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Surprise quiz

1. The smartphone was invented by who?

a. Apple
b. Nokia
c. IBM

2. The book which is stolen most often from libraries is what?

a. The bible
b. The Guinness book of records
c. The lord of the rings

3. In the world, 16,000 babies are born ……..

a. Every second
b. Every hour
c. Every day

4. Chess was invented where?

a. Egypt
b. China
c. India

5. Football was first played by who?

a. The British
b. The Romans
c. The Greeks

6. The first Levi’s jeans were worn by who?

a. Miners
b. Farmers
c. Cowboys

7. The noun which is most often used in a conversation is ….

a. Money
b. Time
c. Work

8. The Italian flag was designed by who?

a. Garibaldi
b. Mussolini
c. Napoleon

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