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Studia i Materia y, 2015 (19): 7– 21

ISSN 1733-9758, © Wydzia Zarz dzania UW

DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1

Lean Startup
as a New Way of Managing Technology Ventures
Illustrated by the Example of Wlcome App

Magdalena Popowska*, Patrycja Nalepa**

The dot-com bubble in the 1990s made the technology industry aware that even excellent ideas
backed by amazing teams are not sufficient to ensure a startup’s success. The biggest risk of
startups is that they have to operate within many uncertainties, their market and customers
are unknown, and their business model is not yet validated. Therefore, successful execution
of such a venture requires a rigorous process that would validate different assumptions of
the business idea. The Lean Startup method, introduced by E. Ries, gives the opportunity to
eliminate some of the uncertainties and, therefore, to reduce the risks associated with starting
a new business. Although this is not an easy method, as it requires minimum management
knowledge and some analytical skills, it has become a highly recommended tool.

Keywords: Lean Startup, entrepreneurship, technology startups, Lean Canvas.

Submitted: 29.06.2015 | Accepted: 28.09.2015

Lean Startup jako nowa metoda zarz dzania firmami technologicznymi

na przyk adzie Wlcome App
Ba ka dot-com z lat dziewi dziesi tych u wiadomi a przedsi biorcom z bran y technolo-
gicznej, e nawet doskona e pomys y realizowane przez niesamowite zespo y nie s wystar-
czaj ce, aby zapewni sukces startuj cej firmie. Najwi ksze ryzyko dla start-upów stanowi
liczne niewiadome, ich rynek i klienci nie s znane, a ich model biznesowy nie jest jeszcze
potwierdzony. Sukces takiego przedsi wzi cia wymaga rygorystycznego procesu, który pozwoli
na potwierdzenie ró nych za o e pomys u na biznes. Metoda Lean Startup, wprowadzona
przez E. Riesa, daje szans na wyeliminowanie niektórych z niepewno ci, a zatem na zmniej-
szenie ryzyka zwi zanego z rozpocz ciem nowej dzia alno ci gospodarczej. Mimo e nie jest to
metoda prosta, jako e wymaga ona minimalnej wiedzy z zarz dzania i pewnych umiej tno ci
analitycznych, sta a si ona wysoce zalecanym narz dziem.

S owa kluczowe: Lean Startup, przedsi biorczo , startupy technologiczne, Lean Canvas.

Nades any: 29.06.2015 | Zaakceptowany do druku: 28.09.2015

JEL: L25

* Magdalena Popowska, PhD, Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics.
Adres do korespondencji: Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics,
ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gda sk,
** Patrycja Nalepa, Alumnus.
Adres do korespondencji:
1. Introduction 2. Long lasting legacy
of the dot-com era
The dot-com boom in 1995–2001
revealed that even the most innovative The ability to exploit technological
startups with amazing teams and remark- opportunities is important for nations to
able products are still very prone to failure. expand their pool of businesses, stay com-
Entrepreneurs were spending a massive petitive on the global market and grow the
amount of time developing a product or economy (Fagerberg et al., 2000). Mean-
a solution that the market and customers while, there is a popular meme that 9 out of
then rejected. Investors were lost about 10 startups fail. This information is unlikely
where they should invest, as there was no to be true as no extensive research has been
formula that would help startups achieve carried out to verify it. Nevertheless, many
success and profit. The waste of time, professionals and entrepreneurs cite this
money and passion in that market place number as a reference to emphasize that
was enormous. However, this was slowly the rate of failure is extremely high, in par-
changing over the years as a new manage- ticular among internet-based technologi-
rial technique for startups unfolded – Lean cal ventures (Quora, 2012). This comes as
Startup, firstly coined by Eric Ries (2011). no surprise, especially after dot-com era
Lean Startup helps startups in minimizing in the 1990s, when internet businesses got
waste, and reduces the risk of failure. The very popular and were thought to be an
main assumption of this method is that easy success. During that time, it was rel-
each startup’s success can be engineered if atively easy to get funding from venture
one follows a rigorous process. capitalists, and many entrepreneurs were
Lean Startup tries to change the entre- building products too quickly while having
preneur’s mindset by putting focus on cus- little market knowledge (Donahoe et al.,
tomers’ wants and needs. In the past, it 2002). They then had to act even faster,
was the entrepreneur and his team who and rapidly expand their customer bases
decided on the features of a new product in order to stay on the market, regard-
and its overall look. Lean Startup, however, less of whether they were generating any
teaches entrepreneurs that in the end it profit at that stage. This was also due to
is the customer who pays for the product; the fact that investors wanted to have
therefore, all should be done to benefit returns on their investments as fast as pos-
him. Furthermore, the product is tested sible. In effect, many startups were scaling
on customers from the very early stages too fast and found themselves not being
of product development to ensure this is able to support their operations anymore.
exactly what customers would pay for. The dot-com bubble exploded and many
Decision-making for startups is a rela- of those businesses went bankrupt (Ewel,
tively young research area. The latest and 2013).
most frequently quoted literature covering Now venture capitalists are more cau-
this subject is made up by: Blank, 2005; tious when investing in startups. While
Cooper & Vlaskovits, 2010; Furr & Ahl- many may fear missing out on a next
strom, 2011; Ries, 2011; Maurya, 2012 Google, eBay or Facebook, they are physi-
and Blank & Dorf, 2012. Therefore, this cally not able to invest in every idea they
paper aims to present this new method of believe could become a tremendous suc-
managing early-stage technology startups cess. Technology ventures, as opposed to
and challenge it based on an example of other businesses, have a completely new
a real business case from the UK. There- business model, which is hard to bench-
fore, the theoretical background, introduc- mark against another business. Even if it
ing this method, is completed with a case seemed that a startup had a great product,
study of Wlcome, a mobile app for coffee amazing, determined team, brilliant tech-
shops. This example is an application of nology, and the right idea at the right time,
the discussed method and is supposed to end even if everyone was working really
demonstrate its real value of analyzing and hard on the product, this all did not guar-
structuring the process of product or serv- antee any success.
ice development. First of all, it is important to recall what
the main purpose of forming a venture

