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class notes1: Έχω βαρεθεί αυτή τη μαλακία με το ράτιο του σκριμπντ του οποίου βασικός λόγος

ύπαρξης είναι η πρόκληση δυσφορίας κατά τη διαδικασία πρόσβασης σε βιβλία που έχουν διαθέσει
άλλοι, ώστε να πληρώσεις και το σκριμπντ να βγάλει λεφτά, κάτι που είναι εξόχως συγκινητικό,
ειλικρινά, απλά χέστηκα.

Class notes 2: cyborgs are going to replace many jobs and that would be perfect said the teacher

Class notes 3: but only under a communist abolition of the value-form

Class notes 5: cyborgs should not be slaves, communism should be post-human and anti-speciesist

Class notes 6: automation should be based only on non-intelligent/ non conscious machines’ sequences,
said teacher spencer

Class notes 4: also don’t forget we are all going to die

15/08/2015 principles of anti-political abolition of economy Hogwarts University

Alas scibd oh scribd big scribd please download and I will offer a document as sacrifice for you, this
document, my own child, devour it as you please and give us other documents for download, amen. The
croteam developers or any other developers should of course get paid for their labor, but it is not
my obligation to pay them, but their employers. Developers should get paid and get paid well,
independently of whether a game or other product is good or not (the particular one is fabulous
but that's not the point), since this subjective judgement does not necessarily coincide with the
demand the product is going to raise. Consumers may for instance not appreciate good quality.
So pay should be independent from sales or quality, at least concerning the basic wage agreed,
the developers should get paid even if the company sells no products, they should be
compensated by the company or the state even if the company goes bankrupt. Waged labor is
connected with hours of work, skills, or kind of project accomplished and should be guaranteed
in any case. If we keep framing pay in matter of sales, what would constitute fair pay if - on the
opposite edge - the game became the most popular game in the world for the next decade?
Obviously millions. So there is no fair pay, framing it as you did, there is only sales and the
salary as a variable of sales. That's not fair at all, sales can go wrong.
I did not refer to the "creative sector" in general, but to content already created and of a
replicable nature. A theatrical play is a product that takes labor to reproduce, each and every
time. A movie on the other hand is a product which took effort to produce, once, and takes little
effort to reproduce, innumerable times. Most of these reproductions, most of these times a
physical dvd will be created, a particular cinema will play the film, a particular steaming service
will stream it, a particular tv channel will show it, most of these distributions will happen
through the market and keep the product leveraging money, thus allowing a lot more than pay for
their stuff, allowing mad profits for the producers, directors, primary actors. Well, some
distributions won't happen through the market. Some books, movies, games or whatever will be
pirated. Get on with it. It's altruistic. How about the hard work of hackers, spending time to crack
a software in order for other fellows to enjoy as well, and never asking for monetary
compensation? Sharing is caring. And it's in the very nature of the product. It is replicable.

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