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1..-I have a breakfast after cleaning teeth

2.-I do homerwork after watching TV

3.- I set alarm after getting into bet

Writing Part 2


¿How are you? I hope you are fine .I only want to you teld that some friends and me come to
meet in the shopping center for we watch a film to a cinema and i want to know if you want to
come with us , if is yes is the day Saturday 20 at 2:00 p.m .I find you in the front of cinema for
that all buy popcorn,soda and candies , and for lats the film that we come to watch is of
superheros of name “Avengers End Game”.

See you

Good bye

Attent: Your friend Arturo

Writing Part 3

when we set out ,the sky was blue and sun was shining ,was a day important for a family since
they were going to visit beautiful a lage and amazing a forest in norht their country .

This family are shaped for four people the father,the mom and 2 sons, their traveled for night
and arrived in the mornig in this place. the lage was very ugly and dirty and the forest very
small,with little of trees,all the family were bad and sad because they thought in other thing
more funny and more colorful.

So they traveled the return their house but before ,the father told all family to went their a
restaurant and after to watched a film to the cinema and rest of family were happiest.


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