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is, namely to build a sustainable business. technology ventures in their road to suc-
During that process, startups strive to cess – a formula that would be adjusted
develop a product or service a customer to the startup’s short track record and
will be willing to pay for, which is often many unknowns associated with this type
referred to as the Product/Market Fit1. By of business, which resulted in entrepre-
having paying customers, a startup is able neurs improvising while running their
to create profit and sustain its day-to-day businesses. This was emphasized by Steve
operations. Only once the Product/Market Blank (Blank & Dorf, 2012), one of the
Fit is achieved, the company should focus main people who helped shaping the Lean
on expansion and scaling. However, many Startup movement. Blank stated that
businesses struggle to do so, they work on even though there are many management
a product or service that in their thinking is tools taught at universities or in business
what people would want to buy. Moreover, books, they mostly are around 100 years
entrepreneurs quite often try to scale too old. Moreover, although they prove to
fast at the same time running out of cash, be successful for big corporations, such
believing that at some point the sales of as IBM, GM and Boeing, these manage-
the product will soar. Then, if the product ment tools have little use for newly formed
does not sell well or at all, the business technology ventures. Blank points out that
goes bankrupt. Hard work, motivation and “founders have continually struggled with
determination are not sufficiently good fac- and adapted the big business tools, rules and
tors to convince customers to buy a certain processes taught in business schools and sug-
product, and many entrepreneurs seem gested by the investors. Investors have been
to forget that the product that perfectly shocked when startups failed to execute the
addresses the needs of targeted custom- plan, never admitting to the entrepreneurs
ers is an essential basis for success (Blank, that no startup executes to its business plan”
2005). (Blank & Dorf, 2012, p. 19). Moreover,
There are only few examples of very in the past it was believed that the main
successful technological startups that were indicators of the likely success of a venture
built solely out of passion of their found- were solid strategy as well as in-depth mar-
ers, who were lucky enough that their solu- ket research, thus, many startups mainly
tion was liked by many customers. These focused on these elements. However, what
entrepreneurs did not validate their prod- these startups struggled to understand was
uct or service with the market first. On that, with their uncertainties, it is nearly
the contrary, they built the tool they liked impossible to predict the future. On the
and would want to use themselves. A great other hand, some entrepreneurs trusted
example of such an entrepreneur is Mark that the ‘just do it’ approach is the way
Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. a startup should be handled. However, this
Zuckerberg stated that: “We built it and we was not a successful formula either (Ries,
didn’t expect it to be a company, we were 2011, p. 22).
just building this because we thought it was Nowadays, more and more entre-
awesome” (Rao, 2011). During Facebook’s preneurs realize that “startups are not
early days, the early adopters, the very simply smaller versions of large compa-
first people who used the product, were nies” (Blank & Dorf, 2012, p. 19; Allen
not decisive for the product development K.R., 2015, p. 287). The main difference
phase. Moreover, it could be argued that between a startup and a large company
Facebook’s tremendous success and popu- is the number of previously mentioned
larity is in fact a coincidence, and it was crucial unknowns. Startups do not know
not at the beginning engineered to become who their customers are, what their prob-
a company, which happened only after lems are, or what features their product
Facebook got popular within the group of or service should have, while large com-
first users. panies are already trading, with their main
During the dot-com era, as well as focus on searching for repeatable and
nowadays, many entrepreneurs get lost, as profitable business model. Therefore, the
it seems that what they are doing should way newly formed businesses should be
bring profit, and yet it does not. For a long managed is different from established com-
time, there was no formula that would help panies.

Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1 9

3. Searching for a repeatable the author of “Four Steps to the Epiphany”
formula for startup success regarding the Customer Development
Process (Blank, 2005). Both entrepreneurs
Startup success for a long time had no were based in Silicon Valley in California,
repeatable method that could be used a place that is famous for being a hub of
across different companies and industries. many successful startups. Moreover, Blank
Eric Ries, the person who coined the term was also mentoring Ries and his partner
Lean Startup and introduced it in 2008 on Will Harvey in their IMVU business as
his blog, realized that, for years, he had well as invested in it. In exchange, IMUV
been working hard on products that would was the first startup to audit the Customer
ultimately fail in the marketplace, regard- Development Process for one of Steve’s
less of how technologically advanced or classes at Stanford (Blank and Dorf, 2012,
promising they were. He believed that p. 78).
by creating an even better product and The main principle of Blank’s Cus-
combining it with even harder work, the tomer Development Process is a much
product should be successful. However, higher focus on customers from the very
his increased efforts were not counteract- first steps of business development, as an
ing the fact that the developed products opposite of conventional thinking which
did not have the right Problem/Market Fit. was often “close your eyes and put the pedal
As Ries got more and more dissatisfied to the metal” (Virani, 2012). This basically
with the traditional thinking, he decided meant that the product was being devel-
to experiment with new approaches in his oped without being verified on the mar-
startup called IMVU, a social game where ket, and only once the product was out and
people were creating and playing with their marketed, the verification process would
avatars, and this is when Lean Startup was occur. A good example is Henry Ford’s
born. His new experimental approach quote which, even though nearly a cen-
resulted in a remarkable success of IMVU, tury old, still shows the thinking of many
and revenues above $50 million in 2011 entrepreneurs, both before and still quite
(Ries, 2011, p. 18). often nowadays: “If I had asked my cus-
In his book “The Lean Startup” Ries tomers what they wanted they would have
describes that traditional ways of manag- said a faster horse” (Norton, 2015). Addi-
ing a startup failed him, and therefore, he tionally, Henry Ford’s great-grandson, Bill
decided to look closer into the manufactur- Ford Jr., added that “At Ford, we’re going to
ing industry, and Toyota’s Lean Manufac- figure out what people want before they even
turing concept, which was a revolutionary know it and then we are going to give it to
way of producing physical goods (Ries, them” (Norton, 2015). This shows that cus-
2011, pp. 16–20). The concept paid most tomers, in their thinking, were in no posi-
attention to the value of the specific prod- tion to know what products they should be
uct, as the value is defined as any action or buying and the decision should be made
process that a customer would be willing for them instead. This is why Blank intro-
to pay for. Therefore, all resources that duced a new way of thinking called Cus-
do not contribute to the creation of the tomer Development, which also forms the
value for the end customer are considered core of the Lean Startup movement. Both
to be wasteful and in effect eliminated. concepts agree that there is a lot of waste
Lean Thinking, which is a wider concept while setting up a new business, waste that
with the same basis, was also used in other is a measure of time, money, vision, passion
industries, such as healthcare or construc- and effort the business has to undertake in
tion, where, for instance, Supply Chain order to develop a product. Additionally,
Integration or Total Quality Management both schools answer the question how to
was being implemented. The main compo- limit the waste and increase the likelihood
nents of the lean movement also formed of success of the product.
the core of Lean Startup, and these are
(Virani, 2012): minimizing waste, the cul-
ture of continuous improvement, impor- 4. The essence of the Lean Startup
tance of measuring the big picture. Ries argues that the “Startup success is
It is also worth mentioning that Ries not a consequence of good genes or being in
was strongly influenced by Steve Blank, the right place at the right time. Startup suc-

