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Refinery Short-Term Scheduling Using Continuous Time Formulation: Crude-

Oil Operations

Article  in  Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research · May 2003

DOI: 10.1021/ie020124f

136 533

3 authors, including:

Marianthi Ierapetritou Jeffrey Dean Kelly

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Industrial Algorithms Limited


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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 3085-3097 3085

Refinery Short-Term Scheduling Using Continuous Time

Formulation: Crude-Oil Operations
Zhenya Jia and Marianthi Ierapetritou*
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers University,
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8058

Jeffrey D. Kelly†
Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions, 300 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2J 1S1

This paper addresses the problem of crude-oil short-term scheduling, which is the first part of
the overall refining operations. The problem involves the optimal operation of crude-oil unloading
from vessels, its transfer to storage tanks, and the charging schedule for each crude-oil mixture
to the distillation units. A novel model is developed based on a continuous-time representation
and results in a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. The state-task network
representation is used throughout this paper. The proposed formulation is applied to several
case studies and leads to fewer binary and continuous variables and fewer constraints compared
with existing discrete-time models. Thus, an efficient solution can be achieved using available
MILP solvers.

1. Introduction there are more crude oils than tanks (i.e., the classic
pigeon-hole-principle problem).
In the literature, mathematical programming tech- The refinery scheduling problem considered in this
nologies have been extensively concerned with and paper includes the unloading from the vessels to the
developed in the area of long-term refinery planning,1,11
storage tanks, transfers from storage tanks to the
while short-term scheduling has received less attention.
charging tanks, and charging to the crude-oil distillation
Refinery planning optimization is mainly addressed units (CDUs). The objective of the scheduling procedure
through successive linear programming approaches, is to minimize the total cost of operation. The state-task
such as GRTMPS (Haverly Systems), PIMS (Aspen network (STN) representation introduced by Kondili et
Technology), and RPMS (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions), al.5 is used throughout this paper. The objective of this
while more rigorous nonlinear planning models for
paper is to propose a new continuous-time formulation
refinery production were developed recently.7,10 Sched-
that addresses short-term scheduling of a crude-oil
uling has been mainly addressed for batch plants.
handling problem at the refinery. The paper is organized
Extensive reviews can be found in work by Reklaitis,12
Pinto and Grossmann,9 and Ierapetritou and Floudas.2 as follows. Section 2 states the problem of crude-oil
Continuous plants, however, have received less atten- unloading with inventory control. In section 3, the
tion in the open literature concerning the scheduling mathematical formulation is presented and then applied
optimization problem. Sahinidis and Grossmann13 con- to four case studies in the following section. An efficient
sidered the problem of cyclic scheduling of multiproduct solution is achieved mainly as a result of exploitation
continuous plants for the single-stage case, and Pinto of the continuous-time nature of the problem.
and Grossmann8 considered that for the multistage case It should be emphasized that this problem is only part
(typical of lube-oil production). Ierapetritou and Flou- of the overall picture for optimization of oil-refinery
das3 extended their batch scheduling model to consider operations as depicted in Figure 1. The overall problem
continuous and mixed production facilities. Mathemati- is decomposed into three parts. The first part (problem
cal programming techniques were applied to scheduling 1, Figure 1) involves the crude-oil unloading, mixing,
of crude-oil handling at the refinery by Shah14 and Lee and inventory control. The second part (problem 2,
et al.6 that presented mixed-integer linear programming Figure 1) consists of the production unit scheduling,
(MILP) models for the detailed short-term scheduling which includes both fractionation and reaction pro-
of crude-oil unloading, based on time discretization. The cesses, and the third part (problem 3, Figure 1) depicts
resultant models are prohibitively expensive to solve the finished product blending and shipping end of the
because of the discretization of time. refinery. The efficent modeling and solution of each of
A somewhat related study on the allocation of crude these problems will pave the way toward addressing the
oils to storage tanks to enhance the flexibility of the overall problem of scheduling of refinery operations, a
crude-oil mixing operation is presented in work by Kelly task that is currently prohibitively expensive. Continu-
and Forbes.4 This describes the rules necessary to decide ous-time formulation will be utilized for the efficient
which crude oils should go to which storage tanks when solution of the subproblems involved. The overall prob-
lem can then be addressed by integrating the individual
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: (732)- models and solved using a specially designed algorithm.
4452971. E-mail: Work is in progress to address these issues and will be
† E-mail: communicated in future publications.
10.1021/ie020124f CCC: $25.00 © 2003 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/24/2003
3086 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003

Figure 1. Graphic overview of the refinery system.

