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Fluid Therapy in Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Source: Kuppermann N, Ghetti S, Schunk JE, et al. Clinical trial of fluid infu- COMMENTARY BY
sion rates for pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis. N Engl J Med. 2018;378:2275– Patricia Y. Fechner, MD, FAAP, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle,
2287; doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1716816 WA
Investigators from multiple institutions conducted a randomized Dr Fechner has disclosed no financial relationship relevant to this commentary. This commentary
does not contain a discussion of an unapproved/investigative use of a commercial product/device.
controlled trial to assess the effects of rate of administration of
IV fluids and sodium chloride (NaCl) content on neurologic out- DKA is the primary cause of complications, death, and cost in
comes in children presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.1 Thus, minimizing compli-
The study was conducted at 13 ED sites in the Pediatric Emer- cations associated with DKA is paramount. The results of the cur-
gency Care Applied Research Network. Participants were children rent study indicate that the rate of fluid and the sodium content
0–18 years old presenting with DKA (defined as a blood glucose do not influence brain injury in a specialized center with a team
>300 mg/dL and either a venous pH <7.25 or serum bicarbonate experienced in DKA management.
level <15 mmol/L), and they were randomized using a 2 × 2 fac- There are, however, several limitations of this study. Individuals
torial design to either fast or slow rehydration with IV fluid that with GCS scores ≤11 were excluded after the first 2 years. Hence,
contained either 0.45% or 0.9% NaCl content. All participants re- although the effect of rate of fluid and sodium content did not
ceived an initial 10 mL/kg IV bolus of 0.9% NaCl fluid. Those ran- play a role in a decline in mental status and apparent brain in-
domized to fast rehydration received a second bolus; fluid deficit jury, it may play a role in complications in individuals with lower
was calculated as 10% of body weight, which was replaced over presenting GCS scores. In addition, because brain injury occurs
36 hours (one-half over the first 12 hours and the second one- in <1% of DKA episodes, a trial adequately powered to identify a
half over the next 24 hours). Children in the slow rehydration difference in the different arms is almost impossible. Thus, the
group had no additional boluses, fluid deficit was calculated as investigators used alterations in mental status as a surrogate
5% of body weight, and the deficit was corrected over 48 hours. marker. Risk factors for cerebral edema include greater acidosis,
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores were assessed hourly over the lower carbon dioxide levels, higher blood urea nitrogen levels,
first 24 hours after admission. Short-term memory was assessed and younger age (AAP Grand Rounds, 2013;30[6]:70).2 Of those
every 4 hours by using forward and backward digit recall tests individuals with more severe DKA and an initial GCS score >11,
with standardized scoring. The primary outcome was a GCS score there was no significant difference in the number who had a GCS
<14. The number of these episodes was calculated for each study score that declined to <14 and who had clinically apparent brain
child who presented with an initial GCS score >14. Secondary out- injury. Another study limitation was that there were 102 episodes
comes included scores on the digit recall tests. In addition, the of DKA in children <3 years, but because of their age, digit recall
number of children with apparent brain injury, defined as need scores and assessment of memory function and IQ were not per-
for hyperosmolar therapy, intubation, or death, was determined. formed. Thus, we do not know whether there were differences in
Multiple statistical methods were used to compare outcomes alterations in neurocognitive function in children aged 0–3 years
across groups. with DKA.
A total of 1,255 children with 1,389 episodes of DKA were enrolled Despite these limitations, this is an important large prospective
in the trial. In 1,361 episodes of DKA in which the patient had an randomized study that may result in new guidelines from the
initial GCS score >14, there were 48 episodes in which the GCS International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes.3
score declined to <14 (3.5%), with no differences between groups
(slow vs fast rehydration, P=.34; 0.45% vs 0.9% NaCl content, Bottom Line: Neither the rate of administration of fluid nor the
P=.43; interaction, P=.76). There were 12 episodes of clinically ap- sodium content of fluid in children presenting with DKA appear
parent brain injury (0.9%); rates varied between 0.6% and 1.4% in to be related to neurologic outcome.
the 4 treatment groups, with no significant differences between References
groups. There were also no statistically significant differences 1. Sperling MA. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(24):2336–2338; doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1806017
2. White PC, et al. J Pediatr. 2013;163(3):761–766; doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.02.005
between groups in digit recall scores except for a trend for high-
3. Wolfsdorf JL, et al. Pediatr Diabetes. 2018 June 13 [published online ahead of print];
er forward recall scores for those randomized to fast rehydration doi: 10.1111/pedi.12701
than for children randomized to slow rehydration (P=.06).
The authors conclude that neither IV fluid administration rates
nor NaCl content of the fluid influenced neurologic outcomes in
children treated for DKA.

• September 2018 27

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