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Santiago's life is like a rollercoaster ride. He has experienced ups and downs. His
dream is to become a professional football player although everyone around him
doubts his capabilities. He plays football together with teammates forming a club
made up with car washers. He has small chances to become a professional player
playing in a pro-league since he has to work for a restaurant owned by Chinese and
help his father through his business which is gardening. He thought that he has no
hope to reach his dreams but he was scouted by a a former player of Newcastle
United which is Glen Floy as an addition to the team that where he used to be. To
be able to become part of the team, Santiago has to take the trial in England
that's why he started to save his money. Unfortunately, the money he saved was
stolen by his father causing them to start an argument. Santiago realized that his
dreams are over that pushed him back to work for his father. Her grandmother gave
him an envelople containing money and a plane ticket to London. He hesitated to
accept his grandmother's offer but being afraid that his father might discover that
he leaves for the trial, he

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