Figure 2. Oil flow network for example 1.

Figure 4. Oil flow network for example 3.

Figure 3. Oil flow network for example 2.

2. Problem Definition

A typical crude-oil unloading system considered here

consists of crude-oil marine vessels (used for crude-oil
transportation), storage tanks (serving as the off-loading
tanks for incoming crude oils), charging tanks (used for
crude-oil blending), and CDUs (where the main hydro- Figure 5. Oil flow network for example 4.
carbon separation into downstream feedstocks takes
place), as illustrated in Figure 1. Crude-oil vessels CDUs. The following information will be given: (a)
unload crude oil into storage tanks after arrival at the arrival times of the marine vessels; (b) capacity limita-
refinery docking station. Then the crude oil is trans- tions of the tanks; (c) key component concentration
ferred from storage tanks to charging tanks, in which ranges; (d) time horizon under consideration.
a crude-oil mix is produced. The crude-oil mix in each The problem is to determine the following variables:
charging tank may then be charged into one or more (a) waiting time of each vessel at sea; (b) unloading
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003 3087

Figure 6. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 1.

duration times from vessels to storage tanks; (c) crude- that at the next event point. Allocation constraints set
oil transfer duration times from storage tanks to charg- the delivery assignments between the vessels, storage
ing tanks; (d) crude-oil mix charging duration times tanks, charging tanks, and CDUs, and the beginning
from charging tanks to CDUs; (e) opening inventory and and finishing times of each operation are determined
concentration levels in storage and charging tanks, so by the sequence constraints. The supply constraints
as to minimize the operating costs. ensure that all of the vessel’s cargo is unloaded, and
The operating rules that have to be followed are as the demand constraints ensure that all of the demands
follows: (a) a vessel has to wait at sea if a preceding of the crude-oil mix will be satisfied during the time
vessel does not leave the docking station; (b) if crude horizon. The reader may find more details about event
oil is fed into the charging tank, the charging tank points in earlier work.
cannot charge the CDU simultaneously and vice versa Material Balance Constraints for Vessel v. Each
(sometimes referred to as standing-gauge operation); (c) vessel v initially has Vv0(v) crude oil and unloads all of
each charging tank can only charge one CDU at one its crude oil to storage tanks before leaving the docking
time interval; (d) each CDU can only be charged by one station:
charging tank at one time interval; (e) CDUs must be
operated continuously throughout the time horizon of
Vv0(v) ) ∑∑Bv(v,i,n),
i∈Iv n
∀v ∈ V (1)
The objective is to minimize the total operation cost,
which includes sea waiting cost, unloading cost, and The volume of the crude oil in vessel v at event point n
inventory cost. On the basis of the above description of [Vv(n)] should be equal to that at event point n - 1
the problem, the following mathematical formulation is minus the total volume of the crude oil being unloaded
proposed for the efficient solution of the problem. from vessel v to storage tanks at the current event point
n [∑nBv(v,i,n)].
3. Mathematical Formulation
The following assumptions are proposed in this Vv(v,n) ) Vv0(v) - ∑Bv(v,i,n),
∀v ∈ V, n ) 1 (2)
paper: (a) the times required for a CDU mode change
are neglected; (b) perfect mixing is assumed in the
tanks; (c) the property state of each crude oil or mixture Vv(v,n) ) Vv(v,n-1) - ∑Bv(v,i,n),
is decided only by specific key components and finally
no explicit splitting operations are performed. ∀v ∈ V, n ∈ N, n * 1 (3)
The mathematical model involves mainly material
balance constraints, allocation constraints, sequence Material Balance Constraints for Storage Tank
constraints, crude-oil supply, and crude-oil mix demand i. Each storage tank i initially has Vs0(i) crude oil. The
constraints. Material balance constraints connect the inventory level of crude oil in tank i at event point n is
amounts of material in one unit at one event point to equal to that at event point n - 1 adjusted by any
3088 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003

Figure 7. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 2.

