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According to anthropologists Arjun Appadural, globalization occurs on multiple and intersecting dimensions of

integration that he calls the “scapes”

Ethnoscape- Global movement of people
Mediascape- Flow of Culture
Tecnoscape- Circulation of goods and software
Financescape- Global circulation of money
Ideoscape- Interaction of political ideas

Main Objectives of IFI’s

- temporary financial assistance to member countries to ease balance of payments
- long term loans(20 yrs)
- very long term loans (30-40 yrs)
- grant financing- projects or services
Role of IFI’s (International Financial Institutions)
- Charted by more than one country and therefore are subjects to international law
- Owners or shareholders: national governments, international institutions, and organizations
- Creations of multiple nations

Market Integration- It exists when prices among different location or related goods follow the patterns over a
long period of time. When group of prices often move proportionally to each other and when this relation is
very clear among different markets it is said that markets are integrated
Global Economy- it refers to the world economy. This term also pertains to the international exchange of
goods and services that is expressed in monetary units. It may also mean as the free movement of goods,
capital, services, technology and information
Global Economy or Economic Globalization- it is concerned on the globalization of production, finance,
markets, technology, organizational regimes, institutions, corporations and labor

International Corporation
-involved in exporting and selling its goods and/or services to other nations
-has no other investment in other nations
-business functions and headquarters remain in the country of origin
-no branches of the company overseas
-decision-making process is streamlined

Multinational Company
-has establishments in the nations it chooses to operate in not just sales
-the company will choose to establish branches and operations in these nations, to oversee the sales and/or
-there is still a central headquarters, but the branches are in charge of localizing and marketing the product

Global Company
-has investment and business in the countries in which it chooses to operate
-has subsidiaries in many nations, meaning dozens of sites around the world
-central headquarters of the business makes the decisions for driving the business
-same products are offered in every country regardless of culture and tastes

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