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Originally Answered: How should I deal with cunning people?

The easiest way to deal with such people is by not taking them seriously at all.

Now when you know he/she is cunning, why would you take them seriously, why would
you let their cunning words play with your mind and let that effect your system? I
know it’s not easy when it comes to handle such people.

Sometimes you feel its easy to fight a battle than these daily routine struggles
where in you have to be nice to people are mean to you.

You end up being nice because that’s what you are. BE THAT.

But don’t let anyone steal your happiness in that journey.

And to make things easy in life understand the fact that there are 7 billion
people. All are different and you can’t please everyone. You will not like all of
them. So always maintain certain distance from people who are not good to you in
any which way.

GET RID OF IT : If anyone is giving you hard time in anyway which is not justified
Don’t let them do the same thing on repeat mode. Make a move. tell them to stop. If
you are not in a place or mood to do that. Optimize your communication with them.

People who demean other people are not people with healthy mind sets. And being in
such a company won’t add any value to your life. Hence, you have to make a move for
your betterment.

Why people do such things? If you could analyse that then such situation won’’t
ever trouble. It will make you laugh at some point.


Any person who is giving any other human hard time by his behavior is not happy in
his own life and such people, they are sometime so incapable of analyzing this on
their own that they start doing such things and get pleasure in giving other pain
by their words or actions.

errified that I was going to miss my flight home. Then a young airport
representative entered the room and told me to leave?!?! No explanation. I didn't
have enough time to ask questions, I just ran and barely made my flight. If I had
returned fire, I still may have been there today for all I know.
If you can, be prepared. People are difficult for a reason. Either they know too
little or too much. Ignorance or confidence. Your guard friend was given power and
he may like to abuse it. He knows the rules of his community and can dance around
the perimeter abusing them. Keep repeating logic and don't give them the reaction
that they're looking for. They will get bored and want to move on.
Play by the rules as these people are sticklers for them. If they can pull out a
piece of paper to say that they're right, they will do it in an instant. Get your
point across within the boundaries of the rules.
Keep it fast not giving them time to use their weapon. We don't have much time to
discuss this, let's get right to the point.
If they insist on time, tell them that it needs to be scheduled. This places more
time between the event that drove the need to talk and time does heal. Also, it
shows that your in control and that this discussion is on your terms of you're
going to become a willing participant.

Keeping cool may be difficult from what I've heard. Be nice to people and be
approachable in the first place and you will avoid most confrontations. My guess is
that this happens to you quite often.
Relax, be more like your dog and just stick your head out the window of life and
enjoy the breeze!

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