amount fed from vessels or transferred to charging that the property of each crude oil is decided by key
tanks. components, such as sulfur or metals, in the crude oil,
the appropriate material balance constraints for the
Vs(i,n) ) Vs0(i) + ∑ Bv(v,i,n) - j∈J
∑Bs(i,j,n), components are formulated to track the quantities and
v∈Vi i restrain the concentrations from exceeding predefined
∀ i ∈ I, n ) 1 (4) specifications.
The initial or opening amount of component k in
Vs(i,n) ) Vs(i,n-1) + ∑ Bv(v,i,n) - j∈J
∑Bs(i,j,n), storage tank i can be determined by (the initial amount
v∈Vi i of crude oil in tank i) × (the initial concentration of
∀ i ∈ I, n ∈ N, n * 1 (5) component k in tank i). The amount of component k in
storage tank i at event point n is equal to that at event
Material Balance Constraints for the Charging point n - 1 adjusted by any amount unloaded from
Tank j. Each charging tank j contains Vb0(i) crude oil vessels or transferred to the charging tanks.
at the start. The inventory level of crude-oil mix in
charging tank j at event point n is equal to that at event
point n - 1 adjusted by any amount transferred from Vss(i,k,n) ) Vs0(i) Ds0(i,k) + ∑ Bv(v,i,n) Dv(v,k) -
storage tanks or charged to CDUs.
∑Bss(i,j,k,n), ∀ i ∈ I, k ∈ K, n ) 1 (8)
Vb(j,n) ) Vb0(j) + ∑
Bs(i,j,n) - ∑ Bb(j,l,n),
j j

∀ j ∈ J, n ) 1 (6) Vss(i,k,n) ) Vss(i,k,n-1) + ∑ Bv(v,i,n) Dv(v,k) -

Vb(j,n) ) Vb(j,n-1) + ∑
Bs(i,j,n) - ∑ Bb(j,l,n),
∑Bss(i,j,k,n), ∀ i ∈ I, k ∈ K, n ∈ N, n * 1 (9)
j j
∀ j ∈ J, n ∈ N, n * 1 (7)
Material Balance Constraints for the Compo- Constraints (10) and (11) express the requirement
nent k in Storage Tank i. Based on the assumption that the concentration of component k in storage tank
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003 3089

Table 1. System Information for Example 1 Table 3. System Information for Example 3
scheduling horizon (% of unit time) 8 scheduling horizon 12
no. of vessel arrivals 2 (% of unit time)
no. of vessel arrivals 3
arrival amount concn of the
time of crude key component amount concn of the
vessel 1 1 100 0.01 arrival time of crude key component
vessel 2 5 100 0.06 vessel 1 1 50 0.01
vessel 2 5 50 0.085
no. of storage tanks 2 vessel 3 9 50 0.06
storage initial oil concn of the no. of storage tanks 3
tanks capacity amount key component
storage initial oil initial component
tank 1 100 25 0.01
tank 2 100 75 0.06 tanks capacity amount concn (min-max)

no. of charging tanks 2 tank 1 100 20 0.02 (0.01-0.03)

tank 2 100 20 0.05 (0.04-0.06)
tank 3 100 20 0.08 (0.07-0.09)
charging initial oil initial component
tanks capacity amount concn (min, max) no. of charging tanks 3
tank 1 100 50 0.02 (0.015, 0.025) charging initial oil initial component
tank 2 100 50 0.05 (0.045, 0.055)
tanks capacity amount concn (min-max)
no. of CDUs 1 tank 1 100 30 0.03 (0.025-0.065)
unit costs involved in unloading cost, 8; tank 2 100 50 0.05 (0.045-0.065)
vessel operation sea waiting cost, 5 tank 3 100 30 0.08 (0.075-0.085)
tank inventory unit costs storage tank, 0.08;
charging tank, 0.05 no. of CDUs 2
unit changeover cost for 50 (independent of sequence unit costs involved in unloading cost, 10;
charged oil switch and CDU) vessel operation sea waiting cost, 5
demand of mixed oils oil mix 1, 100; oil mix 2, 100 tank inventory unit costs storage tank, 0.05;
by CDUs charging tank, 0.08
unit changeover cost for 50 (independent of sequence
Table 2. System Information for Example 2 charged oil switch and CDU)
demand of mixed oils oil mix 1, 50; oil mix 2, 50;
scheduling horizon 10 by CDUs oil mix 3, 50
(% of unit time)
no. of vessel arrivals 3 Table 4. System Information for Example 4

