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Vocabulary A

1. Package holiday
2. Book tokens
3. Grass roots
4. Birth control
5. Human rights
6. Labour force
7. Pocket money
8. Food poisoning
9. Assembly line
10. Arms race

Vocabulary B

1. On edge
2. At length
3. Out of touch
4. Subject to
5. On the go
6. On the off chance
7. Behind schedule
8. In full swing
9. Thanks to
10. In the pipeline

Vocabulary C

1. Uphill struggle
2. Journalism
3. Rough guess
4. Heated argument
5. Going rate
6. Spot check
7. Inside information
8. Wishful thinking
9. Bright spark
10. Fertile imagination
Vocabulary D

1. With
2. About
3. Between
4. For
5. At
6. From
7. To
8. Against


19. D

20. C

21. A

22. A

23. A

24. C

25. D

26. C

Reading Page 117:

34. A

35. B

36. C

37. D

38. C

39. D

40. A

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