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Grade 11 – Introduction to World Religion and Belief System

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Religion and Spirituality.

Performance Standard: The learner prepares character sketches of a person who is spiritual but not religious and a
person who is religious but not spiritual.

I: Lesson Objectives
1. Define religion and spirituality.
2. Enumerate the elements of religion and spirituality.
3. Illustrate character sketches of a person who is spiritual but not religious and a person who is religious but not
4. Relate their sketches to their own life to evaluate their spirituality.
II: Subject Matter
a. Topic: Understanding Religion and Spirituality
b. References: Introduction to World Religion and Belief System by Jeyeel Serrano Cornelio
c. Materials: Pictures, manila paper, bond paper, pencil/ball pen,
d. Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration and communication
e. Strategies: Group Work, Lecture discussion with Picture Analysis and Individual Work
III: Content
a. Definition of religion and spirituality
b. Elements of religion
c. Elements of spirituality
d. Difference of spiritual person to religious person and vice versa.
IV: Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Opening Activity
Evaluate the knowledge of the students about
religions in the world by “Guess the Picture Game.”

 Good morning class.  God morning Sir.

 How are you today?  We are fine, thank you.

The students will be asked to get one candy from the


 Before anything else, get one candy from the

container and pass it to other.

 Today, to begin our lesson let me discuss to you our

 Define religion and spirituality.
 Enumerate the elements of religion and
 Illustrate character sketches of a person who is
spiritual but not religious and a person who is
religious but not spiritual.
 Relate the sketches to your own life to evaluate
your personal spirituality.
 Is there any question regarding our objectives?  None.

 If none, let’s begin our lesson with a game. Are you  Yes.

 You will be grouped according to the color of the

candy that you choose a while ago. Your group will be
called according to your candy’s color and choose your
group leader.

 We will call this game “Guess the Picture Game.”

 I have here 4 pictures with jumbled letters. You will

guess what the religions that the pictures represent
are. You will paste your answer in the manila paper
and paste it on the blackboard. Do not forget to write
the name of your members at the back of the manila
paper for grading purpose.

 You only have 5 minutes to finish your work.

Picture #1 Picture #1


Picture #2 Picture #2


Picture #3 Picture #3


Picture #4 Picture #4


After five minutes.

 Let’s check your work.

B. Lesson Proper
 These are some of well-known religion in the world.
Before we talk about deeper understanding of these
religions, let us first define religion.
Picture Analyzing
One representative of each group will give their answer.
 Kindly look at the pictures at the blackboard. Which  The picture letter A because it shows people praising
picture can be considered as religion and explain God inside the church.
briefly your answer.

Picture A Picture B
 Very good. Your answer is correct. Now, from your  Maybe religion is defined as a group people praising
answers how can we define religion? their God.

 Good idea. It is the same with the definition given by

Edward Tylor which called substantive definition.
According to him, ‘religion involves belief and practices
which assume the existence of supernatural being or
divine force.’

 But, we do not use this definition. Do you see any  None.

problem with this definition given by Tylor?

 Do you think class all of the religion believe or assumes  Yes (common idea)
the existence of the supernatural being or god?

 Let’s check. Who is the God of Muslims?  Allah.

 Who is the God of Christians?  Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)

 Who is the God of Buddhists?  Buddha

 Buddha is not the God of Buddhism, he is just the

founder. Buddhism has no God. This is the reason why
people rejected the definition of Tylor.

 After Tylor, Emile Durkheim gave the functional

definition. He defined religion as, ‘unified system of
belief and practices relative to sacred things, belief and
practices which unite into one single community.’

 Do you see any problem with this definition?  Yes, the coverage of this definition is very broad.

 Very good. Not all united people with common

practices and belief could be considered as religion.
We cannot use functional definition as definition of

 To form a faultless definition we have to use the two

definitions. We can define definition as, ‘a system of
belief and practices by which a group of people
interprets and responds to what they feel is sacred
and, usually, supernatural as well.’

 To be able to really assess if a group of people can be

really considered as religion, it must possess the
following elements:
a. reflects an effort to elevate their whole self to a higher
dimension of existence.
b. has framework of transcendent belief
c. text or scriptures
d. rituals
e. sacred spaces

 After defining religion, let us now define spirituality.

 Spirituality is a deeper dimension of religion. It can be

defined as ‘one’s integrative view of life. It involves a
quest for the meaning and ultimate value of life as
opposed to an instrumentalist or materialistic attitude
of life.’

 The elements of spirituality are:

a. holistic
b. quest for meaning
c. quest for the sacred
d. suggests a self-reflective existence

 Let’s review what we have just discussed.

 What are the two ways of defining religion?  The two ways of defining religion are substantive and
functional definition.
 What is the problem of those definitions why we do  The problem of the two is their coverage.
not use them?

 What are the elements of religion?  The elements of religion are:

a. reflects an effort to elevate their whole self to a
higher dimension of existence.
b. has framework of transcendent belief
c. text or scriptures
d. rituals
e. sacred spaces
 It is spirituality.
 What is the deeper dimension of religion?

 What are the elements of spirituality?  The elements of spirituality are:

a. holistic
b. quest for meaning
c. quest for the sacred
d. suggests a self-reflective existence

C. Application (Sketch the Difference)

 You now understand and know the definition and  Yes sir.
elements of religion and spirituality, but let me ask you
this question: Can a person be religious and not
spiritual or spiritual but not religious?

 How?  There are people who are observing the practices of

their religion but it does not reflect in their life. Those
are the people who are religious but not spiritual
persons. However, there are people who put their
faith in their life but not participating in their religious

 Very good.

 Now, get your bond paper and ball pen and sketch a
person who is spiritual but not religious and a person
who is religious but not spiritual.
 Your work will be graded according to this criteria:
Definition Points
Relation to the Theme 10
Creativity 5
Clarity of the Message 5
Total 20

D. Assignment
 For your assignment, write a reflection paper
regarding your work evaluating your own spirituality.

Prepared by:

Mark Anthony J. Albos

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