arrival amount scheduling horizon 15

time of crude component 1 component 2 (% of unit time)
no. of vessel arrivals 3
vessel 1 1 100 0.01 0.04
vessel 2 4 100 0.03 0.02 arrival amount concn of the
vessel 3 7 100 0.05 0.01 time of crude key component
no. of storage tanks 3 vessel 1 1 60 0.03
vessel 2 6 60 0.05
storage initial oil vessel 3 11 60 0.065
tanks capacity amount component 1 component 2
no. of storage tanks 6
tank 1 100 20 0.01 0.04
tank 2 100 50 0.03 0.02 charging initial oil initial component
tank 3 100 70 0.05 0.01
tanks capacity amount concn (min-max)
no. of charging tanks 3 tank 1 10-90 60 0.031 (0.25-0.38)
tank 2 10-110 10 0.03 (0.02-0.004)
charging initial oil initial initial tank 3 10-110 50 0.05 (0.04-0.06)
tanks capacity amount component 1 component 2 tank 4 10-110 40 0.065 (0.06-0.07)
tank 1 100 30 0.0167 (0.01, 0.02) 0.0333 (0.03, 0.038) tank 5 10-90 30 0.075 (0.07-0.08)
tank 2 100 50 0.03 (0.025, 0.035) 0.023 (0.018, 0.027) tank 6 10-90 60 0.075 (0.07-0.08)
tank 3 100 30 0.0433 (0.04, 0.048) 0.0133 (0.01, 0.018)
no. of charging tanks 4
no. of CDUs 2
unit costs involved in unloading cost, 8;
charging initial oil initial component
vessel operation sea waiting cost, 5 tanks capacity amount concn (min-max)
tank inventory unit costs storage tank, 0.05; tank 1 80 5 0.0317 (0.034-0.035)
charging tank, 0.08
tank 2 80 30 0.0483 (0.043-0.05)
unit changeover cost for 50 (independent of sequence
charged oil switch and CDU) tank 3 80 30 0.0633 (0.06-0.065)
demand of mixed oils oil mix 1, 100; oil mix 2, 100; tank 4 80 30 0.075 (0.071-0.08)
by CDUs oil mix 3, 100
no. of CDUs 3
unit costs involved in unloading cost, 7;
i should be in the required concentration range.
vessel operation sea waiting cost, 5
tank inventory unit costs storage tank, 0.05;
Vs(i,n) Dsmin(i,k) e Vss(i,k,n) e Vs(i,n) Dsmax(i,k), charging tank, 0.06
∀ i ∈ I, k ∈ K, n ∈ N (10) unit changeover cost for 30 (independent of sequence
charged oil switch and CDU)
demand of mixed oils oil mix 1, 60; oil mix 2, 60;
Bs(i,j,n) Dsmin(i,k) e by CDUs oil mix 3, 60; oil mix 4, 60
Bss(i,j,k,n) e Bs(i,j,n) Dsmax(i,k),
Material Balance Constraints for Component k
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, k ∈ K, n ∈ N (11) in Charging Tank j. Similar to constraints (8)-(11),
3090 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003

Figure 8. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 3.

the following contraints represent the material balance at event point n.

for the components in charging tanks. Note that in
constraint (13) ∑i∈IjBss(i,j,k,n) can be written as ∑i∈Ij- Bss(i,j,k,n) ) Bs(i,j,n) Ds0(i,k),
Bs(i,j,n) Ds0(i,k) in the case that the concentration of
the components in the storage tanks is constant.
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, k ∈ K, n ) 1 (16)

Vbb(j,k,n) ) Vb0(j) Db0(j,k) + ∑

Bss(i,j,k,n) - Bss(i,j,k,n) Vs(i,n-1) ) Bs(i,j,n) Vss(i,k,n-1),
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, k ∈ K, n ∈ N, n * 1 (17)

Bbb(j,l,k,n), ∀ j ∈ J, k ∈ K, n ) 1 (12)
Bbb(j,l,k,n) ) Bb(j,l,n) Db0(j,k),
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, k ∈ K, n ) 1 (18)
Vbb(j,k,n) ) Vbb(j,k,n-1) + ∑
Bss(i,j,k,n) -
Bbb(j,l,k,n) Vb(j,n-1) ) Bb(j,l,n) Vbb(j,k,n-1),

Bbb(j,l,k,n), ∀ j ∈ J, k ∈ K, n ∈ N, n * 1 (13)
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, k ∈ K, n ∈ N, n * 1 (19)

Capacity Constraints. Constranits (20) and (21)

Vb(j,n) Dbmin(j,k) e Vbb(j,k,n) e express the volume capacity limitations for storage and
Vb(j,n) Dbmax(j,k), ∀ j ∈ J, k ∈ K, n ∈ N (14) charging tanks.

