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Managing Conflict and Stress

What is Conflict?
Myth Truth
 Conflict—struggle
Conflicts is Conflict is a
between people with dysfunctional normal part of life
opposing needs,
wishes, or demands All conflicts can Most conflicts can
be resolved at least be

Conflicts will go Conflict can

away if ignored motivate change

Conflicts result in Conflict can

a winner and a strengthen
loser relationships
Positive Effects of Conflict
 Energizes people
 Opens up channels of communication
that may not already exist
 Parties involved can learn from the
Negative Effects of Conflict
 Anger/Resentment can make it difficult for
a working relationship to continue
 Unresolved conflicts can lead to
misconceptions about parties involved
 Ongoing conflict makes it difficult to focus
on jobs
Types of Business Conflict
 Interpersonal Conflict
 Between individuals that perceive or value a
situation differently
 Intergroup Conflict
 Between groups/teams/departments within an
 Organizational Conflict
 Between employees and the organization itself
Managing Conflict
 Create positive atmosphere
 Parties involved can meet in a quiet, neutral setting
 Keep an open mind
 Don’t take one side or the other unless absolutely
 Be nonjudgmental
 It may not be important to you, but it is to others
 Encourage employees to work together to
resolve conflicts before they escalate
Stress in the Workplace
 Stress
 Any physical, chemical, or emotional factor
causing bodily harm or mental tension
 “Workplace stress could be the #1 health problem
in the U.S.” (former pres. of American Institute
of Stress)
Effects of Stress
 Positive Effects
 Some enjoy high pressure situations
 Get bored without some stress/pressure
 Can be motivating in the right dose
 Can lead to greater productivity
 Negative Effects
 Emotional
 Physical
 Burnout….lose interest in job
Sources of Workplace Stress
 Job mismatch
 Conflicting expectations
 Role ambiguity
 Role overload
 Poor working conditions
 Unsatisfying work relationships
 Alienation
Managing Stress
 Employer assistance with employee personal problems
is increasing
 Identifying stress early can save a great deal of both
money and anxiety
 EAP—Employee Assistance Program
 Puts employees in touch with professionals
 Social worker, psychologist, counselor, etc
 All confidential
 Wellness Programs
 Company sponsored programs to prevent illness and enhance
employee well being
 Educational programs
 Medical exams
 Workout facilities
Stress Management
 Approach problems with a positive
 Communicate when problems begin
 Reward yourself for even small
 Take time for yourself
 Enjoy the ride, not just the destination!

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