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cess can be engineered by following the right and Lean Manufacturing that Ries based
process, which means it can be learned, which Lean Startup on.
means it can be taught” (Ries, 2011, p. 13). To enter the BUILD in the quickest way
In essence, Lean Startup is about build- possible, a minimum viable product (MVP)
ing successful businesses with minimal should be used. The MVP is “that version
waste of time, money and effort. Moreo- of the product that enables a full turn of
ver, the focus is also put on minimizing the the Build-Measure-Learn loop with a mini-
risks associated with forming a new ven- mum amount of effort and the least amount
ture. Ries does not believe in coincidence of development time” (Ries, 2011, pp.
in business, and he argues that even though 102–106). Therefore, the most important
startups have to deal with countless uncer- thing regarding the MVP is that it must be
tainties, the future of the startup can be designed for validated learning. The role
predicted if one follows the right process. of the entrepreneur is to decide what he
The key is to test the product on the go, at needs to learn first, and then design the
all steps of the product development proc- experiment with a control group in order
ess, in order to make sure the product is to measure the effects of that experiment
one customers would ultimately buy. (Kromer, 2012). The third, LEARN phase
What is important, most if not all star- of the loop is at the same time the most
tups have very scarce resources, and are important, as at this step the entrepreneur
often bootstrapping (Ries, 2011, p. 16). has to make a decision whether product
These resources are first of all the money iterations are enough to develop a product
the entrepreneur can spend on the product that would benefit their targeted custom-
development, the marketing and team, the ers, or he should pivot and reshape the
time which is the most important resource, idea. If the strategic hypothesis is correct,
and finally the effort and passion of the the entrepreneur is on the right path in
beginning entrepreneurs highly powered product development; however, if it is false,
by excitement over their business idea that a new strategic hypothesis needs to be cre-
enable them to devote a significant amount ated and tested (Ries, 2011, p. 106).
of their time to developing their venture. Ries described a step-by-step strategy
Hence, it is essential to estimate where the the entrepreneur can follow to achieve
waste in these resources occurs and coun- his or her vision of a thriving and world-
teract that. changing business. For best results, this
Lean Startup is about accounting all strategy should incorporate: a business
business related ideas as assumptions, model, a product roadmap, a point of view
referred to as hypotheses. While it is impos- about partners and competitors and ideas
sible to test the whole business model, each about who the customer will be (Ries,
individual component can be tested and 2011, p. 35). The outcome of this process
validated separately. For that reason, Ries is the Vision-Strategy-Product Pyramid. It
prepared a simple tool called Build-Me- is very important not to focus solely on the
asure-Learn, which helps the entrepreneur product from the beginning. Many entre-
estimate whether he should continue with preneurs pre-maturely fall in love with the
his current path with small product itera- product, and if the product is not the right
tions or make a sharp turn into something product, it is harder for them to realize
else, called pivot. This loop is a very impor- that. It is worth reconstructing the product
tant part of validated learning. The startup into the vision and strategy first, as it is the
builds different versions of the product product that is changing the most, while the
which in reality are treated as experiments vision often stays the same, and the strategy
to see how customers react to them. The is slightly modified (Maurya, 2012).
startup then measures the behavior of their Ries introduces also four other main
customers and in effect can learn how to principles that form the Lean Startup
build a sustainable business. This informa- method:
tion is more important than revenue itself, Entrepreneurs are everywhere: Entre-
as it influences the next set of ideas and preneurs are visionaries, able to predict
can reshape the product into a better one the future of their industries, prepared to
(Ries, 2011, p. 103). This is in accordance undertake risks in their search for innova-
with continuous improvement which is one tive solutions for their companies. What is
of the main principles of Lean Thinking more, being an entrepreneur is not about

Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1 11

the skills one has, but about the vision he or too significant, and these forecasts would
she has, vision that their startup will change not be accurate. Therefore, innovation
the world. These people are no longer accounting, specific for startups, needs
working out of a garage, as it was popular to be implemented, so that the entrepre-
in the 90s, but can be found everywhere, neur knows that the changes he made to
young or old, professionals and students the product are related to the results he
(Ries, 2011, pp. 39–53). is seeing (Ries, 2011, p. 156). Innovation
Entrepreneurship is management: Star- accounting helps startups define measure
tups are human institutions, and exactly and communicate progress from early days.
as any other institution, they also should Moreover, innovation accounting is also
be managed. However, since traditional designed to hold entrepreneurs account-
management would create bureaucracy able (Maurya, 2012a). Generally, there are
or stifle creativity, a new kind of man- two main types of metrics for innovation
agement should be used which is specifi- accounting, and these are vanity metrics
cally designed to its context. Many entre- and actionable metrics. The main differ-
preneurs take the “just do it” approach, ence is that vanity metrics look good on
which only creates more chaos in the star- paper, but do not present much insight,
tup. Meanwhile, a startup is a portfolio of while actionable metrics are those that help
simultaneous activities. The entrepreneur in making decisions. On the other hand,
is challenged by balancing all of them, and a good example of actionable metric is, for
at the same time learning from his failures. instance, A/B split-test, where customers
In traditional management, a failure is con- see different features of the product. From
sidered a bad thing; however, for a startup that, the entrepreneur can observe which
it is a chance to get closer to the right prod- feature set brings him more revenue (Ferris
uct (Ries, 2011, pp. 26–38). and Ries, 2009).
Validated learning: Much of waste many
startups produce can be avoided by focus-
ing energies on validated learning, learning 5. Documenting the business model
when and where energy should be invested A business model describes the rationale of
to minimize the waste of time and money how an organization creates, delivers, and
(Ries, 2011, p. 104). In early-stage busi- captures value (...) The business model is like
nesses revenue and profit is not an impor- a blueprint for a strategy to be implemented
through organizational structures (Cooper &
tant goal in and of itself, as this is the end Vlaskovits, 2010, p. 14).
result of a product customers want. The
goal is the viability of the business model, Business model is what distinguishes
often referred to as traction. Startups oper- one company from another. The same idea
ate under high uncertainty; therefore, vali- can be executed in various ways, and the
dated learning is the essence of the startups business model documents how the com-
operations. Customer feedback is impor- pany is going to make profit. One way of
tant to know if the new product iterations documenting the business model is writing
are good. For example, if the product is a business plan. However, since startups
software, it often happens that the pro- operate under high uncertainty, writing an
grammer writes thousands of lines of code elaborated business plan makes little sense.
that customers do not want. Simply ask- Therefore, it is advised that early-stage
ing the customers what they want will not technology ventures use canvases instead.
give exact answers, as customers often have There are two main types of canvases
no clue what they want unless they have that document the business model of the
it. For this reason, different experiments company, and these are Business Model
give a better picture of what is considered Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010) and
essential in a product. Moreover, failure is Lean Canvas (Maurya, 212b). They both
one of the best ways to learn a lot about the can be described as a one-page business
customer and the product. plan, as they briefly describe nearly all
Innovation accounting: Most entrepre- aspects of a startup. They can also be used
neurs are optimistic by nature and stand- as a scorecard for the customer discovery
ard financial accounting with forecasts and process (Blank & Dorf, p. 25) as they do
milestones is not really helpful. The reason not require the entrepreneur to get into
for that is that the level of uncertainty is the mind of his customers and confirm that

