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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Children should be required to follow strict rules set by their parents.

Use specific reason and examples to support your answer. Do not use memorized examples

The way how the parents educate to their children influence the children´s behavior through time,
for this reason, the parents implement rules to improve the children´s nature in different
circumstances. Personally, believe that the children should respect and follow this rules since is
beneficial to their future. In this essay I will explain different reason in order to support my idea.

First of all, the children do not have the enough knowledge to decide between to decisions or
actions and if they get the incorrect decision this can bring bad consequence that they did not
have present, so the parents should be accompanist to take important decision, but they cannot
be present all the time, because they required do other activities, with that, the parents
implement different rules to restrict the children to get incorrect decision. For example, when I
was twelve I wanted to go to a party to spend time with my friends, so I had to ask the
authorization from my parents, but my parents did not permit go because I did not have the
adequate age to assist, in the next day I heard that the party had problem since in the party had
consumed alcoholics drinks. With this example, I demonstrated that is important follow the
parents rules.

Secondly, the parents have had many life experiences and when they implement rules for the
children, they seek that their children do not commit the same mistake. Consequently, these rules
help to form the best future for the children. As a personal experience, Seven years ago, I was
looking the way to get money in order to be more independent and do not need parents money,
in this moment my mother forbade me get a work, because I should be focused in my basic
education, in this moment I had not like the idea, but with that, I could get access for my high
performance in the school. For this reason, the rules are important to the children are better.

In conclusion, I think that the children must accept and follow the rules that are implement by
their parents, since, these help them to be a better people, to take the adequate decisions to life
and finally, get life experience without commit many mistakes that can damage their future.

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