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Age of gestation - premature Infection during pregnancy -
Factors Signs &
Oxygen deprivation during TORCH
delivery Infection - bacterial meningitis
Process Head trauma
Diagnosis CEREBRAL

Decreased supply Inflammatory

of oxygen to the reaction occurs in
brain the brain
Causes cell destruction
and damage to the brain
- either motor cortex,
cerebellum, or basal

Difficulty in Affects transmission

Impaired Verbal speech and of neurons from the
Communication cognitive brain to the muscles
development vice versa


Ineffective Difficulty in Results to difficulty in

Therapeutic controling maintaining posture, Muscles
coordination, mucle Causes
Regimen muscles = become too
movement depends seizures
Management Variations in active
muscle tone on the affectation

Risk for Self-Care Imbalanced

Risk for Injury Risk for Delayed
Deficit Impaired physical Nutrition: Less
Growth and
mobility than Body

CDC. ( 2019) . What i s Cer ebr al Pal sy? ( Ret r i eved May 02, 2020, f r om ht t ps: / / www. cdc. gov/ ncbddd/ cp/ f act s. ht ml

Khan Academy. ( n. d. ) . What i s cer ebr al pal sy and what causes i t ? ( vi deo) . Ret r i eved May 02, 2020, f r om
ht t ps: / / www. khanacademy. or g/ sci ence/
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Mayo Cl i ni c. ( 2019) . Cer ebr al pal sy. Ret r i eved May 02, 2020, f r om
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Pi l l i t t er i , A. ( 2009) . Mat er nal and chi l d heal t h nur si ng: car e of t he chi l dbear i ng and chi l dr ear i ng f ami l y.

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