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Week: 4
Student: Karolay Medina Valverde
Task: “A story”
Instruction Download the document “Week 4 - A Story (Instructions)”
Follow ALL the instructions and write about the requested task.
Upload the second/final draft before the deadline.

A lucky day
I had a very lucky day on my trip to Chiclayo last year.
I was traveling from Lima to my company in Chiclayo. Suddenly, I heard the tire explode and then I
saw smoke. The driver stopped immediately to check the car. I was afraid the car would explode,
but after the driver turned off the engine, the smoke disappeared.
After a couple of hours I saw a car behind me. I was surprised what I saw, it was a family. They
went to Chiclayo and wanted to help me. They gave me lift, so I arrived at the company in time to do
my job.
I was lucky to meet a family that wanted to help me when I really needed it.

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