Bb(j,l,n) Dbmin(j,k) e Vs(i,n) e Vsmax(i), ∀ i ∈ I, n ∈ N (20)

Bbb(j,l,k,n) e Bb(j,l,n) Dbmax(j,k), Vb(j,n) e Vbmax(j), ∀ j ∈ J, n ∈ N (21)
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, k ∈ K, n ∈ N (15)
Flow-Rate Constraints. The following constraints
Components Concentration Consideration. express the limitations of minimum and maximum flow
The following bilinear equations are required to ensure rates when a crude oil or a mix is being transferred.
consistent balance of the outgoing component streams The volume of the crude oil or mix being transferred
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003 3091

Figure 9. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 4.

should be between the limits of (duration time × fmin) and the CDU must be in continuous operation.
and (duration time × fmax).

[Tvf (v,i,n) - Tvs(v,i,n)]fmin e Bv(v,i,n) e

∑z(j,l,n) e 1,
∀ l ∈ L, n ∈ N (25)

[Tvf(v,i,n) - Tvs(v,i,n)]fmax,
∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (22) Charging tank j cannot charge the CDU and be fed by
the storage tank at the same time.
[Tsf(i,j,n) - Tss(i,j,n)]fmin e Bs(i,j,n) e [Tsf(i,j,n) -
Tss(i,j,n)]fmax, ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, n ∈ N (23) y(i,j,n) + ∑ z(j,l,n) e 1,
∀ j ∈ J, n ∈ N (26)

[Tbf(j,l,n) - Tbs(j,l,n)]fmin e Bb(j,l,n) e

The following constraints force binary variables x(v,i,n),
[Tbf(j,l,n) - Tbs(j,l,n)]fmax,
y(i,j,n), and z(j,l,n) to be 1 if Bv(v,i,n), Bs(i,j,n), and
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N (24)
Bb(j,l,n) are not zero, respectively; otherwise, they
are equal to zero. These constraints are required in
Allocation Constraints. At most, one CDU l can be order to maintain the one-to-one assignment of the
charged by charging tank j at one time and vice versa, amounts being transferred and the corresponding
3092 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003

Figure 10. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 1 (MINLP model).

Table 5. Computational Results and Comparisons

example variables variables constraints objective iterations
1 139 24 352 236.75a 845
16 192 36 331 217.667 1695
2 341 56 906 390.70 15992
26 4566 70 825 352.55 331493 (21148)
3 295 48 864 285.65 12957
36 581 84 1222 296.56 >515541 (60663)
4 485 76 1298 429.34 86594
46 N/A (991) N/A (105) N/A (2154) N/A (420.99) N/A (157883)

a No direct comparison can be made because the objective obtained by the proposed methodology corresponds to an approximation of

the reported value due to the continuous nature of the formulation.

Table 6. Comparison of Real and Approximate Inventory Table 7. Computational Results of the MINLP Model
total CPU CPU
example major CPU time on time on
example objective iterations time MIP (s) NLP (s)
1 2 3 4
1 225.00 3 0.96 0.94 0.02
real value of inventory cost 91.80 145.56 103.44 229.73 2 325.80 3 1383.14 1383.01 0.13
approximated inventory cost 88.00 130.70 104.40 266.59 3 282.73 3 26.56 26.46 0.10
4 341.10 3 21912.29 21912.10 0.19
binary variables. Thus, the current allocation con-
straints can be enforced. mix being lifted from a charging tank j.

x(v,i,n) Vmin e Bv(v,i,n) e x(v,i,n) Vmax, ∑ ∑ Bb(j,l,n) ) DM(j), ∀j∈J (30)

∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (27) l∈Ljn∈N

Sequence Constraints: Vessel v f Storage Tank

y(i,j,n) Vmin e Bs(i,j,n) e y(i,j,n) Vmax, i. The requirement that each vessel can start unloading
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, n ∈ N (28) crude oil only after its arrival and must empty its cargo
before the end of the time horizon is expressed through
z(j,l,n) Vmin e Bb(j,l,n) e z(j,l,n) Vmax, constraints (31) and (32), respectively.
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N (29) Tvs(v,i,n) g Tarr(v) x(v,i,n), ∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N
Demand Constraints. The demand of crude-oil
mix j should be met by the total amount of crude-oil Tvf(v,i,n) e H, ∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (32)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003 3093

Figure 11. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 2 (MINLP model).

