cause scientific interpretation maximal expected crosstalk in practical applications.
of the results to be incorrect. Furthermore, it is Finally, both studies have expressed the crosstalk
also questionable as to whether wire electrodes do as a percentage of the maximal EMG from the
not suffer from the same problem. signal source muscle EMG that could be found
Limited and inconclusive attempts3v1* were made elsewhere in the leg. This method of presentation
to quantify the relative amount of EMG signal that does not provide the biomechanician with direct
may be recorded in muscles near an active muscle. and reliable means of assessing how much of
DeLuca and Merletti3 applied surface electrical the EMG recorded from one muscle should be
stimulation at 20 pulses per second (pps) to actuate subtracted as it may possibly be crosstalk from a
the TA muscle of human subjects while recording neighbouring muscle. For example, what percentage
surface myoelectric signals from the peroneus brevis of the EMG recorded from the gastrocnemius
(PB) and soleus (SOL) muscles. They concluded muscle is crosstalk from the TA? With this type of
that as much as 16.6% of the EMG from the TA information, one may accurately correct the
can be recorded elsewhere in the leg. Similarly, Koh recorded EMG to a high level of accuracy.
and Grabiner12 used surface electrical stimulation of The objectives of this study are to determine,
the human quadriceps femoris via the femoral nerve using an animal model, if surface as well as a wire
to assess EMG crosstalk from the medial and lateral EMG crosstalk indeed exists; and if so, what is the
hamstring group. They measured average crosstalk extent of its influence on neighbouring muscles
of 17% and 11.3% of the quadriceps EMG in the during true supramaximal stimulation of one muscle,
lateral and medial hamstrings, respectively. while the others are denervated. The relationship
Unfortunately, both studies suffer from major of EMG from the signal source muscle to its
common limitations. Surface electrical stimulation, crosstalk in its neighbours during the full range of
at low or high intensities, is associated by various submaximal activity will also be investigated to
reflex arcs that originate from numerous receptors provide investigators with the means to correct their
located in the cutaneous tissue under the electrodes data collected in various biomechanical studies.
or in the mixed sensory-motor nerve of the muscle
and conveyed by complex oligosynaptic pathways
to different muscles of the limb under study’,13.
This by itself may have caused increased EMG Preparation
activity in muscles other than the stimulated muscle
and may be erroneously considered to be crosstalk. Twelve adult cats were anaesthetized with chlora-
Similarly, both studies failed to ascertain if wire lose (60 mg kg-l). An incision was made above the
EMG confirms or contradicts their results in order popliteal fossa to expose the sciatic nerve just above
to establish if the recorded signals were indeed the peroneal branch. The nerve was gently cleaned
crosstalk. Furthermore, electrical stimulation proximally and distally and all branches were
applied to the surface of the skin overlaying a denervated except that of TA, medial gastrocnemius
muscle normally excites skin receptors before the (MG) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG). A stainless
muscle is fully excited. On increasing the intensity steel tripolar cuff electrode was placed on the
of the stimulus, the small nerve fibres of the exposed nerve for later connection to a stimulator.

Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994


Special care was taken not to disturb the skin below firing rate. This stimulus was designated as the
the knee region by an incision so normal connective recruitment (REC) stimulus, and was delivered by
tissue, muscle and skin condition were available for the two distal poles of the electrode.
EMG recording. Both hindlimbs were shaved twice; Surface EMG recordings were made with (Ag-
first with a coarse shaver and then with a fine razor AgCl) bipolar electrodes, each of 3 mm diameter
to avoid the interference of hair with surface and 7.5 mm centre to centre distance placed over
recordings. The smooth skin was then abraded with the midline of each muscle slightly distal to the
an alcohol pad to ensure good conductivity with motor point. Wire EMG was recorded with, two
the surface electrodes. insulated fine stainless steel wires with a 1 mm
After each experiment was completed, the leg exposed tip as the active electrodes and a common
was further dissected to confirm that electrodes electrode placed in a remote location in the animal.
were placed correctly in or on the designated muscle The active electrodes were inserted in the muscle
and to identify the possible presence of subcutaneous with the aid of hypodermic needles with an interelec-
fat which may cause significant crosstalk”. The trode distance of 3-4 mm. The insertion location
animal was then frozen, and the mid calf (at the was selected about one-half the distance from the
level of the electrodes) was transversely cut to motor point and the distal tendon to reduce
identify the geometry of the muscles/bones. movement and stimulus artifacts**. The EMG was
differentially amplified with common mode rejection
Instrumentation ratio of 100 dB, gain up to 200000 and bandpass
filtered over 10-500 Hz16. Differential recording of
Stimuli were delivered by a dual-channel com- the EMG was selected to reduce the effect of noise
puter-controlled stimulation system described in and other undesirable artifacts to an insignificant
detail by Zhou et a1.23 and Solomonow et a1.n’. level relative to the myoelectric signal. The EMG
Briefly, an IBM-XT computer delivered two control was sampled at 3000 samples s-’ and stored on an
voltages to two stimulators. The first stimulator, a IBM-AT computer for later analysis. Force was
voltage-controlled oscillator, delivered 100 ps pulses isometrically measured with a Grass ET-10 trans-
of suprathreshold amplitude and rate that could be ducer attached with a linkage to a limb restraint
linearly increased from 2-200 pps. Upon application system hinged about the ankle joint.
of a given constant voltage, the pulse rate could be Force, EMG, and the two control voltages were
fixed at a corresponding desired value. This stimulus also recorded on a Gould 260 polygraph. The EMG
was, therefore, designated as the firing rate (FR) was also monitored on an oscilloscope.
stimulus and applied to the nerve via the two
proximal electrode poles. Protocol
The second stimulator multiplied a linearly
decreasing voltage with a train of 100 ps pulses Initial trials consisted of adjusting the stimulus
at 600 pulses s-l. Because such high-frequency amplitude to supramaximal threshold by gradually
stimulation blocks the transmission of action poten- increasing its intensity until no further increase in
tials elicited by the FR stimulus to the muscle, twitch force and M-wave amplitude was detected.
contraction was inhibited14~20~21.As the pulse ampli- Stimulus frequency of 10 pps was then applied and
tude of this stimulus was decreased, the smallest a set of four trials each of 6 s duration was applied.
axons, having the highest excitation threshold to Only 3 s of each trial were recorded for analysis.
electrical stimulus, escaped the block first and Record of each trial consisted of a set of six EMG
initiated a mild contraction commensurate with their traces (wire and surface EMG of each of the three
low innervation ratio and low FR from the FR muscles) and a force trace. The nerve branches to
stimulus. Further decrease of the stimulus amplitude the LG and TA were then cut gently without
allowed motor units of progressively larger size to manipulating the leg, and another set of four trials
escape the block imposed by this stimulus and to as described above was taken. Finally, with stimulus
conduct action potentials generated by the FR frequency set at 40 pps, and recruitment stimulus
stimulus to the muscle*. Under such conditions, the thresholds adjusted properly, orderly recruitment
average motor unit recruitment pattern was executed of motor units was executed over a period of 2-3 s
in an orderly manner according to sizelo, with each to result in an increasing force contraction from
newly recruited motor unit excited at the prevailing lO--100% of the maximal force of the muscle.

