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An Extensive Guide on
How Not to Be An
3 What is "Work Ethic"? 7 Body Language

4 Cultural Differences 8 Useful Facts

5 Methods of Greeting 9 Plans Moving Forward

6 The "Do's & Don't's" 10 Bibliography

What is
"Work Ethic"?
A friendly reminder from
the CEO, Evan Joo
Traditionally, and as google suggests, this particular term defines the principle that hard
work is virtuous and is worthy of reward. While this is true to an extent, our company likes
to place a different definition under the said term. That definition can be very loosely
summarised into the words, "Don't be an a**hole", which is exactly what this handbook is
all about.

Of course, we understand that everyone's interpretation of the term may vary depending
on the individual and their past experiences. However it seems very unlikely that one's
definition of the term will stray far from the company's understanding and interpretation.
Besides, the moment you were accepted into whatever position you are in within the
company, the first thing an executive manager would've done was to explain how we, as a
company, defines work ethic.

So what really is work ethic within our company? For us, it is all about being punctual,
diligent, reliable and responsible, as well as being respectful, considerate and sensible
towards other coworkers. This one concept, rule, ideal or whatever you want to call it, is
the only thing we ask of our employees outside of professional work. While this is common
sense to most people and the fundamentals to 'morality' , but we highly value the very
basics here.

I personally believe that no business or company can survive without good work ethic and
employees to follow them. I also think that work ethic is the only thing necessary for a
business to properly bloom and blow up (In a good way). We also understand that always
meeting these unreasonable, yet very simple and a standard expectation is very hard. It is
for these two reasons that our average wage is stupidly high compared to other

This upcoming orientation is probably one of the most important milestones that his
company will take. As much as I have taken extra specific care to only employ reliable
individuals (as you guys are), I want to remind you that we consider work ethic to be the
most important thing here. Although it should be obvious, it is also a reminder to be
considerate of the other company's work ethic and their standard. 

I hope everyone will continue to exceed my expectations.

Evan Joo
Chief Executive Officer
How are our traditions different to theirs? What is acceptable and what is
not? Comparisons to consider

The whole point of this handout is to Also in relation to the Japanese

give all of our employees a better workplace being more focused on
understanding of our overseas working as a group, they will have
partners and to give them an idea as frequent outings or parties as a
to how not to embarrass yourself and company/business after hours. It is
the company at the same time. I take definitely not a requirement but it is
this task to be a very personal socially expected to a certain degree
responsibility to be of assistance and it is seen to be a part of the
regarding this issue. working environment.

In this page, what I wanted to talk

about, as you would've guessed from
the heading, is the cultural "Karoshi is a term in
differences between the two Japanese used to
countries as well as their workplace
ethics and such. And while most
describe death caused
people's concept of respect should by working way too
not stray far from each others, there
are different things that may be
acceptable to them that we do
frequently and vice versa.
Their standard idea of working hours 
seems a lot longer than ours too. For
The company we have established a
them, it is quite normal to be a
partnership is a Japanese one, and
couple hours early to work and leave
they are most likely to follow
around 7 or 8 without any extra pay
traditional Japanese work ethics and
which would be basically illegal here
be a lot closer to the Japanese
and a very unethical thing to be
The main thing people need to be
In general, the Japanese culture
aware of is that Japanese workers are
prefers an indirect method of
much more formal than Australian
communication. This means that
workers, and that there is a more
where we may say "yes" or "no" they
clear, stricter social hierarchy, with
will indirectly tell you these things.
workers that are older or of a higher
An example of this is a response they
position being of a "higher status"
might give when asked if they are
happy with the workload given. As a
In addition, getting the approval of a
response, they may say something
superior is necessary when making
along the lines of "I am quite happy
decisions, especially big ones. This is
with the workload because it will
due to the Japanese workplace being
make tomorrow easier", which
more centered around working as a
ultimately means that it is much
more than what I have to do now.
Methods of
What to say when you meet someone? How do you introduce

