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Fritzing - from prototype to product


This is a preview release of Fritzing. Try it out on your project
and let us know what requirements you have. Contribute to the part
library and if you're a developer, have a look at the code. We greatly
appreciate every contribution. Please join the discussion in our forums.

This is an early release and the software is not yet stable. We welcome
your bug reports. Also please be aware that file formats may change
as we move closer to a final release, so there's no guarantee that your
sketch files will open in future releases.

Fritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers and artists in
taking the step from physical prototyping to actual product. We are
creating this software in the spirit of Processing and Arduino. Fritzing's
goal is to allow the designer / artist / researcher / hobbyist to document
their breadboard-based prototype and create a PCB layout for
We hope our website will be a place for people to share and discuss
their projects and experiences.

Fritzing is essentially Electronic Design Automation software suited to the

needs of designers and artists. It uses the metaphor of the breadboard,
so that it is easy to transfer a hardware sketch to the software by using a
drag-and-drop-based GUI to copy your sketch. From there it is possible
to create PCB layouts for turning your prototype into a robust PCB,
either on your own, or with the help of a manufacturer.

To launch Fritzing:
on Mac, double-click the Fritzing application
on Linux, double-click Fritzing, or try ./Fritzing in your shell window
on Windows, double-click fritzing.exe

The source code of Fritzing is licensed under GNU GPL v3, the documentation
and part designs under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareALike 3.0 Unported.
The full text of these licenses are shipped with this download.

This means that you can create your own variation of Fritzing, as long as you
credit us and also publish it under GPL. Similarly, you may re-publish our
documentation, as long as you credit us, and publish it under the same
You may publish circuits and diagrams that you create with
Fritzing and that use our graphics, again as long as you credit us, and
publish your works under the same license. A credit can be as simple as
"this image was created with Fritzing."

This section is mostly for Linux users. Fritzing is built using the Qt Framework,
so build instructions follow the model for Qt applications. The easiest approach
is to download the QT SDK and use the QtCreator IDE. You can also build natively
using the following steps (qmake is a tool supplied by Qt):
make install

Fritzing requires Qt 4.6 and up, and the Qt-sqlite and Qt-jpeg plugins.

(c) 2007-2013 Fachhochschule Potsdam

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