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Language 6 – Term 1 Study Workshop

Ruben Esparragoza, Paul Gurnett, Camilo Calvo
"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care". Theodore Roosevelt 

Name: ______maria paula Tarazona ___________________________________ Class: ____6a ___

Date: _______17/4/2020__

In order to be ready for your term exam you must follow these guidelines

Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow by writing
complex sentences. Refer to the text to check your answers when appropriate.

Chess is called the game of kings. It has been around for a long time. People have been playing it for
over 500 years. Chess is based on an even older game from India. The chess we play today is from

Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces. The other uses the White Chess
Pieces black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called the king. Each player
has one. The players take turns moving their pieces. If a player lands on a piece, he or she takes it.
The game ends when a player loses his or her king. There are a few more rules, but those are the

Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes the mind stronger. Good
chess players use their brains. They take their time. They think about what will happen next. These
skills are useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like a work out for the mind.

You don't always have lots of time to think when playing chess. There is a type of chess with short
time limits. It's called blitz chess. In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes to use for the whole
game. Your clock runs during your turn. You hit the time clock after your move. This stops your clock.
It also starts the other player's clock. If you run out of time, you lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-

Chess is not just for people. Computers have been playing chess since the 1970s. At first they did not
play well. They made mistakes. As time went on they grew stronger. In 1997, a computer beat the
best player in the world for the first time. It was a computer called Deep Blue. Deep Blue was big. It
took up a whole room. By 2006 a cell phone could beat the best players in the world. Chess sure has
come a long way. Don't you think so?

1. What is the author's purpose in writing this text?

To inform because is a nonfictional story and also since is giving us some interesting data about

2. What is the reason that chess is a good workout for the mind according to the text?

“Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes the mind stronger. Good
chess players use their brains. They take their time. They think about what will happen next. These skills are
useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like a work out for the mind.”

Term 1 Exam, Language 6, – 2020

3. How long have people been playing chess? Cite / quote from the text.

Based on the text “People have been playing it for over 500 years”.

4. How does a game of chess end according to the text? Cite / quote from the text.

According to the text “The game ends when a player loses his or her king”.

5. How is blitz chess different from regular chess? Compare and contrast its similarities and

Similarities: uses the same game table differences: blitz chezz uses
Both games help giving strategic skills a clock.

6. If it's your turn in blitz chess, what happens when you hit the clock?

“You hit the time clock after your move. This stops your clock. It also starts the other player's clock.”

If I hit the clock it will start the time of my opponent so, he can move its figure on the chess.

7.How might playing chess be good for people? Refer to the text in your answer.

“chess players use their brains. They take their time. They think about what will happen next. These skills
are useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like a work out for the mind”.

To apply to improve skills of thinking to not move only a figure to see how to defeat the opponent.

Term 1 Exam, Language 6, – 2020

8. Why might blitz chess be more challenging to play than regular chess? Use text to support
your answer.

“In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes to use for the whole game. Your clock runs during your turn.”

Based on the text is more challenging because there is a time limit that it will run while is your turn to move a

9. How have computer chess programs changed over time? Use the text in your answer.

Computers have been playing chess since the 1970s. At first they did not play well. They made mistakes. As
time went on they grew stronger. In 1997, a computer beat the best player in the world for the first time.

10. Do you consider chess to be a strategic game? Why or why not? What’s your opinion?

Yes because chest you need apply some thinking skills is not only to move a figure is to know how
to defeat your opponent.


There will be two writing tasks that require the following:

Note the structural elements of these forms:

 Writing a short story, using sensory language, figurative language, adjectives and adverbs to
give details. Develop characters, settings; plot (exposition, rising action, climax, conflict, falling
action, and resolution. (Study the Fiction Writing Rubric in the notebook)


Characters: Jason and Carlos

Settings: elevator, work office, house of the 2 friends

Internal conflict: the 2 friends where hungry but the only thing that they found was a piece of
brad and they need to decide who would eat it. External: they lost their minds so they
started to fight.
Rising action: the 2 friends are trapped on the elevator
The true
End: one friend is found alive and the other friends
one not.

In the city of New York there were 2 friends the first one was called Carlos and the second one was

Term 1 Exam, Language 6, – 2020

Jason that need a job, they tried in a lot of offices but they didn’t give them the work “why we not
give up?” said Carlos “why we would give up, I have faith that we will find a job I promise” said
Jason, so they went to home and sleep in its comfortable beds.

At the next day Jason and Carlos received a call of an office that need 2 people more to work they
said yes that they would work there, the 2 friends get exited ad celebrate. Couple hours after they get
charming to work there so they went to the office where they received the call, they were at the
elevator of the office and they do the interview and give them the job although they didn’t know they
would get trapped in the elevator.

While Jason and Carlos where talking about how cool is to work in that office since they noticed that
the elevator wasn’t moving, they were getting afraid and didn’t know what to do. They asked for help
but nobody heard him. Hours after, jason was hungry but there was no food carlos search
everywhere and find only a piece of bread but the real question is who would eat that piece of bread
to calm its hungry?

The 2 friends where losing their minds they screamed to ask for help “I would eat that piece of
bread” said Jason eat please I don’t want it Carlos get shocked for a moment and then started to
fight with Carlos because he was angry “why do you not fight Carlos” said crying Jason because I
worried for you” said Carlos and give him all the oxygen that he had and finally he close his eyes to

Jason noticed the effort that his friend carlos did to him the rescue team found Jason sleeping on
his friend body crying thanking him the rescue team took him out of the elevator and leave him on
his house and he wanted to sleep a little. On the dream he was with his friend Carlos and told him
“the true friends they never forget”.

 Writing a two-stanza poem: applying rhymes pattern, figurative language and sensory


I want that cake give it to me

The smell is magic that make me dream
I want to taste it and make a him
My friend

Please tell me you’re hungry

Please tell me your dream
I want that cake give it to me it’s so
Delicious that makes me dream.

Term 1 Exam, Language 6, – 2020

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