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Good morning.
My name is Ximena. My last name is Sarrazola Bustamante.
I am from Colombia. I am Colombian. I am 16 years old.
My telephone number is 3006405148, my e-mail address is . I live in San Antonio de Prado, I live with
my mother, father, and brother . I study in San Antonio de Prado, I am in 11 grade.

I am persistent, passionate, reserved

And intelligent. I have Brunette, little, tick and long- haired. I am, cheerful, tender
and good person.

My mother´s name is Angela Maria, she is Kitchener. she is cheerful , loving and
patient. She has black eyes, whit skin and coughing body. My father´s name is
Alejandro . He is independent. He is friendly, respectful and tolerant. He has brow,
black eyes, and fat.

My favourite food is pizza I hate tuna. I like to watch tv soaps movies and doctor
dreams .
My favourite book is dignity issue
I hate death metal music , I prefer football.

favourite famous person is Andres Cepeda he is singer .

My hobbies are: reading and drawing .

On my free time, I listen to music, spend time with my friends and watch movies.
Daily routine : I wake up every day at 4:30 am, organize my bed, bathe and
breakfast; I'm going to school by bus and I'm missing 10 minutes by 6:00 am. After
my school day I go home to do my homework and do homework.

On weekends I wake up at 8:00 am, have breakfast, organize the house, do

homework and finally share with my family.
My last vacation I was in Heliconia sharing with my family on behalf of my dad, I
enjoyed it a lot and I liked it because it was an environment to relax, and we knew
places there, Yesterday I did my homework and then I went to my grandmother to
share with my family and after that I went to my house to watch a movie. last
weekend I rested in my house with my mother and we were at Mass then we ate
ice cream.

This year, my main goal is Wim the school year

I plan to learn a lot.
I dream of achieve all my goals. I would like to work on what I like . I will make my
dreams come true and enjoy. I think about not to give in to obstacles
In the future, I see myself as a Doctor. I will succeed .

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