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How can we stop the transmission of The coronavirus?

Maria Paula Tarazona 6a 15/5/2020

The coronavirus are different types of virus of different kinds, that’s why it is an infectious
disease and now is identified by the name of COVID-19. This virus come from china Wuhan,
where a citizen was infected by a pathogen really strange that make him take a suspicious
pneumonia, these occurred the last year (2019) on December.

Since an interview with bill gates said that he was trying to find the cure of the coronavirus but
there still some ways to get infected with this dangerous pathogen and are: by food, contact
with a person infected, by water and by air so that why people get infected because they don’t
use the bio security measurements that the government use since that why these infectious
disease is going global. The best way where to prevent and slow down the transmission is
being well informed about the COVID-19, the disease it causes and how it spreads. protect
yourselves and others infection by washing your hands or using alcohol based rub frequently
and not touching your face.

We need to take these cares to our self’s because until this time there is not a specific formula
for a vaccine or treatments for the COVID-19, although there are some hospitals ongoing
clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. Still the World Health Organization (WHO) will
updated the information as soon the clinical findings of the vaccine became available.

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