In this page, I will talk about the お

One of the things that could say is "
many different methods of greeting, はようございます " (Ohayōgozaimasu)
as well as making small talk such as a こんばんは
or " " (Konbanwa) which
self introduction and such. mean "Good morning" and "Good
evening" respectively. Alternately, you
I'll start off by saying that the can say "こんにちは " (Konnichiwa)
language barrier is most likely to be which is a simple hello. Other than
devoid between employees, as their はじめまし
these 3, you can also say "
CEO has informed me that one's て " (Hajimemashite) which means
fluency of English is a big factor that "Nice to meet you".
they get chosen for a job.
If you really feel the need to go even
It is quite apparent that Japanese further than these options, you may
workers prefer not to make direct consider saying "私の名前は ...."
body to body contact with others if (Watashinonamaewa....), meaning "My
they are not close, so avoid putting name is....".
hands on shoulders, patting the back
and even handshakes. Yes,
handshakes. Their main method of
greeting one another is bowing their "よろしくお願いします " 
head. Of course, there may be an Roughly translates to
awkward situation where you may
want to bow but they want to do the "Please take care of me"
opposite out of consideration. If this It's a phrase commonly
happens, just laugh it off and move
on. If anything, you'll be both left
used when meeting
embarrassed and at the same time someone new
be impressed by the amount of
consideration the other has put into Those are most of the most common
this small interaction. and the most standard methods of
greeting one another in a Japanese
Although I strongly recommend that culture. Hugging or a European style
you stick with the bowing, if you are of greeting is highly discouraged and
feeling very extra and are not afraid of it is probably going to be frowned
making a food of yourself, you may go upon, even if they understand that
ahead and try the verbal greetings. our culture is somewhat like that.

There are many different things you If there is anything else that you wish
can say. Out of those, there are many to say during the upcoming
things that should not be said and orientation or in the future, please
things that is okay to be said. use google.
Do's & Don't's
What you should do and should not do

There are some things that should be Not just within the workplace, but many. One thing I do suggest you guys
avoided, and some of those were Japanese culture is a lot more do is to ask questions actively.
mentioned in the prior pages. One of accepting of a calm nature and Japanese people tend to be reserved,
the main things you should avoid personality, and will generally prefer if especially around people that are
doing is making intentional body your hands were making very small, unfamiliar and most likely will feel
contact, especially with a superior. relevant gestures or none at all. With uncomfortable initiating
While within our culture, this is a this in mind, do not be upset or conversations.
pretty normal thing to be doing and offended if the person you talk to
even a sign of respect or good seem shy or even intimidated. That is Just keeping in mind that most
manners, it is highly likely that in the just their way of talking to strangers, Japanese people will be more reserved
Japanese culture it will have quite especially new colleagues and it is and quiet is probably the best thing to
the opposite effect. also their way of showing respect. do. Other than that, they're human just
like us and you do not need to take
Another thing that should be special precautions when talking to
avoided is large body gestures, As for things you may want to these people.
especially hand gestures. consider doing, there are not that 
Body Language



This is the main way to greet someone. This is similar

to our waving of hands, giving someone a hug, light
This is the equivalent to us shaking our heads. It
kiss on the cheek or nodding your head. If you see a
usually means "No", "Not me", "No way" and "I can't
Japanese co-worker do this, they're simply greeting
do it".
you. How far one goes down may vary depending on
the individual and the person they're greeting. You'll
see people do this more often to superiors


This motion resembles praying. This is usually meant

This is their way of pointing. Pointing with a finger is
as a "please" or as a means of asking for forgiveness.
not exactly a rude thing to do, but there is a more
If the latter, the person may bow their head down
polite alternative which is what everyone else uses. If
whilst doing this gesture, which means they are very
they are talking about something or especially
sorry. This gesture could also mean "thank you for
the meal", often alongside of "
someone within eyesight, they will most likely point
at them in this way.
(gochisou sama deshita)
Useful Facts
1 There are more seniors than kids
2 Japan has one of the world's lowest crime rate
3 Japan consists of 6852 islands
4 More than 1500 earthquakes occur in Japan
5 Fruit is considered a very good gift
6 Slurping noodles is considered polite
7 Tokyo is the biggest city in the world
8 The currency is Yen (¥)
9 Japan has the third largest economy in the world
Plans Stuff about
Forward what will
Future plans and what may
become of the partnership
happen in
later on
Thank you for reading
Oasis College
Workbook by Evan
Template provided by Canva

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