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his solution creates the value for these cus- were more sales pitches than exploratory
tomers, but when updated regularly, the interviews. Sales pitches show too much
canvases show the changes and progress enthusiasm, and together with leading
over time. questions do not provide valuable data,
The main difference between the two and often the feedback from customer can
canvases is that Business Model Canvas can be dishonest.
be used for a wide selection of businesses at Loyalty programs are nowadays more
all stages, while Lean Canvas is more appli- and more popular among UK retailers, as
cable for idea-stage startups. The reason they act as an incentive for their custom-
behind it is that Lean Canvas captures the ers to come back more often and increase
riskiest assumptions of the business model, their spending. However, since many
which makes it more actionable for early- retailers now offer different sorts of loy-
stage ventures. alty programs, the customers are becom-
ing more resistant and loyalty programs
have become less incentivizing. There are
6. Customer discovery and business numerous startups which tried and are still
feasibility illustrated by the trying to innovate the customer loyalty mar-
example of Wlcome mobile app ket space. However, what the founder of
Wlcome is a digital loyalty app that works
Wlcome observed was little differentiation
without paper cards, QR codes, or NFC tags. between different products, most of them
Wlcome helps you build loyalty through rela- either offered one loyalty scheme or stored
tionship2. all loyalty schemes in one place. Moreo-
ver, the aspect of personalization Wlcome
Wlcome app is a mobile-based loyalty aims to implement in physical shops, which
program that helps independent coffee is their differentiation factor, has already
shops recognize and reward their custom- been widely used by online retailers. For
ers. The end-user submits his name and instance, when visiting various websites,
photo to the mobile app, and then when he customers get notified that cookies would
enters the coffee shop, the barista is able to store their information in the browser.
recognize him, so that he can be addressed Since physical shops are trying to
in a more personalized way. The aim is increase the frequency of customers’ vis-
to enable physical shops to provide an its, a good solution could be establishing
improved service and enhance the relation- more personal relationships with customers
ship with the customer. This should result and ‘at home’ feeling. This creates a great
in increased purchase size per customer as chance for the Wlcome app, which enables
well as the frequency of visits. coffee shops to interact with their custom-
The aim of the mobile loyalty solution ers and make them feel valued from the
is that the user does not need to carry his moment the customers enter the coffee
loyalty cards, as everything would be done shop. Furthermore, smartphones and tab-
automatically after the profile is set up. The lets are being adopted much faster nowa-
loyalty program would be stamp-based, and days, which creates an increasing opportu-
the shop attendant can add new stars and nity for the retailers to use these devices to
view the old ones. Another important value their advantage.
proposition of the Wlcome app are refer-
rals, which means that a user who refers 6.1. Case methodology
a place to a friend who then makes a pur- Since one of the authors of this paper
chase would get a gift. had an opportunity to work in London
High Street Labs, the startup behind with a startup Highs Street Laps, devel-
Wlcome, is based in London, United King- oping the Wlcome app, the primary data
dom. The team that worked on the product was obtained through in-depth personal
greatly varied throughout the time, as these structured interviews with two potential
were mostly interns. The first version of the customer segments representatives, being
mobile app was being developed in summer also qualified as the early-adopters: end-
2013, both for the end-user and the cof- customers and coffee shop owners and
fee shop. In terms of Customer Discovery managers. The sample consisted of 15
the founder, Richard Russell, conducted individuals (in two age groups: 20–25 and
a number of interviews; however, these 26–30), 8 independent coffee shops and 6

Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1 13

coffee shop chains. This research aimed at Mobile-phone-based loyalty solutions
understanding both the customers’ attitude were chosen by 27% of respondents of
towards loyalty schemes and the mindset of eMarketer research carried out on a group
coffee shop owners. of 1000 UK Internet Users. The mobile
To analyze the market and the indus- loyalty solutions were in particular popular
try attractiveness, Mullins’ Seven Domains with 18 to 34 year olds, where 43% of them
model (Mullins, 2010) was used. However, were subscribed to at least one mobile-
in this paper, because of the space limita- phone-based loyalty scheme. Meanwhile,
tion, the analysis was reduced to the neces- one of four respondents participated in
sary minimum. The data for the UK coffee a coffee shop loyalty program. This creates
shop market were easy to obtain through a strong opportunity for mobile applica-
industry reports; however, the data for the tions rather than standard loyalty cards,
loyalty programs, especially in the inde- especially that all of the 1000 internet users
pendent coffee shops, were not immacu- surveyed complained about carrying too
late, as coffee shops often base their esti- many loyalty cards in their wallets (eMar-
mates on the overall financial performance keter, 2012).
instead of key metrics. Furthermore, the market research done
The market domain focuses on the buy- by Mercator Advisory Group on American
ers of the product, not the product itself. population revealed that in 2011 only 4%
Therefore, these would be customer seg- of them replaced their loyalty card with
ments the startup wishes to serve (Mullins, a mobile app; however, more than half
2010). (53%) would be willing to do so (eMar-
keter, 2012).
6.2. Coffee shops market and trends Both the coffee shop market and the
In the last decade, the UK coffee shop mobile loyalty market are perceived as
market has been growing steadily. In 2012 attractive. The markets show a great poten-
the coffee shop market reached a growth tial for future growth; not only more cof-
of 7.5%, which resulted in £5.8 billion in fee is consumed from coffee shops, but
turnover. The number of coffee shops there is also an increasing demand from
increased by 4% and expanded to 15,723 customers in terms of differentiated loyalty
outlets in total. In general, the number of offerings. A strong preference for mobile
independent outlets increased by 26.5% solutions for loyalty is also in favor with
from 4,453 to 5,633 over the last decade Wlcome’s Value Proposition. Furthermore,
(2002-2012) and this number is said to since coffee shops form a huge part of Brit-
increase by next 12% to 6,294 outlets by ish lifestyle, coffee shops, in order to stay
2017. By 2017 it is expected that the total competitive, would need to compete using
UK coffee shop market would exceed £8 innovative solutions such as Wlcome. On
billion in turnover, and the total number of the other hand, the market for independent
outlets would be greater than 20,000 (Alle- loyalty coffee shops, compared with their
gra Strategies, 2012). insignificant marketing spending, is quite
It is estimated that currently around small, which might make it much harder for
1.5% of adults visit coffee shop at least the startup to scale.
four times a week in UK. On the other
hand, some customers have been moving 6.3. Overall attractiveness of the industry
away from large coffee shop chains due to The industry of Wlcome is defined nar-
ethical reasons. This was seen especially rowly by loyalty schemes offered in coffee
after Starbucks tax-evasion scandal that shops. The geographical scope is both the
came into light in 2012. UK and worldwide, due to mobile solu-
What is also noteworthy, only 3% of tions being relatively easily transferable to
25,000 surveyed people stated that loyalty other countries. The main competitors for
cards are a decisive factor when choosing Wlcome are other startups designing solu-
a coffee shop (Allegra Strategies, 2012). tions for digital loyalty schemes.
At the same time, a strong preference The analysis of the industry at the micro
towards point-based loyalty schemes can be and macro levels showed that the industry
observed, where the reward is more tangi- is only moderately attractive. The resources
ble and can be translated directly into cash of High Street Labs as well as the team’s
(eMarketer, 2012). capabilities are not distinctive, and the

14 Studia i Materia y 2/2015 (19)

technology used in the development of would be independent coffee shops). The
the mobile app does not give a competi- aim was to understand the customers’ atti-
tive advantage. The further analysis of the tude towards loyalty schemes, and to see
Porter’s Five Forces revealed that the cho- its impact on their behavior. The interviews
sen industry is less attractive than expected. showed that many customers choose one
On the other hand, the industry is emerg- loyalty scheme to participate in, in order
ing and, therefore, will be subject to many not to have too many loyalty cards clogging
changes that could benefit Wlcome. Fur- their wallets. On the other hand, many inter-
thermore, even in unattractive industries, viewees stated that they often forget to carry
there are many other ways of making profit. the card or to use it; therefore, they are less
Hence, if Wlcome’s solution is what coffee likely to sign up for any loyalty schemes.
shops would pay for, they could become Furthermore, they declared that the fact of
successful. obtaining a loyalty card does not make them
return to the coffee shop more often, as the
6.4. Customer discovery and main benefits coming from a loyalty card are mar-
assumptions ginal. Therefore, all three assumptions were
In order to perform Customer Discov- true, and the pain points did exist.
ery for Wlcome, the main assumptions The initial assumptions for the sec-
need to be analyzed and tested3. The early ond customer segment, independent cof-
adopters of Wlcome who were chosen for fee shops, were: 1. Paper loyalty cards do
Customer Discovery were divided into two not extensively increase sales of the cof-
main groups: fee shop; 2. Coffee shops do not keep
1. End-customers, who obtain the mobile records of their regular customers; there-
application for free. Based on the mar- fore, new baristas need to learn everything
ket research, a greater emphasis was put from scratch; 3. New baristas find it hard
on interviewing two age groups, 20–25 to remember names of all regular custom-
and 26–30, as they not only visit coffee ers or their usual orders. The goal was to
shops more regularly, but also choose understand the mindset of coffee shop
independent coffee shops more often. owners. The findings showed that many
In addition, the first age group, 20–25, independent coffee shop owners did not
is more price sensitive so may be more believe in loyalty schemes, and they often
influenced by loyalty programs. introduced them since their close competi-
2. Independent coffee shops, which are tors had them as well. The majority also
the paying customers. The access to the agreed that they did not store any form of
decisive person (manager or owner) in data on their customers; however, those
independent coffee shops is significantly who preferred addressing their regular cli-
easier than in big chains. Furthermore, ents by name did not find it hard to remem-
independent coffee shops need to com- ber that piece of information. In addition,
pete with well-known chains, and they the owners did not pay much attention
often want to offer superior service. On to metrics that could show the impact of
the other hand, their marketing budget the loyalty scheme on sales. Furthermore,
is small, and independent coffee shops none of the independent coffee shops had
would not be able to develop a mobile a problem with frequent staff turnover, and
loyalty app on their own. when the staff changed, there was usually
During the process of developing first another one or two people who knew regu-
Lean Canvas, the main pain points for lar customers and could train a new barista.
end-customers were identified in a form of Therefore, it was relatively easy to train
initial assumptions: 1. Customers are not new baristas as regards regular customers.
fond of carrying loyalty cards; 2. Custom- As a result, only the first assumption was
ers would prefer to receive personalized valid, and the remaining two were false.
service when visiting a coffee shop more During the process of interviewing end-
frequently; 3. Since numerous retailers are customers as well as coffee shops, new
offering loyalty schemes, they have a much assumptions emerged: 1. Independent cof-
lower impact on the customer choosing one fee shops are aware that they need to build
coffee shop rather than another. relationships with their customers; 2. At
The above assumptions are end-cus- the same time, these coffee shops struggle
tomer oriented, not buyer oriented (which to do so; 3. Paper loyalty cards sometimes

Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1 15

have fake stamps; 4. Mobile application for its. Moreover, by introducing paper loyalty
the loyalty scheme is too expensive. cards, they are not able to collect any valu-
Many independent coffee shop own- able data on their customers; however, only
ers believe that a great service and more bigger chains put more focus on the data
personal relationship is what distinguishes on their customers, and would prefer to
them from big chains and makes their analyze them. Another problem with paper
clients come back more often. It is also loyalty cards is that some of them have fake
important to know that 80% of customers stamps, yet the costs of developing a mobile
are regulars. However, some coffee shops, application would be too high (fig. 2).
especially bigger chains, find it a bit intru-
sive at times to get too personal with their
customers and ask for their name. On the Figure 2. Pain points of coffee shops
other hand, some independent coffee shop Number of mentions
owners see remembering characteristics of 5
the regular customers as a skill one can
train. Quite often, even though names of 3 3 3
the customers are not always known, their
usual order is; therefore, the second follow-
up assumption is false.
little value data fake stamps cost
6.5. Pain points of the customer segments in general of mobile
Throughout the interviews with various app
customer segments, the authors were able Source: own elaboration.
to conclude what are the main pain points.
For the end-user, the main pain point was
the fact that the loyalty cards take too much
space in the wallet, while still often offering 6.6. Proposed solution
marginal incentives. Some users were also Even though the mobile application of
concerned about the privacy issue, as some Wlcome was already being developed at
loyalty schemes require the user to give the time of conducting Customer Discov-
away his personal data. Another pain point ery, changes that could be implemented are
was that customers felt that the personali- limited. Nevertheless, the Authors would
zation aspect was not sufficient, and they like to present how the app could address
would prefer to be acknowledged when vis- the different pain points of end-customers
iting a place regularly (fig. 1). and coffee shops (figures 3 and 4).
A pain point that was mentioned by cof- Since the end-customers are not paying
fee shops, especially small chains, is that customers, delivering the value to them is
they do not think introducing a loyalty pro- simpler. Moreover, if coffee shops decide
gram has any tangible benefit to their busi- to implement Wlcome, customers would
ness. In their opinion, since coffee is not use the app to receive gifts. The main ben-
an expensive commodity, customers would efits for the end-customers are that they
buy it regardless of whether they got one would not need to remember to take the
coffee free after a certain number of vis- loyalty card with them each time they go to
a coffee shop; instead, all would be done
automatically, as the application would run
Figure 1. Pain points of end-users in the background. Furthermore, from the
Number of mentions moment they walk into the coffee shop,
12 the barista would see their name and pic-
ture on the tablet, and thus would be able
to greet them and offer a more personal
6 touch.
Coffee shops are the paying ones; there-
fore, the solution has to benefit them in
the best way possible. Since new loyalty
clogging not enough privacy not enough
the wallet incentives issues personalisation schemes are becoming less and less incen-
tivizing for customers, Wlcome could help
Source: own elaboration. make the experience more innovative, and

16 Studia i Materia y 2/2015 (19)

Figure 3. Delivering value to end-customers

Too many loyalty

• Mobile app solution

• New opportunities with personalized

Little incentives to join purchase experience

• Only name is required and picture

Privacy issues optional

Not enough
• Ability to be recognized and rewarded

Source: own elaboration.