Journal of Electromyogrophy & Kinesiology Vol. 4. No. 3. 1994


Surface and wire EMG traces as well as force were was normalized with respect to itself before the
recorded in four recruitment trials. nerves were cut. For wire recordings, the mean
(+ SD) EMG crosstalk recorded from the LG was
Analysis 2.02 (? 0.53) % MAV and 1.94 (? 1.0) % pp
and the mean EMG crosstalk from the surface
Data were processed in three ways. First, the electrodes was 4.65 (? 1.68) % MAV and 4.55
peak-to-peak of each M wave, and the mean (* 2.39) % p-p. For the TA, the mean wire EMG
absolute value (MAV) of each M wave (mean value crosstalk was 2.67 (5 1.39) % MAV and 1.63
of the full wave rectified M wave in a 25 ms (2 1.09) % p-p and the mean surface crosstalk was
window) recorded from each muscle before and 5.14 (2 4.15) % MAV and 3.99 (+- 2.99) % p-p.
after the nerves were cut were calculated and The EMG data of the MG, being the signal source
normalized with respect to their corresponding of crosstalk in the LG and TA was not expected
values before the nerves were cut. This was perfor- to change significantly, demonstrating only minor
med to assess how much of the EMG recorded (2-3%) changes due to typical intertrial variability.
from a muscle exerting its maximal force is due to Table 2 provides the mean (? SD) EMG crosstalk
crosstalk in terms of percentage peak-to-peak (p-p) in the LG and TA when normalized with respect
and MAV. to the MG mean EMG, in order to assess how
Second, the EMG (p-p and MAV) recorded from much of the EMG signal from the MG can be
the LG and TA after their nerves were cut were expected to be present in its neighbouring muscles
normalized with respect to the corresponding values and for comparison with previous studies. The mean
of the MG (the only active muscle throughout the wire EMG crosstalk in the LG was 2.58 (’ 1.17)
experiment). This was done in order to assess how % MAV and 2.0 (2 0.88) % p-p and the mean
much of the EMG from a maximally active muscle surface EMG crosstalk was 5.75 (* 2.79) % MAV
could be expected to contaminate a neighbouring and 4.45 (? 1.03) % p-p. For the TA, the mean
muscle, and for purposes of comparison with wire crosstalk was 1.57 (? 0.73) % MAV and 1.21
previous studies3T12. (? 0.65) % p-p and the mean surface crosstalk was
The third test was performed in order to assess 2.29 (2 0.92) % MAV and 1.99 (* 0.77) % p-p.
the relationships of the EMG recorded from a Figure 3 shows a typical recording of wire and
muscle which increases its force from lO-100% of surface M wave trains from the three muscles during
its maximal to the crosstalk signal which is recorded an increasing force contraction (orderly recruitment
from inactive neighbouring muscles. This infor- of motor units) in which the force of the MG
mation is useful in many scientific applications increased from lO-100% of its maximal after cutting
where muscles are active at various submaximal the TA and LG nerves. The force is shown at the
levels during daily functions such as walking, bottom.
climbing stairs, etc., which are submaximal. In this Figure 4 shows the relationship between the EMG
procedure, the EMG (p-p and MAV) from each of the MG to the EMG recorded from the LG and
M wave of the LG and TA (nerves cut) were TA (with nerves cut) for increasing force contraction
normalized with respect to their maximal M wave from lO-100% of the MG’s maximal force. The
before the denervation. pooled means from five preparations were fitted
with first order linear regression curves having
RESULTS correlation coefficients larger than 0.91. The EMG
of the TA and LG was normalized with respect to
Figure 1 shows a typical recording of wire and its own maximal EMG before the nerves were cut.
surface M wave trains from the MG, LG and Figure 5 shows a typical surface and wire M wave
TA during suprathreshold stimulation at 10 pps. trace similar to that of Figure 2 taken from a
Figure 2 shows wire and surface recordings of the preparation in which an appreciable layer of subcut-
same preparation after the nerves to the LG and aneous fatty tissue was discovered in the post-
TA were cut. experimental dissection. Five animals exhibited a
Table 1 gives the p-p and MAV of the mean similar amount of significant crosstalk which was
(+ SD) EMG p-p and MAV recorded from all the directly traced to the subcutaneous fatty tissue
MG, LG and TA preparations after the nerves extending from the dorsal fat pad behind the knee
were cut. In this table the EMG of each muscle joint. The data collected from these preparations

Journal of Elecnomyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994


3 r-

200 300
Time (ms)

FIG. 1. Typical M wave trains recorded with surface and wire electrodes from the MG, LG and TA during supramaximal stimulation
of their nerves (w wire recordings and s surface recordings).

were not included in Tables 1 and 2 and are crosstalk was 5 (* 2.22) % MAV and 5.04 (* 2.82)
presented separately in Table 3. In these animals % p-p. Fatty tissue was never observed in the
with significant fatty tissue the mean wire crosstalk subcutaneous tissue overlaying the TA, and was
was 3.77 (& 1.69) % MAV and 3.63 (-’ 1.77) % always limited to the area overlaying the MG and
p-p, and mean surface crosstalk was 20 (2 16.6) LG.
% MAV and 16.2 (* 12.1) % p-p for the LG. In
the TA, the mean wire crosstalk was 2.18 (2 0.94)
% MAV and 1.52 (* 0.58) p-p % and mean surface

Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology Vol.4. No. 3, 1994



ZO k-
z -1
-3 I J

c 1
r: -1
-3 J

? ‘-
vl cl -I-
ti -2 -

.# -;

z:, :_
Ll -1 -
-2 -

7 ‘-
b -1 -
-2 -
- cn l-

b -1 -
-2 -
-3 I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (ms)
FIG. 2. M wave trains recorded from the same preparation as Figure 1 after the LG and TA were made inactive by cutting their

DISCUSSION poses in most biomechanical studies. Surface

recordings are, however, heavily contaminated
Several important facts emerge from the results with crosstalk if a subcutaneous layer of fat .is
of this paper. Crosstalk was found in denervated located under the electrodes. Finally, for the full
muscle located near an active muscle.. The crosstalk range of force, the crosstalk is linearly related to
recorded during supramaximal activity of the the level of activity of the signal source muscle,
signal source muscle is always less than 5% for such that submaximal contractions in a given
surface recordings and less than 2.67% for wire muscle are manifested in even lower crosstalk in
recordings; a negligible amount for practical pur- neighbouring muscles.

Journalof Electromyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994


TABLE 1. Mean -t SD of EMG activity after cutting the nerves to the LG and
TA muscles expressed as a percentage of the activity that was present before
their muscle nerves were cut

MAV Peak-to-peak
n=7 Wire Surface Wire Surface

MG 104.57 f 5.92 101.07 + 7.51 103.57 ‘- 4.70 97.96 f 4.76

LG 2.02 ” 0.53 4.65 ? 1.68 1.94 t 1.00 4.55 t 2.39
TA 2.67 2 1.39 5.14 ? 4.15 1.63 t 1.09 3.99 r 2.99

TABLE 2. Mean _’ SD of EMG crosstalk in the LG and TA muscles expressed

as a percentage of the activity in the MG

MAV Pea k-to-peak


n=7 Wire Surface Wire Surface

LG 2.58 ? 1.17 5.75 + 2.79 2.00 + 0.88 4.45 t 1.93

TA 1.57 2 0.73 2.29 ? 0.92 1.21 -c 0.65 1.99 -c 0.77

The fact that EMG crosstalk does exist confirms over an inactive muscle is, therefore, an over-
the results of the various studies which first described estimation of the crosstalk that can be expected in
it 4*5,9.The relative amount of the crosstalk due to voluntary contraction.
maximally activated muscle is, however, extremely Furthermore, the cat’s hindlimb used as the
small, ranging less than 5% for surface recordings. preparation in this investigation is substantially
Such a low value could be simply neglected, as it smaller than that of the human leg. The distances
will have little or no impact on the results of various which any EMG signal has to travel in the volume
biomechanical studies where relatively large changes conductor are, therefore, much shorter, further
in EMG are expected upon changes in force and enhancing the over-estimation of the crosstalk
torques15,22. It is also questionable if this amount reported in this study. On the other hand, in
of crosstalk is relevant in neurophysiological studies humans, the larger muscles may generate more
where gross or integrated performance of a muscle EMG interference. Combining the opposing effects
is investigated. An exception could be work in of larger distances and increased signal intensity,
which single unit recordings are the objective, the net effect is that the proportions are similar
similar to the conditions described by English and and therefore the crosstalk values found in the cat
Week$. are expected to be valid for human studies as well.
The fact that the crosstalk is rather negligible for Using single differential recording, DeLuca &
most practical studies is further compounded by the Merletti3 reported 7% p-p and 6.5% MAV crosstalk
fact that the experimental conditions of this study at the PB and 5% p-p and 5.4% MAV crosstalk
created the background for the ‘worst case’ con- at the SOL of stimulated human subjects. These
ditions. In normal voluntary contraction of a muscle, values are percentages of the myoelectric signal of
the active motor units fire asynchronously relative the stimulated TA recorded over the alleged ‘inac-
to each other. This fact is manifested by relatively tive’ muscles. This data could be compared with
lower amplitude of the resulting EMG than that the data presented in Table 2. Table 2 indicates
recorded during synchronous stimulated contraction that 5.75% MAV and 4.45% p-p crosstalk was
such as in this study. Lower amplitude EMG, as recorded from the LG. For the TA, 2.29% MAV
Figure 4 implies, yields much lower crosstalk in and 1.99% p-p crosstalk was recorded. Although
neighbouring inactive or active muscles. The 5% the values are similar or lower to those reported
crosstalk recorded from surface electrodes placed by DeLuca & Merletti3, one should note that the

Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiobgy Vol. 4. No. 3, 1994


TO.025 1

~0.000 -
-0.025 -

, / I -I
1000 1500 2000 2500

FIG. 3. M wave trains of the three muscles (after denervation of the LG and TA) during an increasing force contraction. Note the
amplified scales of the LG and TA recorded relative to the scales of the MG records.

experimental conditions were not identical. While the activity of the PB and SOL. The exact crosstalk
supramaximal stimulation of the MG (the EMG and the level of activity of the muscle are not fully
signal source) was fully ascertained in this study, clear, nor is the method by which one may use the
DeLuca & Merletti were unable to ascertain that data possibly to correct for the crosstalk.
condition, stating that “only part of the tibialis Koh & Grabinerl* reported 17.1% MAV and
anterior was activated”. With fully activated muscle 14% p-p crosstalk in the lateral hamstrings due to
the crosstalk values may have been larger, probably lateral vastus contraction. Similarly, 11.1% MAV
due to various reflex arcs which may tend to increase and 9.2% p-p crosstalk from the lateral vastus was

Journal of Elecmomyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994


Surface MAV Surface P-P

___ 1

I 20 40 60 80 100


Wire MAV Wire P-P

0 ?C 10 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 13il


FIG.4. The relationship between the EMG (MAV and p-p) of the MG and the crosstalk in the LG and TA during increasing force
contraction. a, The relationship for surface recordings in terms of MAV, LG. R = 0.975, TA, R = 0.983, n = 5; b, the relationship
for surface recordings in terms of p-p, LG, R = 0.989, TA, R = 0.989, n = 5; c, the relationship for wire recordings in terms of
MAV, LG, R = 0.925, TA, R = 0.913, n = 5; d, the relationship for wire recordings in terms of p-p, LG, R = 0.915, TA, R = 0.979,
n = 5. Note that for clarity, only the positive SDwas plotted for the LG and only the negative SDwas plotted for the TA. The crosstalk
of the LG and TA is expressed as a percentage of their maximal EMG before their nerves were cut.

present in the medial hamstrings. Their values are able as well as the value of normalizing EMG of
two to three times larger than those reported here, stimulated muscle with respect to that of a voluntary
and those of DeLuca & Merletti3. Again, one must contracting muscle. In any case, the values of
note their protocol in which the EMG crosstalk crosstalk are extremely high, representing the effects
recorded from the hamstrings during quadriceps of reflex arc and their normalization technique.
stimulation was normalized with respect to the The crosstalk recorded from wire electrodes was
EMG recorded during 100% maximal voluntary much lower than the corresponding surface crosstalk.
contraction of the quadriceps. They claim that the This, in essence, represents the commonly accepted
quadriceps were stimulated to a level where the fact that wire electrodes have a smaller recording
mean frequency of the EMG power density spectrum territory, being less exposed to signals from distant
was identical to that obtained during maximal sources and more sensitive to nearby electrical
voluntary effort. This assumption is rather question- activity. The values of the wire crosstalk were about

Journal of EIecIromyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4. No. 3, 1994


100 -
- 50-
3 -50 -

-100 -

100 -

- 50-
! c n I'

-50 -

-100 -

100 -

50 -
-50 -

-100 -

100 -

A_ h

-100 -

100 -

50 -
5 O
-50 -

_ 00 c


r I I I

0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (ms)

FIG. 5. An M wave train of surface and wire EMG recordings from the MG, LG and TA taken from a preparation with appreciable
subcutaneous fat covering the proximal half of the MG and LG muscles. The nerves of the LG and TA were cut. Note the visibly
appreciable amplitude of crosstalk in the LG. The scales of the M wave amplitude were given normalized with respect to the maximal
p-p amplitude of the M wave of the respective muscle when supramaximally, stimulated before cutting its nerve.

half of their respective surface crosstalk values. preferably employ wire electrodes instead of surface
This also confirms the observations of Etnyre & ones.
Abraham6, which point out that surface crosstalk A significant amount of crosstalk was found when
may be detected while simultaneous wire recordings recording surface myoelectric activity from muscles
may be at the noise level. Investigations that require covered by adipose tissue. In the LG,
a high degree of accuracy of EMG recordings should 20.05 + 16.62% MAV and 16.25 + 12.15% p-p of

Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1594


TABLE 3. Mean k SD of EMG activity after cutting the nerves to the LG and
TA muscles expressed as a percentage of the activity that was present before
their muscle nerves were cut, in those cats carrying excessive fat

MAV Peak-to-peak

n=5 Wire Surface Wire Surface

MG 99.80 f 2.05 100.00 2 8.66 99.0 2 2.24 91.60 1?I 6.27

LG 3.77 f 1.69 20.05 2 16.62 3.63 2 1.77 16.25 f 12.15
TA 2.18 + 0.94 5.00 f 2.22 1.52 2 0.58 5.04 ? 2.82

EMG at supramaximal contraction was due to message to investigators is clear; EMG surface
crosstalk. It should be noted that the standard recording from muscles covered by subcutaneous fat
deviation of the mean values was also extremely is not reliable for scientific or clinical interpretations!
large, indicating that in some conditions as much Wire recordings should be employed in such cases.
as 37% MAV and 28% p-p crosstalk may be Typical muscles from which surface recordings
expected when a layer of fat exists between the should be avoided are the gluteus, abdominals and
muscle and the electrodes. In preparations that most muscles of individuals with a noticeable overlay
displayed appreciable crosstalk, the location of the of adipose tissue.
surface electrodes was changed several times in an Although the LG displayed significant crosstalk
attempt to reduce the crosstalk prior to dissection. in the presence of subcutaneous fat, the TA did
Such efforts were not productive indicating that not. Upon dissection, it was clear that the fatty
electrode location was not an important factor. tissue was limited to the proximal region of the
After dissection, and identification of the fatty calf, extending from the fat pad commonly found
tissue over the muscles in question, it was clear behind the knee and covering only the dorsal aspects
that the amount of fat in thickness and surface area of the leg. The anterior calf was free of fat, which
varied from preparation to preparation. This could is reflected in the low crosstalk values of the surface
be the source of the large variability in the amount EMG from the TA as shown in Table 3. These
of crosstalk found in these cases. findings provide additional confirmation that subcut-
Although the experimental conditions of this aneous fat is the source of the significant crosstalk
study delineate that the ‘worst case’ crosstalk that found in the LG.
one may expect is negligible, the values obtained The relationships between the surface and wire
from preparations with a substantial padding of EMG of the MG to the crosstalk found in the inactive
subcutaneous fat is appreciable. In fact, using. a LG and TA during increasing force contraction was
qualitative method to identify possible crosstalk estimated by a first order linear regression curve.
during testing of a large number of human subjects, The curves shown in Figure 4 describe a linear
it was found that subjects who had noticeable relationship between the EMG level of the active
adipose tissue also displayed significant crosstalk MG to the crosstalk found in LG and TA. This
amongst the flexor and extensors of the elbow17. implies that during submaximal contraction, the
The data of this study confirm experimentally our ‘worst case’ crosstalk in the absence of subcutaneous
previous observations. Further confirmations that fat is much lower than 5% for surface recordings
the subcutaneous fat layer is associated with excess- and lower than 2% for wire recordings. For example,
ive crosstalk are the simultaneous recordings from when the MG is active up to 50% of its maximal
the wire electrodes. In the LG the wire crosstalk level, the manifested crosstalk in the LG and TA
amounted to only 3.77% MAV and 3.63% p-p, is less than 2.1% MAV and less than 2.3% p-p
similar values to the crosstalk recorded from prep- respectively. This is within the range of the noise
arations in which fatty tissue was absent. level of most instrumentation used by biomechanici-
The reason for the increased crosstalk manifested ans, and could simply be ignored.
by the presence of fatty tissue is unclear and In biomechanical studies that require a high level
deserves a full scientific investigation. Yet, the of accuracy, the curves of Figure 4 could be used

Journalof Elecrromyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994


6. Etnyre B, Abraham L: Comparison of wire and surface

to correct the data for the effect of EMG crosstalk.
electrode recordings between antagonist pairs of muscles.
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‘worst case’ correction, since they overestimate the 7. Fetz E, Cheney D: Postspike facilitation of forelimb muscle
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Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994

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