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TALLER – Naturaleza de la tecnología

(WORKSHOP - Nature of technology)


Perception of the need Formulation of specifications Generation of ideas

Clean energy sources of
fossil fuels and the emission Changing energy sources Solar power
of greenhouse gases on a Sources of cheap energy Wind energy
large scale, causing
enormous environmental nonpolluting solutions Geothermic energy
damage No environmental impact Hydraulic power

Final Solution
Evaluation of the solution
Implement clean energy sources
grant-aided by the goverment
and reduce fossil fuels The application of solar energy
comsumption in places of origin can reduce
the emission of greenhouse
gases and dependence on fossil
Implement solar energy systems fuels, which have a lower
from the hometowns where environmental impact. It is not
energy can be easily the cheapest solution, but
controlada.El government should compared to the good results for
encourage all citizens to use the environment is an excellent
clean energy by providing choice
subsidies for it

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