Each vessel v starting to unload to tank i at event Sequence Constraints: Storage Tank i f Charg-
point n + 1 should be after the end of unloading at event ing Tank j.
point n.
Tss(i,j,n+1) g Tsf(i,j,n) - H[1 - y(i,j,n)],
Tvs(v,i,n+1) g Tvf(v,i,n) - H[1 - x(v,i,n)], ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, n ∈ N, n * NE (37)
∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N, n * NE (33)
Tss(i,j,n+1) g Tss(i,j,n),
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, n ∈ N, n * NE (38)
Tvs(v,i,n+1) g Tvs(v,i,n),
∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N, n * NE (34) Tsf(i,j,n+1) g Tsf(i,j,n),
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, n ∈ N, n * NE (39)
Tvf(v,i,n+1) g Tvf(v,i,n),
Tsf(i,j,n) e H, ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, n ∈ N (40)
∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N, n * NE (35)
Sequence Constraints: Charging Tank j f CDU
If vessel v′ arrives at the docking station later than l.
vessel v, then it cannot start unloading until vessel v
finishes and leaves.
Tbs(j,l,n+1) g Tbf(j,l,n) - H[1 - z(j,l,n)],
∑n Tvst(v′,i,n) g ∑n Tvft(v,i,n), ∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N, n * NE (41)
Tbs(j,l,n+1) g Tbs(j,l,n),
∀ v ∈ Vi, v′ ∈ Vi, i ∈ I, Tarr(v′) > Tarr(v) (36)
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N, n * NE (42)
Similar sequence constraints are imposed for the crude- Tbf(j,l,n+1) g Tbf(j,l,n),
oil transfer between storage tank i and charging tank j ∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N, n * NE (43)
[constraints (37)-(40)] and charging tank j and CDU l
[constraints (41)-(44)]. Tbf(j,l,n) e H, ∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N (44)
3094 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003

Figure 12. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 3 (MINLP model).

Each charging tank j can be fed from either storage tank Beginning-Ending Time Consideration. The
i or charge CDU l at any event point n. starting and ending times of unloading of vessel v are
essentially Tvst(v,i,n) ) Tvs(v,i,n) x(v,i,n) and Tvft(v,i,n)
Tss(i,j,n+1) g Tbf(j,l,n) - H[1 - z(j,l,n)], ) Tvf(v,i,n) x(v,i,n) that involve bilinear terms (continu-
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N, n * NE (45) ous × binary). By application of Glover’s transformation
to constraints (51)-(54), linearity can be preserved.
Tbs(j,l,n+1) g Tsf(i,j,n) - H[1 - y(i,j,n)], Constraints (52) and (54) are needed to force Tvst(v,i,n)
∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ Ji, l ∈ Lj, n ∈ N, n * NE (46) and Tvft(v,i,n) to be zero when x(v,i,n) is zero.

Tvs(v,i,n) - H[1 - x(v,i,n)] e Tvst(v,i,n) e

Charging tank j should start charging CDU l after the
completion of charging other CDUs in previous event Tvs(v,i,n), ∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (51)
points. Tvst(v,i,n) e Hx(v,i,n), ∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (52)
Tbs(j,l,n+1) g Tbf(j,l′,n) - H[1 - z(j,l′,n)], Tvf(v,i,n) - H[1 - x(v,i,n)] e Tvft(v,i,n) e Tvf(v,i,n),
∀ j ∈ J, l ∈ Lj, l′ ∈ Lj, n ∈ N, n * NE (47) ∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (53)
Tvft(v,i,n) e Hx(v,i,n), ∀ v ∈ V, i ∈ Iv, n ∈ N (54)
Because each CDU l must be operated continuously, the
total operation time of each CDU l should be equal to Objective Function. The objective of this problem
the time horizon H. Constraints (49) and (50) express is to minimize the total operating cost.
that if CDU l is charged at event point n, then the next
charge will start at the ending time of this event point
cost ) Csea∑v i∈I
∑∑n [Tvst(v,i,n) - Tarr(v)] +

