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a. Agreement of the ethical committee/Institutional Review Board (IRB): date of

agreement, reference/number, IRB location and name.
b. How were the parents selected? What kind of criteria were used to select the
facebook sites, forums, … (for online version), the schools, the services, …. (for
paper-pencil version).
c. Location where the IIPB_survey was distributed? Please provide information about
the regions/states targeted in each country.
d. How was the IIPB_survey distributed? In case of a mix procedure (online + paper-
pencil) please provide the percentage of parents having completed the survey online
or with paper-pencil questionnaires.
e. Response rate (sometimes difficult for online survey; ignore if irrelevant)
f. Attrition rate (number of incomplete surveys)
g. When the data have been collected (from month to month 2018)
h. Any other useful information with regard to the procedure

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