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How can a Christian find complete happiness?

To be a Christian, it is good not to lose sight of this reality, it is a happiness, a sweet

mystery, a wonderful secret. You know that Jesus is the Son of God and of man, our
companion, that we can always call him, pray, entrust us with him, to have HIM as an
example, to feel that we are responsible for what we do or do not, That we cannot betray HIM
and mock him by our evil deeds without breaking down our rail, that we are not alone and left
to the will of determinism or hazard – what more acute happiness can be in times of need,
disbanishment, temptation and frustration, or of peace and joy?

A Christian cannot say he is happy because he possesses certain things. If he

confesses he is happy to do so by virtue of being loved and loved. Without the loved one, his
life is more dead than life. Let us be understood, true happiness does not rise, grow and break
in except from and into love. Therefore, whenever we ask someone if he is happy, the
question should be linked to sharing a love. In other words, you want to know whether love
has reached a fulfilled meeting.

Happiness can also be experienced in tragic situations, even if this is incomprehensible

to many. For example, there are people who, although suffering from terrible diseases, hear
them say they are happy with life, that they are nights when they cannot sleep with happiness,
you see their bright face. How is that possible? By joining Christ. And the intensity of
happiness is given by the measure of the realization of the likeness to God.

IT was said that happiness should be conceived in a way, depending on the age of the
person seeking it. It is one thing to make a child happy and something else an elderly man.
But this would be the case if happiness were to be material goods. Both the child and the old
man can be really happy when they feel they are loved and love.

Others said happiness is a sum of joys that, for a short time, induce a certain state of
good. But it is lost in sight that Christ is not the kind of person who is present today and
tomorrow will be absent from the meeting. Therefore, the Union with him gives man a
relentless state of good, an eternal happiness.

We all want to be happy. But we seek happiness anywhere, only in God not.

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