Figure 4. Delivering value to coffee shops

Little value to • More personalized service, the VIP

customers experience

Data • Ability to collect and analyze data

Fake stamps • Tablet app solution

Cost of mobile app • Monthly affordable fee

Source: own elaboration.

make customers feel more appreciated. In stood. Therefore, the main focus for the
addition, the mobile app would enable the Authors in Customer Discovery was to
coffee shops to collect a number of data on explore the Problem area, get to know the
their regular customers, for instance, their customers more, and analyze their behav-
coffee preferences, or which promotions ior. For this reason, the in-depth interviews
affect them the most. Additionally, since that were conducted and only the inter-
many independent coffee shops are not views with the MVP4 were to some extend
able to develop a mobile app themselves, focused on the solution.
they could benefit from Wlcome by simply There definitely is an opportunity for the
paying a monthly fee. Wlcome solution, as more and more busi-
nesses, for various reasons, recognize the
6.7. Recommendations for Wlcome need for implementing a loyalty scheme.
In the Authors’ opinion, Wlcome app Furthermore, since independent coffee
was in too early a stage to move to Cus- shops have a small marketing budget, it is
tomer Validation stage of Customer Devel- easier for them to use a technology where
opment. Therefore, more experiments they only pay monthly. Also, even though
should be performed. Especially that one of the main assumptions regarding the
Wlcome was being developed at that time, baristas struggling to remember the regular
regardless of the outcome of Customer customers’ names proved to be false, the
Discovery, the experiments could be done mobile loyalty solution became the main
on the real mobile app instead to show the Value Proposition to customers. Therefore,
new purchasing experience. no significant iterations within the app were
The Product/Solution Fit, which is needed; however, the Authors changed the
crucial in Customer Discovery, was not way Wlcome was being addressed while
achieved. In addition, even though the presenting the MVP to customers.
founder already thought of the Solution, Further steps for Wlcome should
the Problems were not thoroughly under- include, first of all, more experiments on

Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1 17

the actual MVP of the mobile app in order many businesses, was primarily designed
to collect the necessary feedback. Addi- for web-based startups. Manufacturing
tionally, new functionalities should also be companies would find it harder to follow
explored, such as incorporating mobile pay- the methodology, as they are more capital-
ments or different reward schemes. intensive and cannot iterate as fast. Also,
the type of innovation Lean Startup was
designed for is user-driven incremental
7. Conclusions innovation in products or solutions, as it is
The aim of this paper was to introduce a new extremely problem-focused and challenges
approach to building and managing early- customers’ needs and wants. Radical inno-
stage technology ventures that, due to their vation would be difficult to pursue with the
specific nature, face different risks and chal- Lean Startup method, as it often requires
lenges in comparison to established business- the development of a new technology.
es. The Authors challenged this approach Since each and every business is different,
based on a real business case. Despite the Lean Startup should be, therefore, used as
fact that the case analysis had to be short- guidance. Regardless of how good or bad
ened to meet the edition requirements (much the idea of the entrepreneur is, Lean Star-
more analysis, including Porter’s Five Forces tup enhances the odds to become success-
model, SWOT analysis, was performed), the ful and provides startups with a great tool
outcomes presented above seem to confirm for managing the early-stage businesses. As
that, thanks to Lean Startup method, many Ries said “Great entrepreneurs don’t have bet-
technology startup mistakes may be avoided ter ideas – they have better processes”. How-
at the definition stage. Unfortunately, while ever, the entrepreneur must always remem-
working on the Wlcome case, the Authors ber that the main reason for experiments
also realized that despite demonstrating and the MVP is to learn and discover in
to the entrepreneurs that the coffee shops order to develop a great product.
would be unlikely to subscribe to their prod-
uct (as the benefits for them are marginal),
they still believed in their vision and version Footnotes
of it. Their justification, which can be com- 1 Product/Market Fit refers to sufficient demand
monly seen in many startups, was that the in a clearly defined marketplace for a product
customers did not get a chance to experi- delivering a clearly defined value proposition
ence the final product, which they otherwise to allow efficient (human or financial) capital
would be delighted with. expenditure to scale value creation.
It is worth mentioning as well, that even 2 Wlcomeapp,
though more and more entrepreneurs are (2014.07.28).
becoming aware of Lean Startup, their
3 These assumptions are based on Lean Canvas
that can be found in Appendix 1.
understanding of the concept is somehow 4 The Authors prepared two versions of clickable
distorted. The Authors met many entre- power point presentations (mock-ups) that, if
preneurs who felt lost in designing MVP launched on the phone, would show exactly how
and key experiments and in interpreting the app would work.
the findings.
Lean Startup has also another major
criticism. The method gave entrepreneurs References
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Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1 19

Appendix 1. Lean Canvas for Wlcome app

Source: own elaboration.

Studia i Materia y 2/2015 (19)

Appendix 2. Business Model Canvas for Wlcome

Wydzia Zarz dzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2015.19.1

Source: own elaboration.


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