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Fences Test

Short answer questions

Answer each question with a full response. Each question is worth 2 points
each. Type your responses in RED ink.

 1. Fences is both unique to the plight of African Americans and universal in its depiction of the
human condition. What universal human condition(s) does Wilson’s play exhibit? 
The conditions shown are all about the typical African American family. HOw they barely have any
opportunities compared to the rest of America and how they are constantly dreaming of something
they can't have. Wilson’s depiction exposes a universal desire to better one’s life. It also
illustrates the desire parents have from their children to do better. It teaches children from 
own mistakes, sometimes burdening their children with their own disappointments

2)Note the realistic and metaphorical use of the fence in the play. Troy and Cory are building a
realistic fence around the house. What is the metaphorical fence being built?

The dramatic action depends strongly on the building of a fence in the Maxson's backyard.
Rose wants Troy to build the fence to show her love for Cory and Troy as she wants to keep
them safe its metaphorical use is so she can keep the sm close and hold her loved ones.
characters' lives change around the fence-building project which serves as both a literal and a
figurative device, representing the relationships that bond and break in the backyard.
Bono observes that to some people, fences keep people out and push people away. Bono
indicates that Troy pushes Rose away from him by cheating on her. Troy's lack of
commitment to finishing the fence parallels his lack of commitment in his marriage. The
fence appears finished only in the final scene of the play, when Troy dies and the family

3) The father and son relationship between Troy and Cory is explored as a central part of the
drama. Their relationship becomes complicated by strong feelings of pride and independence on
both sides. What  are some of the primary conflicts between Troy and his sons?

Troy Maxson is portrayed as a bitter man who resents the fact that he was not given the
opportunity to play major league baseball in his prime because he was black. Troy resents
white America for his lack of success and does not want his youngest son, Cory, to
experience the same challenges. Some of the conflicts between Troy and his not allowing
cory to be recruited to play football in college, Troy's bitterness and negative personal
experiences prevent him from exercising perspective and allowing Cory to pursue his
dreams.  Another reason deep down he  selfishly doesn't  want his son to be better than him. 

4) Troy is not a flawless protagonist, what are Troy’s most obvious flaws? 

Troys most obvious flaw is his ability to form relationships with others. He lacks good
communication with others. He is selfish and greedy. He ruins his relationship with his son
by not wanting what's best for him and what makes him happy. Furthermore, he has an affair
with a woman other than his wife and impregnates her.
5) What admirable characteristics does Troy possess?

 He is funny and passionate and listening to him tell stories is hypnotizing. He is also
determined to fight for his job and gain a bonus. He is fearful at times, he has pride in his

6. By the end of Fence, every character except Raynell is institutionalized

Rose in the church, Lyons in the penitentiary, Gabriel in the mental
hospital, and Cory in the U.S. Marines. The only free person is Raynell,
Troy’s daughter. What might the institutionalization of his family members
represent? What might be represented by the fact that Raynell is the sole
remaining Maxson to exist outside of an institution? 

The institutionalization of his family members represents the everlasting immurement of

Troy and the people that are surrounded by him, raynell being the sole remaining Maxson
existing outside of an institution represents the last silve of hope that a maxson could ever
escape from the imprisonment that comes with the name. Ra.
7.    Explore some of the generational differences that exist between Troy and his
two sons, Lyons and Cory.  What are they and why is it generational?
Troy is very traditional and believes that he is always right, like a lot of people of that
generation, Lyons and Cory however are more open minded, and open to try new things; this
was clearly shown when Cory wanted to play football and Troy completely shut him down, it
was also shown when Lyons asked Troy for money, and Troy gave him a really hard time
before eventually giving it to him, also when Cory asked his father to buy a TV for the house
and Troy refused claiming that there were more important things.
8.    Describe the relationship between Troy and his job/money? 
Troy is very protective of his money and job, and protects both with his life
9.    Why might Troy have wanted to refuse to accept Lyon’s repayment of the ten
dollars he borrowed?  What does this demonstrate about Troy as an individual? 
What does he need?
Troy doesn't accept lyons repayment of the 10 dollars he borrowed because he wants show
lyons that he is wrong about choosing his career choice and that troy is always right and
could never be wrong 
10.    Examine the relationship between Troy and his own father.  What did Troy
admire about his father?  What did he despise?  How has Troy’s experience as a
child affected his relationship with Cory?
Troy admired the fact that his father placed emphasis on the importance of responsibility.
However even though his father provided them with all the  material necessities a child
could need he never got to know his children, took interest in their hobbies or spent
quality time with them. This made him feel unloved and neglected. Overall this affected
his relationship with corsy since troy treat cory the same way he was greeted by his
11.        Is Troy Maxson a tragic hero? Explain.
Troy Maxson is a tragic hero since he loses all relationships gradually as the story ends. He
loses Cory because he wouldn't let Cory play football and have good potential. Troy also
loses rose because he cheated on her with Alberta and didn't even apologize to her. He lost
bono since he would never listen to bonos advice about tory;s affair with Alberta and since he
got a promotion at work .

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