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 Firts condicional:

1. If I have super power, I will be super girl

2. If I don't eat my vegetables, I won't grow heatlhy 
3. If I read a book, I will learn a lot
4. If I go for a run today, I will burn a lot of calories
5. If my brother exercises, he will be busy all day
6. If we participate in the english class, the teacher won't leave homework for
7. If we go on vacation, we will be happy
8. If I don't eat meat, I will be vegetarian
9. If I don't have a dog, I won't be happy
10. If I do my homework, I will read my favorite book

 Zero condicional:

1. If I eat ice cream, my head freezes

2. If I didn't wear my socks, I get cold on my feet
3. If I take my dog out, he stands happy
4. If I see my series, I don't do my homework
5. If I am happy, my parents are also happy
6. If I don't sleep much, I wake up sleepy
7. If I go out for a run today, I hope the weather is good
8. If my mom sees a ghost, she passes out from the scare
9. If I eat cookies, I did my homework for the day
10. If I consumed a rich milkshake, my gums get cold 

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