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Name: Branko Sabino Contreras Olmos

Age: 16 years old

Adress: 3056 Javiera Carrera

Tocopilla Chile

Phone: 56933158696


Job you’re lookine for: mechanic

2018 - studying Mechanic

Tocopilla – Chile Diego portales polytechnic high school

2010 – 2017 Arturo Prat Chacón

Tocopilla – Chile

Lenguages English: Medium

Spanish: Fluently

Software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Zoom.

Work Experience Yokocar car fix

Nov – Dic 2018 mission or tasks reaized

Tocopilla – Chile car fix

Engine fix
Activities and interests
Soccer, music and movies.


I would love to have the possibility of entering your prestigious company since I have experience in
automobiles and I am interested in being able to obtain this desired job, I have very good skills, I
am responsible and good with the people with whom I work as a team.

Beforehand thank you very much.

best regards

Branko Contreras Olmos.

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