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Three children, best friends. 2 girls, 1 boy. Girls are beautiful in their own ways.

Girl 1 is beautiful but in

a dark way while girl 2 is not as beautiful as girl 1 but is very charming in a very vibrant way. Boy is like
girl 2 and it always seemed like they were soulmates. They are both kindhearted and they get along
better than boy and girl 2. Girl 1 then always strives to outshine girl 2. Girl 2 however has that likability
that girl 1 cannot have. Girl 1 is smart and talented and everybody expects great things from her so no
one really congratulates her for the small things unlike girl 1. Boy however shows small acts of kindness
towards girl 1 which makes her fall for boy. But boy apparently has a crush on girl 2. Girl 1 resents girl 2
and distances herself from girl 2 and boy. Girl 2 and boy eventually dates and girl 1 also dates other
men. Girl 1 becomes rebellious and promiscuous. Boy tries to help girl 1 but this only hurts her.


Boy falls in love at first sight. It’s supposed to be clear that he fell in love with girl 2 but in the end it is
revealed that it was with girl 1. He fell in love at first sight but scene only shows girl 2 because he never
dared go near girl 1. Because he felt like he was not good enough.

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