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Unilateral Contract: Unilateral contract:

Is the contract which only one part is Is an agreement for one party to pay in
forced to fulfill a deal. exchange for the performance or work
of the party.
Bilateral Contract: Bilateral contract:
Is where both sides are committed and Is a contract in which both parties
there are two wills. exchange promises to perform.
Contract of purchase: Agreement of sale:
Act by which the person named "seller" Is a legal document that outlines the
undertakes to transfer ownership of a terms of a real estate transaction. It lists
good to another named "buyer" in the price and other details of the
exchange for the payment of its price in transaction, and is signed by the seller
money. and the buyer.
Distribution Contract: Distribution agreement:
Contract in which the manufacturer or Is a legal agreement between a supplier
supplier agrees to sell the products or of goods and a distributor of goods. The
services that are the subject of the supplier may be a manufacturer, or may
contract itself be a distributor reselling another's
Promise contract: Several contract:
That by which the parties are obligated Always entail multiple promises for the
to enter into a specific contract, within a same performance. Two or more parties
specific term or from a future event to a contract who promise to the same
called condition. promises that they will give the same
performance are regarded as binding
themselves jointly
Adhesion contract: Adhesion contract:
It is that contract that is drawn up by Is a contract that unfairly favors one
only one of the parties and the acceptor party over the other.
simply adheres or not to it, accepting or
rejecting the contract in its entirety.
Implied contacts: Implied contracts:
Implicit contract form formed by non- Is created when two or more parties
verbal conduct, rather than by explicit have no written contract, but the law
words creates an obligation in the interest of
fairness based on the parties' conduct
or circumstances.
Contracts of employment: Contracts of employment:
It is the one by which a natural person Is a signed agreement between an
named the worker agrees to perform individual employee and an employer or
works or services for a natural or legal a labor union. It establishes both the
person called the employer under the rights and responsibilities of the two
dependence and subordination of the parties.
latter, who, in turn, is obliged to pay a
certain remuneration.
Loan agreements: Loan agreements:
Contract by which an object or amount Is a contract between a borrower and a
of money is delivered to the borrower, lender which regulates the mutual
who is obliged to return it later promises made by each party.

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