Cunload∑∑∑[Tvft(v,i,n) - Tvst(v,i,n)] + Cinvst ×

∑n j∈J
∑[Tbf(j,l,n) - Tbs(j,l,n)] ) H, ∀ l ∈ L, n ∈ N (48) v i∈I n
H∑[∑Vs(i,n) + Vs0(i)]/(NE + 1) + Cinvbi × H∑
Tbs(j,l,n+1) g Tbf(j′,l,n) - H[1 - z(j′,l,n)], i n j
∀ j ∈ Jl, j′ ∈ Jl, l ∈ L, n ∈ N, n * NE (49) [∑Vb(j,n) + Vb0(j)]/(NE + 1) +
Tbs(j,l,n+1) e Tbf(j′,l,n) + H[1 - z(j′,l,n)], Cset[∑ ∑ ∑z(j,l,n) - NST]
∀ j ∈ Jl, j′ ∈ Jl, l ∈ L, n ∈ N, n * NE (50) j l∈L n j
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003 3095

Figure 13. Gantt chart of the operation schedule for example 4 (MINLP model).

The first term in the objective function is the sea waiting this simplification corresponds to a close approximation
cost, where ∑v∑i∈Iv∑n[Tvst(v,i,n) - Tarr(v)] is the total of the actual inventory cost and results in reasonable
waiting time at sea for all of the vessels. The second schedules.
term represents the unloading cost, where ∑v∑i∈Iv∑n-
[Tvft(v,i,n) - Tvst(v,i,n)] is the total unloading duration 4. Case Studies: Results and Comparisons
of all of the vessels. The total inventory levels of storage Four examples are studied with the data obtained
tanks and charging tanks are approximated by ∑i[∑n- from Lee et al.6 The data for examples 1-4 are given
Vs(i,n) + Vs0(i)]/(NE + 1) and ∑j[∑nVb(j,n) + Vb0(j)]/ in Tables 1-4, respectively, while the crude-oil flow
(NE + 1), respectively, which corresponds to the average networks are illustrated by Figures 2-5. Example 1
value of the inventory level of the tanks over the time deals with a small size problem, while example 4
horizon under consideration. This approximation is presents a problem with three vessels, six storage tanks,
selected in order to maintain the linearity of the model. and four charging tanks that constitute an industrial
As will be shown in the examples in the next section, size problem. Two key component concentrations are
3096 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003

