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Introduce yourself

Hello, my name is Evelyn Liliana Hernandez Montenegro, I am 35 years old, I am from

Ipiales, Nariño, and I am psychology student.

Have you been working for the same company for more of 5 years? Where have you been

Yes I have been working in the same own business for 6 years exactly, So I have been
doing other kind of business in this period of time too.

I have been working with my own financial consulting company. I have been advising
many people how to start a profitable business with new models of digital economy.

Have you been doing exercise in the last year? What kind of exercise do you do?

Yes. I have been doing exercise in the last year. I have been running twice a week, and
cilclyng three times a week. So, I have been doing Tabata exercises each morning every

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