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Rivendell - 400 Points 

Army Bonus: ​"Tangado haid, leithio i philinn!"- Whilst within 6" of the army's leader, friendly
Rivendell models may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when making shooting attacks in a turn in which
they did not move.

Warband 1 
Glorfindel, Lord of the West - 145 points (​Hero of Valour/​ ​Army Leader​)
+Asfaloth - 10 points
Total: 155 points

High Elf Warriors w/ elven-made hand-and-a-half swords (x5) - 45 points

High Elf Warriors w/ spears and shields (x5) - 55 points

High Elf Warriors w/ elf bows and spears (x5) - 60 points

Warband 2 
Erestor - 85 points (​Hero of Fortitude​)

List Total: 400 points 

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