considered in example 2. Example 3 has the same size 1. Work is in progress to address problems 2 and 3 in
as example 2; however, oil mixing occurs in storage Figure 1. This spatial decomposition of the refinery
tanks as well as in charging tanks. Hence, the material operation is a most useful way toward the consideration
balance constraints for the components in charging of the integration and solution of the overall refinery
tanks will also be applied to storage tanks. scheduling problem.
As shown in Table 5, the proposed MILP formulation
results in a much smaller model in terms of constraints Acknowledgment
and continuous and binary variables. Note that, for the
industrial size problem (problem 4), the proposed for- The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support
mulation can be solved efficiently using 2351 nodes and from the National Science Foundation under the NSF
26.35 CPU s using GAMS/CPLEX 7.5. The proposed CAREER program CTS-9983406.
formulation involves 485 continuous and 76 binary
variables, compared with 991 and 105 of the discrete- Nomenclature
time formulation, and requires 1298 constraints, almost Indices
half of the constraints required by the discrete-time
formulation (2154). The resulting Gantt charts of crude- i ) storage tanks
oil transferring between vessels, storage tanks, charging j ) charging tanks
tanks, and CDUs are shown in Figures 6-9. However, k ) key components
no comparison is provided with the schedules obtained l ) CDUs
by Lee et al.6 because this information was not provided. n ) event points
The comparison of real and approximate values of v ) vessels
inventory cost is provided in Table 6, which illustrates Sets
that the approximation of inventory levels in the objec-
I ) storage tanks
tive function is reasonable. Note that, in order to provide
Ij ) storage tanks which can transfer crude oil to charging
a comparison with the discrete-time formulation results tank j
appearing in the literature, constraints (16)-(19) are Iv ) storage tanks which can be fed by vessel v
not considered for the proceeding results. The incorpo- J ) charging tanks
ration of the bilinear equations (16)-(19) results in a Ji ) charging tanks which can be fed by storage tank i
mixed-integer nonlinear formulation with the additional Jl ) charging tanks which can charge CDU l
complexity of nonconvexity. Using CPLEX 7.5 as the K ) key components
MIP solver and CONOPT as the NLP solver, the L ) CDUs
solution of problem 4 requires approximately 6 h, which Lj ) CDUs which can be charged by charging tank l
is mainly contributed to MIP subproblems. Because the N ) event points within the time horizon
problem is nonconvex, the local solver used guarantees V ) vessels
only local optimality of the solution. The computational Vi ) vessels which can feed crude oil to storage tank i
results and Gantt charts are presented in Table 7 and
Figures 10-13. Parameters
The mathematical model improvements obtained are Cinvbi ) inventory cost of charging tanks per volume per
of great importance because this constitutes the first day
step toward addressing the overall refining scheduling Cinvst ) inventory cost of storage tanks per volume per
problem, as shown in Figure 1. A computationally day
efficient formulation of the crude-oil scheduling problem Csea ) sea waiting cost per day
can be used either to feed a production unit scheduling Cset ) changeover cost per time
optimizer with crude-oil mix charge orders or to include Cunload ) unloading cost per day
the variables and constraints of this formulation into Db0(j,k) ) initial concentration of component k in the
an overall refinery-wide scheduling system. Although crude-oil mix of charging tank j
the focus of this work has been the efficient modeling Dbmax(j,k) ) maximum concentration of component k in
of the crude-oil scheduling problem, further computa- the crude-oil mix of charging tank j
Dbmin(j,k) ) minimum concentration of component k in
tional savings can be achieved through the utilization
the crude-oil mix of charging tank j
of priority constraints that can be specified according
DM(j) ) demand of crude-oil mix from charging tank j
to their contributions to the objective function or Ds0(i,k) ) initial concentration of component k in the crude
proportional to their time ordering. oil of storage tank i
Dsmax(i,k) ) maximum concentration of component k in
5. Summary and Future Directions the crude oil of storage tank i
Dsmin(i,k) ) minimum concentration of component k in
In this paper, a continuous-time formulation is pre- the crude oil of storage tank i
sented for the short-term scheduling of crude-oil un- Dv(v,k) ) concentration of component k in the crude oil of
loading and charging with inventory control. It is shown vessel v
that the proposed formulation results in fewer variables fmax ) maximum volume flow rate
and constraints and can be efficiently solved using fmin ) minimum volume flow rate
available MILP solvers. Several examples are provided H ) time horizon
to illustrate the capability of the proposed formulation. NE ) total number of event points
However, the overall refinery scheduling consists of the NST ) total number of storage tanks
scheduling for a crude-oil charging system, the down- Tarr(v) ) arrival time of vessel v
stream production steps, and a finished product blend- uv(v,i) ) denotes if vessel v can unload crude oil into
ing and shipping system. The work presented is our first storage tank i
step toward addressing the complete refinery scheduling Vb0(j) ) initial volume of the crude-oil mix in charging
by a decomposition approach, as illustrated in Figure tank j
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 13, 2003 3097

Vbmax(j) ) maximum capacity of charging tank j Vv(v,n) ) volume of crude oil in vessel v at event point n
Vmax ) upper bound of volume of oil being transferred x(v,i,n) ) binary variables that assign the beginning of v
Vmin ) lower bound of volume of oil being transferred unloading crude oil to i at event point n
Vs0(i) ) initial volume of crude oil in storage tank i y(i,j,n) ) binary variables that assign the beginning of i
Vsmax(i) ) maximum capacity of storage tank i transferring crude oil to j at event point n
Vv0(v) ) initial volume of crude oil in vessel v z(j,l,n) ) binary variables that assign the beginning of j
wv(i,j) ) denotes if storage tank i can transfer crude oil to charging the crude-oil mix to l at event point n
charging tank j
yv(j,l) ) denotes if charging tank j can charge the crude- Literature Cited
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Received for review February 13, 2002
Vs(i,n) ) volume of crude oil in storage tank i at event point
Revised manuscript received December 10, 2002
Accepted April 1, 2002
Vss(i,k,n) ) volume of component k in storage tank i at
event point n IE020124F

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