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General Revision Tasks Keys

1 2 portions, 3 rise, 4 shut down, 5 contrast, 6 Emissions, 7 stimulated, 8 path

2 2 living; 3 symbolic; 4 artist; 5 Parenthood, childless; 6 monthly, pressure,

financially, hopeless, controlling

3 2 were still trying, 3 made, 4 haven’t met, 5 are going to, 6 worked, 7 will leave, 8
had said

4 A. more, ran, am training, the tallest / B. arrived, had already put out, were
carrying / C. try, the nearest, must be swum, swimming, was, have been, has been

5 2 search, 3 increased, 4 convince, 5 reward, 6 common, 7 community, 8


6 2 E, 3 A, 4 F, 5 D, 6 B 7 2 of, 3 for, on; 4 about; 5 for, on; 6 from; 7 with; 8 to,

for, of

8 2 the fastest; 3 the most exciting; 4 better; 5 more realistic; 6 easier; 7 the most
expensive; 8 the most violent; 9 the most popular

9 2 My uncle's cottage, where we usually spend our holidays, has been damaged by

3 The chemistry exam, which we had been worrying about, was actually quite easy.

4 My brother, whose classmates had been teasing him, got into a fight near the

5 There are dreadful traffic jams during the summer, when everyone goes on

6 My parents, who don't often go to the cinema, enjoyed that film very much.

7 Have you ever been back to the town where you were born?

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