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P: Good morning Doctor.

D: Good morning. What can I do for you today?
P: I’m not feeling well.
D: What’s the matter?
P: I have a headache, sore eyes, pain in my joints and fever.
D: Have you feeled weak?
P: Yes doctor, and this last days I’ve feeled tired.
D: I see, when did this start?
P: About 8 days ago.
D. Do you have any other symptoms?
P: ¡Oh yes! I’ve got strange things in my hands
D: Let me look at you. Have you eaten anything different in the last days?
P: No, doctor.
D: open the big you mouth, put out your tongue. (El doctor hace revisión de
glandulas, abre ojos, toca el cuello) y dice: you have a fever.
D: Well, according to the checkup, you have the a flu, It seems to be dengue.
P: doctor and is it very serious?
D: No, do not worry. I'll send you some tablets
P: How should I take them? Before my meals?
D: No, Better take them after you eat something. Ah, and for you allergy take
P: How often and for how many days?
D: One Tablet every six hours for 8 days.
P: ok, I will thank you Doctor, bye.
D: Good bye!

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