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March 18 / 2020


Tone: is lightly because the melody represents life .

Mood: inspiring because it takes you into a world without problems.

Words that rime

Strings, things

Sashes, eyelashes

Book page 26 and 27

My own stanza

When the cats are so glad my heart light

19 of march 2020

1.The pasta is older than anything although was eaten some may years ago in Italy that was
origin country.

2. pasta creation is very difficult because too many steps to make it perfect

3. the name “pasta” is only one name that how they called pasta because the Italians made
different types or well shapes of pasta.

4. some ingredients had been added to the pasta till this year like or egg spinach although the
important ingredient for pasta it has to be tomato.

Book page 29

3.c organize text 3c


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